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Let the Global Warming Wars commence again...

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  • #16
    Re: Let the Global Warming Wars commence again...

    Ice is increasing in the Antartic.

    The global warming "scientists" (on the grant gravy train) have been found to have fudged the figures to support their "desired" findings. Yes some anti global warmers have also taken money,
    but they haven't provided inaccurate data to support their thesis.

    Yes, we must reduce the use of fossil fuels. But where is the call among the global warmers for massive building of nuclear? Where is the call to use teleconferencing and other
    technological solutions? The supporters only wish to tax the middle class more and control more of what citizens do. The public is not buying the scam.
    nope - but as we're getting more of 'the picture' its starting to look like solving the problem isnt part of The Agenda, and nears eye can tell, it never was = just another money grab/re-distributionist scheme (or scam, like most of their others)

    it would be one thing if some of it was being re-distributed to the middle class, but we already know thats also PURE BS.

    HILARIOUS how the latest legal maneuvering on coal and in its resultant flurry of news (propaganda) how nobody even wants to bring up the N word (altho they're still getting plenty of press out of the other n word... every chance they can...)

    Originally posted by shiny! View Post
    I think c1ue left some time ago.
    yeah, havent seen him for months now - methinks his app thing must be heating up - wonder if this one is affecting his plans?
    Last edited by lektrode; June 30, 2014, 02:45 PM.


    • #17
      Re: Let the Global Warming Wars commence again...

      Peak Climate Change?

      Quite a remarkable turn around from the Labor Party's 2007 landslide victory platform under leader Kevin Rudd.

      Death of Australian Pollution Levy Marks First U-Turn on Climate

      Jul 18, 2014 6:54 AM MT

      Australia’s decision to repeal its levy limiting fossil-fuel pollution makes it the first nation to turn back from a market approach to fighting global warming.

      Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s government won final approval from Parliament yesterday to scrap a levy about 300 companies paid for their carbon dioxide emissions. The move leaves Australia, the largest polluter per capita among industrial nations, without a system for reducing greenhouse gases as it prepares to host a meeting of the Group of 20 nations...

      ...Abbott won a landslide election victory last year for his Liberal-National coalition that he said gave him a mandate to throw out the “toxic tax” on carbon, which was triple Europe’s carbon price. The government estimates the repeal will save the average family A$550 a year in lower electricity prices and make Australian companies more competitive.

      Australia’s climate law, passed in 2011 by the previous government, raised A$7.3 billion for the government last year. Companies such as BHP Billiton Ltd. (BHP), the biggest mining company, were to pay A$25.40 ($24) a ton this year, the world’s highest price for carbon permits. While Japan and Canada have backtracked on commitments to reduce greenhouse gases, only Australia has dismantled an established carbon-tax mechanism...

      Carbon price falls - Kevin Rudd’s day of shame

      17 JUL, 2:12 PM

      In defiance of the bulk of professional economist opinion, this government has succeeded in removing the carbon pricing scheme (a.k.a. carbon tax) today.

      The scheme is by no means ideal and it isn’t the be all and end all for controlling carbon pollution.

      Nonetheless, most economists seem to agree that putting a price on carbon would be the most efficient and effective way to reduce carbon pollution...

      ...Yet the scheme will be abandoned in an atmosphere of incredible political animosity and division. This is especially puzzling when back in 2007 and 2008 there was a remarkable political consensus. Both Labor and the Coalition, but also key business and environmental representative groups, were in agreement that pricing carbon should be the central response to lowering Australia’s emissions.

      What went wrong that led this to unravel so badly?

      Sure, Tony Abbott had a big part to play, but to a large extent the blame must fall on Labor’s Kevin Rudd.

      Philip Chubb, head of journalism as Monash University, and former national editor of the ABC’s 7.30 Report reveals in his book, Power Failure, some incredible character flaws that led Rudd to make some appalling mistakes that squandered the political consensus on carbon trading...

      ...It seemed as if the government simply took it for granted that its policy agenda would be enacted. Over 2008 and 2009 the Labor government didn’t seem to spend much time at all communicating to the public about how carbon pricing would impact on them personally and their communities, and how the potential negative impacts would be managed. And it left a vacuum ripe for exploitation by vested interests with assorted scare campaigns.

      The most shocking thing Chubb revealed, and the best illustration of how Rudd’s ego bordered on the delusional, was the attitude he took to the 2009 climate treaty negotiations in Copenhagen,

      Rudd went off to Copenhagen believing that he alone could solve the problems of the world, quite literally, and that he would come back in triumph as the leader of the world having secured a global agreement. And of course he came back not just empty handed, but completely devastated.

      This is truly incredible given what was obvious about the two major players – the US and China.

      For China to move, given their relatively low levels of income per person, they needed to see concrete action from the United States.

      And the reality was that while US President Obama was no doubt keen to do something meaningful on climate change, to follow through on any major initiative required passing the gauntlet of the US Congress. At the time of Copenhagen, Obama didn’t have an emissions trading scheme enacted (and none has passed the Congress since). Also, under the US constitution for an international treaty to become binding, Obama would have to obtain two-thirds approval from the Senate, which seemed incredibly unlikely.

      Yet somehow Rudd thought he himself could overcome this...


      • #18
        Re: Let the Global Warming Wars commence again...

        When a (warming) theory is flawed and data falsely manipulated to try to convince, you can no longer fool the citizenry.

        GW was simply another tax and spend, and control, ploy.


        • #19
          Re: Let the Global Warming Wars commence again...

          GW was simply another tax and spend, and control, ploy.
          Not incredibly relevant but I noticed this morning on Amazon that their Kindle can be rented for $10/month.

          We have seen the future and it's fees . . . .


          • #20
            Re: Let the Global Warming Wars commence again...

            Originally posted by don View Post
            Not incredibly relevant but I noticed this morning on Amazon that their Kindle can be rented for $10/month.

            We have seen the future and it's fees . . . .
            Yep, how else you going to keep the sheeple living pay cheque to pay cheque? If they actually owned something they might be able to eventually retire. And just imagine what a catastrophe to the global economic model THAT would present.

            ...And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
            O'er the land of the fee and the home of the slave.


            • #21
              Data vs IPCC

              he long-term trend of declining CO2 emissions per unit of energy supplied reversed after 2000. Global atmospheric concentrations of CO2, methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) have increased markedly as a result of human activities since 1750 and now far exceed pre-industrial values determined from ice cores spanning many thousands of years.
              IPCC via Fred

              This excerpt is very misleading.

              "Climate Scientists" is a highly selective and relatively small group of people, dependent on climate crisis ideology for funding. If you expand the category to geologists, you get a much wider range of opinon.

              Even within "climate science" the opinions are far from unanimous.

              Judith Curry
              Richard Lindzen

              Modern temperature records (actual thermometers) are only a few hundred years old. Anything earlier has to rely on tree rings, ice cores, etc, which give only local info. Never the less, there is no sign that this is an especially warm period or that the small temperature changes observed are due to human activities. For example, tree rings indicate that northern europe was warmer than now both during Roman times and the Medieval warming.
              There were huge temperature variations around the Younger Dryas that had nothing to do with fossil fuels.

              Regarding CO2 emissions,
              The annual non-human source and sink of CO2 is about 20X greater than the human output. Unless you think the natural sources and sinks are precisely balanced (and they are NOT) the human output is just a correction term.
              Further, observations of actual CO2 do not confirm (12 min) that it is coming from fossil fuels. CO2 concentration peaks in may and is minimal in September. Why would this be if it was dominated by human emissions?

              Actual data contradict conclusions based on computer simulations.


              • #22
                Re: Let the Global Warming Wars commence again...

                Shutting down debate on global warming:


                Of course it was never about real science; it was politics and taxation.

                Soon we may have to worry about something worse than a little higher temperatures:


                Big government's global warming hell may soon be frozen over.


                • #23
                  Re: Let the Global Warming Wars commence again...

                  We've been watching this since February 2008. From a thread started back then:

                  According to some Canadian scientists, the natural environment could serve up a surprise, as the sun may be entering a Maunder Minimum. An MM occurs every couple of centuries, and the previous MM occurred at the time of the Little Ice Age, a period of bitter cold between 1650 and 1715. The result was massive crop failures and famine.



                  • #24
                    the city journal article

                    Originally posted by vt View Post
                    Shutting down debate on global warming:


                    Of course it was never about real science; it was politics and taxation.

                    Soon we may have to worry about something worse than a little higher temperatures:


                    Big government's global warming hell may soon be frozen over.
                    The CJ article summarizes Salby very well. I have never seen a discussion of Co2 dynamics by the AGW people.


                    • #25
                      Re: Let the Global Warming Wars commence again...



                      • #26
                        Re: Let the Global Warming Wars commence again...


                        Last edited by vt; August 31, 2014, 06:06 PM.


                        • #27
                          Re: Let the Global Warming Wars commence again...

                          Just a timeline. No viewpoint either way on the issue.



                          • #28
                            Re: Let the Global Warming Wars commence again...

                            I'd say it definitely has a "viewpoint", but it's interesting information.


                            • #29
                              Re: Let the Global Warming Wars commence again...

                              Originally posted by vt View Post
                              Just a timeline. No viewpoint either way on the issue.

                              Now: The global mean temperature has fallen for four years in a row, which is why you stopped hearing details about the actual global temperature
                              Of course it's not just a timeline, it's a lie, or in your vernacular, bullshit. The rubbish you post on this site is inexcusable. At least this worthless post is where it belongs.


                              • #30
                                Re: Let the Global Warming Wars commence again...

                                Originally posted by santafe2 View Post
                                Of course it's not just a timeline, it's a lie, or in your vernacular, bullshit. The rubbish you post on this site is inexcusable. At least this worthless post is where it belongs.

                                Instead of the imaginary "pause" crap, now there's this:


