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Lydon lays it on the line!

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  • Lydon lays it on the line!

    He Back & he ROCKS!

  • #2
    Re: Lydon lays it on the line!

    laroche is a retard. please never post his stuff again.


    • #3
      Re: Lydon lays it on the line!

      Miker - can't say I much appreciate your posts about Lyndon Larouche. Best leave him alone mate, there's too much disinformation and poison in his writing, and people may start getting the wrong idea about where you are coming from. Not entertaining either.


      • #4
        Re: Lydon lays it on the line!

        Originally posted by Mega View Post
        mega stock crashes to zero. too bad... you invested so much to build it up and were doing so well.


        • #5
          Re: Lydon lays it on the line!

          Oh come on, He's FUN!
          I mean........"This is what "they" are going to do to you, but having watched this podcast "They" might change their plans.

          In other words if its doesn't happen its NOT because i was was part of "Their" plan!!

          Then he spend 30% of his time slagging off the British, using telecom system (invented by the British) via a Computer (Invented by the British) plugging his "Mag-lav" Train(Invented by the British).



          • #6
            Re: Lydon lays it on the line!

  ,%20Inc.%20-%20Britain's%20Opium%20War%20Against%20the%20U.S.% 20(major%20expose%20of%20global%20drug%20trade)%20 (1978).pdf


            • #7
              Re: Lydon lays it on the line!

              Sapiens, would you care to go on the record formally endorsing this posted document's conclusions? I must assume since you post it without comment that you find it's contents substantive? Please have the forthrightness to speak your mind. No need to hang back in the shadows without committing yourself to an unambiguous personal stance about this treatise, as you've expressly posted the link to suggest people read it.


              • #8
                Re: Lydon lays it on the line!

                I think he was just trying to point out some other things invented by the British -- in other words the "Opium Trade" and the "The Opium Monopoly"


                • #9
                  Re: Lydon lays it on the line!

                  That's an awfully lengthy and oblique way to point that out Rajiv. Why not let Sapiens provide his own explanation, rather than serving up sanitizing corollary explanations here. 350+ pages posted as a "read it", without a word of explanation as to the point?

                  If you guys find a treatise informative that includes this sort of bilge anywhere within it's content, I'll find myself staring at you from the other side of a rather large socio-political divide. This is the worst sort of tragi-comic, obscurantist toxic diarrhea. You want to position yourself as an apologist for any scrap of the commentary issued from the author of this sort of bilge, I don't envy you the task.:

                  The Elders of Zion

                  Romania became, in consequence, a nesting place for the most lurid form of Central European covert operations until the Second World War. The character of the political machine the Order of Zion installed in that country is perhaps best illustrated by the strong support Order of Zion elements gave to the Romanian Green Shirt Nazis, who seized power in Hitler's wake during the 1930s. (23) Romanian Jews show up prominently in American organized crime, as well as in the terrorist activities of the Israeli secret service, the Mossad.

                  The Order of Zion was simply the Jewish division of the Most Venerable Order of St. John of Jerusalem, the London-centered chivalric order and secret society, whose members swear — and act on — a blood oath. A secret meeting in Paris in 1884 yielded the famous minutes of the Order, published under the title, Protocols of the Elders of Zion. The minutes were intercepted and published by the Russian counterintelligence service, the Okhrana. (24) Probably, the decision to publish the captured minutes involved retaliation against the Order of Zion's role in fomenting a sweeping destabilization against the government of Russian Prime Minister Count Witte, whose government fell during the so-called 1905 Revolution.

                  Witte had sought an alliance with Germany and France against Britain on a program that included the industrial development of Russia. The question of the authenticity of the Protocols has been a matter of fierce, even hysterical dispute. The question may be settled with dispatch by a textual comparison between the oaths of the Order of Zion printed in the Protocols, and the blood-curdling oaths sworn by initiates into the fourth Grade of the Knights of Columbus of Mexico, which maintains close ties to the Jesuits and to the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, which reads in part as follows: (25)
                  Last edited by Contemptuous; July 24, 2008, 01:35 AM.

