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Moon-walker Dr Edgar Mitchell Claims Alien Contact Cover-up

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  • #16
    Re: Moon-walker Dr Edgar Mitchell Claims Alien Contact Cover-up

    Funny how aliens that have the means to travel across light years can't figure out how to make themselves known to anyone other than government types, innit?

    Simpler explanation? He's completely lost the plot.


    • #17
      Re: Moon-walker Dr Edgar Mitchell Claims Alien Contact Cover-up

      Now on reuters

      Jul 27 - Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon, says aliens have been visiting the earth for the past sixty years.

      A veteran of the Apollo 14 mission, Mitchell also says world governments are aware of the alien visits, but have covered them up.

      NASA denies it is involved in an alien conspiracy or cover up.

      Andrew Potter reports.


      • #18
        Re: Moon-walker Dr Edgar Mitchell Claims Alien Contact Cover-up

        Originally posted by Rajiv View Post
        Now on reuters

        Jul 27 - Edgar Mitchell, the sixth man to walk on the moon, says aliens have been visiting the earth for the past sixty years.

        A veteran of the Apollo 14 mission, Mitchell also says world governments are aware of the alien visits, but have covered them up.

        NASA denies it is involved in an alien conspiracy or cover up.

        Andrew Potter reports.
        Mitchell gets his day in the sun that he has missed for decades since his walk on the moon, and Reuters gets some traffic. No harm done.

        No proof of alien visits, however.



        • #19
          Re: Moon-walker Dr Edgar Mitchell Claims Alien Contact Cover-up

          my favourite debunker, my favourite artist (Swizerlander HR Giger) .... it doesn't get better than this

          Did anyone else know or note the Geller angle? I've followed Randi for a while and if I ever knew about the Mitchell - SRI connection I had forgotten it long ago.
          Last edited by Spartacus; August 02, 2008, 01:50 AM.


          • #20
            Re: Moon-walker Dr Edgar Mitchell Claims Alien Contact Cover-up

            Nothing quite so entertaining as putting another good boot into a dead mule's prone carcass, eh Spartacus? Burnish the old "hard-headed" realist's credentials a bit? Puts a nice bit o' flourish and "panatch" onto the Friday evening come to think of it. This topic was an easy target for anyone yearning to stick the rapier of their presumed wit into the straw man. I dunno, maybe we should embalm it for posterity.


            • #21
              Re: Moon-walker Dr Edgar Mitchell Claims Alien Contact Cover-up

              hey, you see this ufo? these guys did... and you'd hardly guess they drink a beer or two on occasion...


              • #22
                Re: Moon-walker Dr Edgar Mitchell Claims Alien Contact Cover-up

                What is up with Larry King of Larry King Live fame and UFOs? It seems as if he does a full show on UFOs and aliens at least once a year.


                • #23
                  Re: Moon-walker Dr Edgar Mitchell Claims Alien Contact Cover-up

                  Originally posted by babbittd View Post
                  What is up with Larry King of Larry King Live fame and UFOs? It seems as if he does a full show on UFOs and aliens at least once a year.
                  ratings. americans are ill educated and delusional... they eat this ufo, commies gonna overrun us, terrarists gonna git us shit up all day long.


                  • #24
                    Re: Moon-walker Dr Edgar Mitchell Claims Alien Contact Cover-up

                    It was always thus. America from the 19th Century on has always had a strong streak of fantasy in it's culture. Jazz is quintessentially American, and it's lightheartedness springs from the core of fantasy. Americans in the 19th Century more than any other peoples invented new quasi-religious belief systems of the wildest fantasy - from electomagnetism to snake oil, to the more apparently sober minded Christian Science, to the most feverish forms of spiritism and belief systems literally populated by a pantheon of ghosts .

                    Looking at it's earliest examples you could almost get fooled int regarding them as elegantly quirky in their whimsicality, by virtue of being "old", like paddlewheel steamers, riverboat gamblers, snake oil salesmen, glamorised bank robbers and so forth. In modern times we get the more kitschefied phenomenons (although all have probably been as equally obsessed with money grubbing), like Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker (immortalised in formaldehyde by Frank Zappa's song, Jesus Thinks You're a Jerk, from the Broadway the Hard Way tour of 1988).

                    But the point is that the intensely viral gullibility of Americans today (so many believe in creationism that an average European would be left gaping at our credulity) is merely a robust extension of that cultural trait from the last Century, which gave us some pinnacles of the good kind of fantasy as well as the toxic varieties. Think of Fats Waller, and stride piano Jazz, or Ira Gershwin. Without that whimsical disdain for the "merely serious", we'd never have produced such geniuses exploring the world of fantasy.

                    Along with the quite evident idiots and nipple-heads going gaga over 21st Century popularised UFO'ism, mingled at it's fringes nauseatingly with spiritualism and the remnants of mangled religion, we have the Fats Wallers and the Ira Gershwins, and the Frank Lloyd Wrights and Mark Twain, and painters like Willem DeKooning and Cy Twombly. Pure fantasy at it's intellectually inspired best is the coolest thing since American sliced wonderbread! You gotta get with the program here!

                    Fantasy combined with intellect in it's arts has been one of America's most appealing cultural accomplishments in 225 odd years. We could conquer the world with Benny Goodman and Ira Gershwin, if the world would only stop to listen and fall in love with their love affair with fantasy. Once upon a time many did, but that light seems to be flickering out now. Oh yeah. And Dr. Mitchell may well have referred to some security restricted information which has still not been released. How the heck should we know, without the required security clearances?

