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Europe's LEAP/2020 group current bulletin reads like a *bad acid trip*

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  • Europe's LEAP/2020 group current bulletin reads like a *bad acid trip*

    GEAB N°26 is available! LEAP/E2020 Summer 2008 Alert – July-December 2008: The world plunges into the heart of the global systemic crisis
    - Public announcement GEAB N°26 (Summer 2008 Special Edition - 31 pages!) -

    On the occasion of this 26th – Summer 2008 Special – edition of the Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin, the LEAP/E2020 team has decided to launch an alert on the July-December 2008 period. Indeed, our team is now convinced that this period will consist for the whole world in a major plunge into the heart of the phase of impact of the global systemic crisis. The upcoming six months are in fact the core of the unfolding crisis. The troubles met in the past six months were mere harbingers.

    US consumer confidence index (1978-05/2008) – Source: / Conference Board

    In the next semester indeed, all the components of the crisis (financial, monetary, economic, strategic, social, political… ones) will converge at the height of their intensity (1). Avoiding to repeat a description of the various sequences already anticipated in the previous editions of the GEAB, our researchers have decided to describe the trends that will be at work in the world's main regions in the next six months. Therefore they analyse eight fundamental processes that will mark the next semester and affect decisively the years 2009-2010, i.e.:

    1. A Dollar in distress (EUR 1 = USD 1.75 at the end of 2008): Panic-fear of a US currency and economy collapse eats into the American collective psyche

    2. Global financial system: An impossible requirement – placing Washington under international trusteeship – provokes the system's break

    3. European Union: The periphery sinks into the recession, the Eurozone only slows down

    4. Asia: The « double whammy » inflation/export-collapse

    5. Latin America: Difficulties increase but growth remains steady in most parts of the region, Mexico and Argentina in crisis

    6. Arab world: Pro-Western regimes go adrift / 60 percent risk of socio-political explosion on Egypt-Morocco axis

    7. Iran: 70 percent probability of an attack by October 2008 confirmed

    8. Banks/Speculative bubbles: When bubbles collide

    In parallel, LEAP/E2020 presents five strategic advices for the intention of central banks, governments and regulatory authorities, aimed at reducing and channelling the very bad consequences of the phase of impact of the crisis.

    As to private investors, LEAP/E2020 develops in this 26th issue of the GEAB, a series of 8 operational advices for them to avoid committing fatal mistakes in the course of the next semester.

    For this public announcement, LEAP/E2020 chose to present its anticipation on the upcoming break of the global financial system.

    Global financial system: An impossible requirement – placing Washington under international trusteeship – provokes the system's break

    Who owns the US debt? – Source: Fincher

    Washington's decision to raise the bids for the return to a « strong Dollar », by compelling Ben Bernanke to intervene, bears the seeds of an acceleration of the global financial system's breaking process (2).

    Ben Bernanke is indeed the last wall before the largest US currency and asset owners become fully aware of the fact that Washington no longer has the means of its monetary policy. What used to be a deliberate policy of currency drop (when it was decided to stop publishing M3 in March 2006, as announced by LEAP/E2020) in order to reduce the country's trade deficits and the real value (for themselves) of the their debt (labelled in Dollar), turned against its perpetrators entailing a major outflow (capital outflow, steadiness of trade deficits, soaring inflation...). The « Bernanke » card is the last « psychological » card Washington can play. The fact of using it proves that US leaders have reached the last limits of what they can do to hold back their partners into the system founded after 1945 and based on the US economy and currency (3).

    In a few weeks time (after the next G8- and other organisations-meetings have taken place), when it will be confirmed that there is no way to stabilise the US currency (not to mention the eccentric idea of pushing it up) because the US economy is sinking always deeper into the recession and because the world is already filled with US Dollars no one knows what to do with, then the global financial system will burst out in various sub-systems trying to survive as much as they can before a new global financial equilibrium is found (4). As he is embarking on this road to nowhere, consciously or not, voluntarily or not, Ben Bernanke is signing the end of the current financial system. The return to a “strong Dollar” is a bit like the « liberation of Iraq » : wishful thinking turning into a nightmare.

    The inverted pyramid of global liquidity - Sources: Bank of International Settlements / Independent Strategy

    As a matter of fact, if Washington really intended to stabilise the Dollar or, more ambitiously, to push it up against the other currencies, there would only be one way (5), in two parts: raising significantly the Fed's interest rates, and lowering drastically the pace of money printing. But if the government decided to implement this type of policy, the US economy (both real and financial) stops dead a few weeks after : the real estate market falls to zero by lack of affordable credit and as a result of soaring interests on Adjustable Rate Mortgage loans, consumption becomes negative (i.e. shrinks back each month), corporate failures multiply exponentially, Wall Street collapses under the burden of innumerable debts and succumbs to the instantaneous implosion of the CDS market due to counterparties default...

    Such a series of events, sure to happen if Washington implements a voluntary policy of dollar-rescue, is probably unacceptable by the US authorities. Therefore, apart from talking – and further self-discrediting – they cannot do anything. The method used in the past decades is no longer available: no one will accept to buy large amounts of Dollars in order to rescue the US currency if some voluntary policy (like the one described previously) is not implemented by Washington. As they will not do it, the rest of the world will draw its own conclusions: everyman for himself, knowing that from mid-August onward, as Beijing is relieved from the constraint of the Olympic Games, a large number of “tough” options (6), put on the back burner until the Games, will resurface (7).


    (1) For a more detailed calendar of these trends, see GEAB N°18.

    (2) The Bank of International Settlements is beginning to worry about a risk of global Great Depression. Source: Banking Times, 06/09/2008

    (3) Source: Euro Pacific Capital, 05/23/2008

    (4) On this subject, read in GEAB N°26 our advice to central banks, governments and regulatory authorities.

    (5) We will disregard the other option consisting in bombing the ECB, the Bank of China and the Bank of Japan.

    (6) Source: ContreInfo, 04/21/2008

    (7) As Russia is becoming the largest oil-producer - before Saudi Arabia - in the world, the balance of power on the oil market is also changing a lot. Source: Times of India, 06/12/2008

  • #2
    Re: Europe's LEAP/2020 group current bulletin reads like a *bad acid trip*

    Does anyone actually pay to subscribe to LEAP/2020? I'm curious what the rest of their report reads. However, their subscription rates are steep and I suspect that if you are familiar with the investment themes written by Puplava, EJ, Jim Sinclair, Dr. Hudson, and others, you probably already know the answer on what you need to do.


    • #3
      Re: Europe's LEAP/2020 group current bulletin reads like a *bad acid trip*

      Originally posted by dbarberic View Post
      Does anyone actually pay to subscribe to LEAP/2020? I'm curious what the rest of their report reads. However, their subscription rates are steep and I suspect that if you are familiar with the investment themes written by Puplava, EJ, Jim Sinclair, Dr. Hudson, and others, you probably already know the answer on what you need to do.
      i subscribed for a year and decided not to renew for precisely that reason.


      • #4
        Re: Europe's LEAP/2020 group current bulletin reads like a *bad acid trip*

        I read two or three of their bulletins a year ago when they were making a coming-out splash, and panned it. Lot of attention grabbing, mildly hysterical overstating going on. Of course all of these overblown services charge a lot _ that is a classic hallmark of intelligence services that think the world of themselves. I've subscribed to enough of them over the years on a trial basis to understand the chutzpah out of which these people operate.

        One guy who is particularly egregious for example is Jim Shepherd, who charges I think $500 a year for one of the most truly garbagey investment advisories. He made millions shorting the stock market in the 1987 crash because his "model" accurately predicted it, and he placed his clients in bonds thereafter making them a tidy return during the bond bull market of the 1980's and 1990's.

        Nowadays he's a broken record. He's forecasting DAFLATION, and has kept his clients in bonds ever since year 2000, while periodically crowing about their 80% return in the past 7.5 years, or something to that effect - all accomplished brilliantly while the USD in which they were collecting this fabulous return was evaporating.

        Meanwhile these poor idiots are paying him $600 a year while the worm is turning and we are heading into an utterly corrosive environment for the USD, and this guy regularly emits newsletters adept at spooking his clients about any investment other than bonds, which he promises will lead them to untold riches as the "deflation unfolds".

        After having subscribed for a year due to a momentary lapse of cognitive faculties (I think it's called a brain-fart) I am left today, years later, with a yearning desire to post a couple of iTulip editorial extracts to his website where his sheep like subscribers could actually read and understand just how toxic his expensive advice is getting for them.

        Bottom line, ALL of these services (of course LEAP/2020 is far and away better than Jim Shepherd) have a lofty opinion of the unassailable correctness of their views, such that they feel empowered to charge the public dearly for a glimpse of their wisdom on the markets. I'd like to give Mr. Jim Shepherd in particular an administration of boots in the "derriere" for all the personal-conceit-money he's collected for this brand of advice over the past seven years.


        • #5
          Re: Europe's LEAP/2020 group current bulletin reads like a *bad acid trip*

          Originally posted by Lukester View Post
          I read two or three of their bulletins a year ago when they were making a coming-out splash, and panned it. Lot of attention grabbing, mildly hysterical overstating going on. Of course all of these overblown services charge a lot _ that is a classic hallmark of intelligence services that think the world of themselves. I've subscribed to enough of them over the years on a trial basis to understand the chutzpah out of which these people operate.

          One guy who is particularly egregious for example is Jim Shepherd, who charges I think $500 a year for one of the most truly garbagey investment advisories. He made millions shorting the stock market in the 1987 crash because his "model" accurately predicted it, and he placed his clients in bonds thereafter making them a tidy return during the bond bull market of the 1980's and 1990's.

          Nowadays he's a broken record. He's forecasting DAFLATION, and has kept his clients in bonds ever since year 2000, while periodically crowing about their 80% return in the past 7.5 years, or something to that effect - all accomplished brilliantly while the USD in which they were collecting this fabulous return was evaporating.

          Meanwhile these poor idiots are paying him $600 a year while the worm is turning and we are heading into an utterly corrosive environment for the USD, and this guy regularly emits newsletters adept at spooking his clients about any investment other than bonds, which he promises will lead them to untold riches as the "deflation unfolds".

          After having subscribed for a year due to a momentary lapse of cognitive faculties (I think it's called a brain-fart) I am left today, years later, with a yearning desire to post a couple of iTulip editorial extracts to his website where his sheep like subscribers could actually read and understand just how toxic his expensive advice is getting for them.

          Bottom line, ALL of these services (of course LEAP/2020 is far and away better than Jim Shepherd) have a lofty opinion of the unassailable correctness of their views, such that they feel empowered to charge the public dearly for a glimpse of their wisdom on the markets. I'd like to give Mr. Jim Shepherd in particular an administration of boots in the "derriere" for all the personal-conceit-money he's collected for this brand of advice over the past seven years.
          hysterical french lefties. can't you just see them smoking and drinking wine and talking in serious tones about the anticipation... a word they are in the habit of using as a noun. the french say everything like it matters, the brits like everything is a joke.


          • #6
            Re: Europe's LEAP/2020 group current bulletin reads like a *bad acid trip*

            Originally posted by metalman View Post
            hysterical french lefties. can't you just see them smoking and drinking wine and talking in serious tones about the anticipation... a word they are in the habit of using as a noun.
            Yes but we can't do without them. What would being an American mean if one didn't have Europeans to react against? Besides, when it comes to quality of life, the French have the inside track and are about three laps ahead of ALL of us. Even when they are poor and destitute (e.g. after WWII) they lived with a lot of style. Italians and Spaniards come second. The Brits and we poor misbegotten Americans arrive at the tail end. At least the Brits have good beer. Our national beer brands? They are a sad whimper, emitted from the deathbed of civilized gastronomy.

            Have you ever smoked a Gauloise sans-filtre, while sipping a good burgundy in an old-time cafe, nibbling heavenly cheeses and exchanging ideas and cynicisms with friends? Never felt more alive than then, although sadly I have had to give up the Gauloises. (Now I'm sure I've earned the everlasting hatred of every Briton on these pages, as they are hopelessly jealous of that certain "quality of life" which the French know how to invent.) What's left for us Americans? Well, we have the Constitution, and that's not a bad piece of work, although it's getting a little threadbare.

            But hey, one of these days we are going to get all fired up about that, all over again and dust it off, and it will gleam again. Then even those watery ice-cube Canadians will like us again, eh?


            • #7
              Re: Europe's LEAP/2020 group current bulletin reads like a *bad acid trip*

              Originally posted by Lukester View Post
              Yes but we can't do without them. What would being an American mean if one didn't have Europeans to react against? Besides, when it comes to quality of life, the French have the inside track and are about three laps ahead of ALL of us. Even when they are poor and destitute (e.g. after WWII) they lived with a lot of style. Italians and Spaniards come second. The Brits and we poor misbegotten Americans arrive at the tail end. At least the Brits have good beer. Our national beer brands? They are a sad whimper, emitted from the deathbed of civilized gastronomy.

              Have you ever smoked a Gauloise sans-filtre, while sipping a good burgundy in an old-time cafe, nibbling heavenly cheeses and exchanging ideas and cynicisms with friends? Never felt more alive than then, although sadly I have had to give up the Gauloises. (Now I'm sure I've earned the everlasting hatred of every Briton on these pages, as they are hopelessly jealous of that certain "quality of life" which the French know how to invent.) What's left for us Americans? Well, we have the Constitution, and that's not a bad piece of work, although it's getting a little threadbare.

              But hey, one of these days we are going to get all fired up about that, all over again and dust it off, and it will gleam again. Then even those watery ice-cube Canadians will like us again, eh?
              a toast... that we shall all learn to be more french in life, more irish in literature, more british in wit, more african in heart, more italian in passion, more korean in persistence, more japanese in method, more chinese in accomplishment, and as american in inventiveness always.


              • #8
                Re: Europe's LEAP/2020 group current bulletin reads like a *bad acid trip*

                Originally posted by metalman View Post
                a toast... that we shall all learn to be more french in life, more irish in literature, more british in wit, more african in heart, more italian in passion, more korean in persistence, more japanese in method, more chinese in accomplishment, and as american in inventiveness always.
                ... more mexican in adaptability and working stamina...
                Attention: Electronics Engineer Learning Economics.


                • #9
                  Re: Europe's LEAP/2020 group current bulletin reads like a *bad acid trip*

                  Originally posted by ocelotl View Post
                  ... more mexican in adaptability and working stamina...
                  a toast... that we shall all learn to be more french in life, more irish in literature, more british in wit, more african in heart, more italian in passion, more korean in persistence, more japanese in method, more chinese in accomplishment, more mexican in adaptability and working stamina, and as american in inventiveness always.

                  hope we keep adding to it.


                  • #10
                    Re: Europe's LEAP/2020 group current bulletin reads like a *bad acid trip*

                    Metalman what ever happened to those drawing room manners you teach at the Metalman Finishing School and Academy for Fine Mannered Ladies and Gents [TM]? You forgot about our OTHER neighbors, the Canadians. Remember the Canadians, with all that oil tar they are sitting on?

                    Uh, why are they all turning their backs to us like that? ...

                    Last edited by Contemptuous; July 16, 2008, 03:52 AM.


                    • #11
                      Re: Europe's LEAP/2020 group current bulletin reads like a *bad acid trip*

                      Originally posted by Lukester View Post
                      Metalman what ever happened to those drawing room manners you teach at the Metalman Finishing School and Academy for Fine Mannered Ladies and Gents [TM]? You forgot about our OTHER neighbors, the Canadians. Remember the Canadians, with all that oil tar they are sitting on?

                      Uh, why are they all turning their backs to us like that? ...

                      canada: the hospitality of the english with the efficiency of the french.

                      seriously, what is canada's national trait?


                      • #12
                        Re: Europe's LEAP/2020 group current bulletin reads like a *bad acid trip*

                        Originally posted by metalman View Post
                        canada: the hospitality of the english with the efficiency of the french.

                        seriously, what is canada's national trait?
                        Not very sure in a low energy future.

                        Personal anecdote: Went to Ottawa for training on some equipment, and after the hands on training, suddenly I found myself discussing about setup of other equipment they were using and that I did know, and after that somehow I was helping with a robotic 1.2 m satellite dish outside of the manufacturing facility at -5° F... :rolleyes:
                        Attention: Electronics Engineer Learning Economics.


                        • #13
                          Re: Europe's LEAP/2020 group current bulletin reads like a *bad acid trip*

                          Originally posted by metalman View Post
                          canada: the hospitality of the english with the efficiency of the french.

                          seriously, what is canada's national trait?
                          Technically it's a nation...

                          In reality Canadian citizens reaction to their own country is an eclectic mix of aloofness learned from the British, and Quebecois disdain inherited from the French...;)
                          400 years of French culture celebrated in Quebec City

                          Friday, July 4, 2008
                          QUEBEC CITY -- Quebec City celebrates on Thursday its founding on July 3, 1608, and also 400 years of French-speaking peoples in North America.

                          A day of speeches and concerts are scheduled in this eastern Canadian city and provincial capital, but the party itself will keep going through October with performances by Celine Dion and Paul McCartney...

                          ...Quebec separatists meanwhile have criticized Canada's federal government for suggesting the festivities are not just a celebration of Quebec City's roots, but also a celebration of the beginnings of Canada...

                          And in today's news:

                          McCartney tells upset Quebec separatists to smoke peace pipe
                          By Michel Comte AFP - Friday, July 18 06:05 pm
                          OTTAWA (AFP) - Sir Paul McCartney has told Quebec separatists to "smoke the pipes of peace" amid controversy over his upcoming performance on Sunday to mark Quebec City's 400th anniversary, media said Friday.

                          The ex-Beatle is headlining the year-long celebrations, and some Quebecers lament his participation evokes painful memories of English hegemony, centuries after the French outpost was lost in battle to the British Crown.

                          "I think it's time to, you know, smoke the pipes of peace and to just put away your hatchets," McCartney said in an interview with public broadcaster CBC, as separatists and federalists bickered over the meaning of his show...

                          ...But 35 local artists and politicians said in an open letter that the marquee spot for McCartney's show on the Plains of Abraham smacked of another British invasion.

                          On the fields outside the stone walls of the old city, General James Wolfe defeated General Louis-Joseph de Montcalm in 1759 to secure control of New France for the British.

                          "The presence of your English-language music on the most majestic part of Battlefields Park, as beautiful as it might be, can't help but bring back painful memories of our conquest," Quebec City painter and sculptor Luc Archambault said in his open letter to McCartney...
                          More [if you can stomach it]...

                          Last edited by GRG55; July 18, 2008, 09:35 PM.


                          • #14
                            Re: Europe's LEAP/2020 group current bulletin reads like a *bad acid trip*

                            Oh, and when we're not carping about our country here's something else we're good at...

                            ...keeping ancient equipment in service and trying to help out our neighbours to the south [who we also like to complain about a lot ]

                            Nobody knows how to do more with obsolete equipment than Canadians. Just ask anyone in our military.

                            One of the Coulson Flying Tankers Martin Mars water bombers at Shasta Lake fighting the recent wildfires near Redding, California. This aircraft is normally based at Sproat Lake, on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. I remember an aircraft identical to this one (perhaps same one) repeatedly thundering low over my suburban Vancouver home in the mid-60's while fighting a Rayonier Corporation mill fire on the Fraser River.

                            President George W. Bush views a firefighting plane via helicopter on an inspection tour of wildfire damage and response in Redding, California, July 17, 2008.

                            Taking up water on Lake Shasta...

                            The most frequently asked question regarding the Mars is "How do they pick up their water?". This part of the flying operation is, perhaps, the most demanding in terms of teamwork among the crew. The Captain executes a normal landing, keeps the the aircraft "on the step" and allows the speed to decrease to 70 knots. He then passes engine power to the Flight Engineer and selects the scoops to the "down" position. The ram pressure for injecting the water into the tanks is such that the aircraft is taking on water at a rate in excess of a ton per second. To account for this added weight, the Flight Engineer must advance the throttles to maintain a skimming speed of 60-70 knots to ensure the aircraft remains on the step. Pickup time is, on average, 25 seconds. When the tanks are full, the Captain will have the scoops raised, call for takeoff power from the Flight Engineer and carry out a normal loaded takeoff.

                            How's the fishing?

                            These aircraft burn a very cool 780 US gallons per hour of high octane tax-payer funded aviation gasoline (not kerosene) during fire-fighting operations (talk about Peak Oil meets Global Warming), and can operate continuously for 5.5 hours before refueling. Typical cycle, depending on distance between water source and drop zone, is 4 pick-ups and drops per hour. Largest operational piston engined, propeller driven water bomber ever.

                            Designed and manufactured by the Glenn L. Martin Company, who also designed and built the famous Pan American Flying Clipper boats, the B-26 Marauder, continued as Martin Marietta Corporation during the heyday of the space program, and whose name still lives on today as part of Lockheed Martin.

                            Figured we needed a weekend diversion from all the doom and gloom, bank failures, market manipulations, political grandstanding, TEOTWAWKI stuff.

                            OK. Time's up. Back to regular programming...
                            Last edited by GRG55; July 18, 2008, 11:53 PM.


                            • #15
                              Re: Europe's LEAP/2020 group current bulletin reads like a *bad acid trip*

                              Hockey unites and divides at the same time the englo's and the frenchies

