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Europe's LEAP/2020 group current bulletin reads like a *bad acid trip*

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  • #16
    Re: Europe's LEAP/2020 group current bulletin reads like a *bad acid trip*

    Originally posted by Nicolasd View Post
    Hockey unites and divides at the same time the englo's and the frenchies
    All through the 1970's as the separatist cause was heating up in the interval between the 1970 FLQ crisis and the 1980 referendum, I came to think that the one thing that really held the country together was hockey. More specifically the Toronto Maple Leafs. They were such a lousy team they kept the country together almost single-handedly, by rarely ever beating the Habs thus avoiding yet another national incident due to English "humiliation" of Quebec. (With Lafleur, Cournoyer, Lemaire, the Mahovlich brothers, Gainey and Dryden who could beat them, other than maybe the Bruins on a good night)
    Last edited by GRG55; July 21, 2008, 12:45 AM.


    • #17
      Re: Europe's LEAP/2020 group current bulletin reads like a *bad acid trip*

      Il ne me fait aucune différence. Tous les Canadiens sont également fous à mon avis. Hockey sur glace? Je préférerais perdre certaines de mes dents au bureau de mon dentiste, merci beaucoup! Au moins il emploie l'anesthésique. Crazy Canadian ice-hockey-mad Loonie-tunes.


      • #18
        Re: Europe's LEAP/2020 group current bulletin reads like a *bad acid trip*

        Originally posted by Lukester View Post
        Il ne me fait aucune différence. Tous les Canadiens sont également fous à mon avis. Hockey sur glace? Je préférerais perdre certaines de mes dents au bureau de mon dentiste, merci beaucoup! Au moins il emploie l'anesthésique. Crazy Canadian ice-hockey-mad Loonie-tunes.


        • #19
          Re: Europe's LEAP/2020 group current bulletin reads like a *bad acid trip*

          Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
          All through the 1970's as the separatist cause was heating up in the interval between the 1970 FLQ crisis and the 1980 referendum, I came to think that the one thing that really held the country together was hockey. More specifically the Toronto Maple Leafs. They were such a lousy team they kept the country together almost single-handedly, by rarely ever beating the Habs thus avoiding yet another national incident due to English "humiliation" of Quebec. (With Lafleur, Cournoyer, Lemaire, the Mahovlich brothers, Gainey and Dryden who could beat them, other than maybe the Bruins on a good night)

          This is a nice observation. Nowadays, Quebec stays tightly knitted against ROC (Rest of Canada) when the Habs takes on the Ottawa Senators or the Maple Leafs .(altough the Maple Leafs stripped the Habs spring 2006 from their ticket to the play-offs on the last game of the season).

          For the Olympics or the Junior world championships , I would say we leave the provincial debate on the side for the duration of the game and enjoy defeating the US teams whichever gender we take on ;)


          • #20
            Re: Europe's LEAP/2020 group current bulletin reads like a *bad acid trip*

            Originally posted by Lukester View Post
            Il ne me fait aucune différence. Tous les Canadiens sont également fous à mon avis. Hockey sur glace? Je préférerais perdre certaines de mes dents au bureau de mon dentiste, merci beaucoup! Au moins il emploie l'anesthésique. Crazy Canadian ice-hockey-mad Loonie-tunes.

            Oh yeah ? I suppose you have the ability to turn a blind eye on the "coup de boule" incident by Zidane during the 2006 soccer cup final (France vs Italy) in 2006 while you celebrated victory dancing on tables ? :eek: :p


            • #21
              Re: Europe's LEAP/2020 group current bulletin reads like a *bad acid trip*

              Now I'm going to tell you where it's all really at, Nico: Italy are the greatest national soccer team in all of history, even in all the history of the whole universe and all the parallel universes. ( ;) ).

              They would have cleaned France's clock even if Zidane hadn't responded to the Italian player's insult to his mother ( :rolleyes: ). Of course you know that the Italian player who "provoked" Zidane merely executed a piece of classic psychological warfare as taught to the Italian national team for decades.

              This is a special Italian "secret" strategy.

              When you are in the world cup in the final minutes and the victory is not yet decisive, it's time to roll out the serious "Psy Ops" strategies! A classic manoeuver. This is why the Italians are the best national team in the Universe, because they know how to "push Zidane's buttons".

              And regarding this year's UEFA playofffs? The reason the Italians have not won it is due to a dark and sinister international conspiracy. I know all the sordid details but I cannot divulge them here because "they" (the Freemason/Bilderberger/Soccer game-riggers) have sworn me to secrecy. It was a dark and dirty conspiracy, you can be sure of it. :cool:

              And yes, I was down at the "Shakespeare" British pub here in San Diego during Italy's most glorious World Cup win and as I was about to climb onto one of the dinner tables to do a victory dance a couple of uncouth British bouncers threw me out for disturbance of the peace. So I had to dance in the parking lot, but victory was still sweet!


              • #22
                Re: Europe's LEAP/2020 group current bulletin reads like a *bad acid trip*

                Ok I am easy , I will go conspiracy theory :rolleyes:

