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KKucinich delivering impeachment articles against George W. Bush

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  • KKucinich delivering impeachment articles against George W. Bush

    A few moments ago, (approximately 7:30 p.m. EDT), Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich took to the floor of the House of Representatives to present 35 Articles of Impeachment against George W. Bush. The House session is being televised live on C-SPAN.

  • #2
    Re: Kucinich delivering impeachment articles against George W. Bush

    Originally posted by Rajiv View Post
    A few moments ago, (approximately 7:30 p.m. EDT), Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich took to the floor of the House of Representatives to present 35 Articles of Impeachment against George W. Bush. The House session is being televised live on C-SPAN.
    notice how the camera stays on him? no one else is shown to be there. no record that any other member of CONgress witnessed the event...

    totally... on... his... own.


    • #3
      Re: Kucinich delivering impeachment articles against George W. Bush

      Not really! for the first two hours (currently in its 4th hour -- He started at 7:10 ET) Marcy Kaptur was sitting right behind him -- also video for the first five minutes on Raw story
      Last edited by Rajiv; June 09, 2008, 11:39 PM.


      • #4
        Kucinich threatens 60 impeachment articles if Judiciary doesn’t act

        Kucinich threatens 60 impeachment articles if Judiciary doesn’t act.

        Kucinich tells us he’s giving the House Judiciary Committee 30 days to act on his resolution proposing 35 articles of impeachment against President Bush or else he’ll raise even more hell on the House floor. Thirty-five articles was just the tip of the iceberg. If Judiciary does nothing, he’ll go back to the House floor next month armed with nearly twice as many articles.


        • #5
          Re: KKucinich delivering impeachment articles against George W. Bush

          The full impeachment articles and their supporting documentation can be read here.

 The House voted 251-166 to send the Ohio Democrat's impeachment resolution to committee, a maneuver that allows the Democratic leadership to freeze the measure indefinitely.
          Forget the cameras, Pelosi and Conyers told Kucinich to stuff it up his ass.

          WASHINGTON — Tough to say which was the lonelier moment in the House last week – when Democratic Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio read his new Bush impeachment resolution on a quiet Monday as lawmakers were still flying back to town, or when the clerk was then required to read it into the record on Tuesday night.


          • #6
            Re: KKucinich delivering impeachment articles against George W. Bush

            Also Elizabeth de la Vega's take on the articles of impeachment

            Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment: A Three-Part Guide - Now With Part II

            click on the images to go to the pdfs

            It is entirely possible to be a reasonably well-informed citizen of the United States and not know that on June 9, 2008, Representative Dennis Kucinich (D. Ohio) took to the floor of the House of Representatives and spent over four hours reading thirty-five Articles of Impeachment against President George W. Bush.

            Even worse, it is not merely possible, but likely, that the vast majority of people who have been more than willing to ignore or ridicule those charges have not read them. Or, if they have read them, they have found the allegations and citations so overwhelming they just switch off their minds. Perhaps surprisingly, I understand this phenomenon quite well. I spent many years attempting to present complex and disturbing information to people in the context of criminal indictments and cases. And the truth is that legal documents are confusing to everyone, including lawyers. Much as I hate to admit it, for example, I have never been able to plow through our family will, so for all I know, our very meager estate has been designated by my husband to be held in trust for the care and feeding of ferrets.

            But the House Judiciary Committee does not, of course, have the luxury of being so cavalier. For the past seven years, we have watched as evidence of President Bush’s deceit, contempt of Congress and abuse of power has piled up like rank seaweed on a beach. We cannot, in this summer of 2008, simply step around it and pretend it’s not there. There is a constitutional process to follow and we must follow it. If the threat of terrorism is not a reason to disregard the constitution – and it is not – then surely neither is an election.

            So I have decided to offer some help, a modest contribution in the one area I know best: the presentation of charges. It’s a Three-Part Guide to the Articles of Impeachment. There is nothing fancy here -- no sarcasm, no vitriol and no cynicism. Part I is a chart that itemizes the Articles of Impeachment with a subheading and a longer description. Part II is also a chart which itemizes U.S. and international laws that are implicated by the charges in the Articles of Impeachment. (Quite properly, not every impeachable offense is based on a specific legal violation.) In Part III, to come early next week, I will present an opening statement setting forth - just as a prosecutor would do before a trial -what the evidence would show with regard to these allegations.

            Forward them around, if you would. At the very least – before we decide to ignore it --we should all clearly and unflinchingly apprehend the nature and scope of this executive misconduct and its consequent human misery and damage to our country.
            Part I:
            Part II:
            Part III: Coming next week
            Copyright © 2008 Elizabeth de la Vega

            Elizabeth de la Vega is a former federal prosecutor with more than 20 years of experience. During her tenure, she was a member of the Organized Crime Strike Force and chief of the San Jose Branch of the US attorney's office for the Northern District of California.
            The author of "United States v. George W. Bush et al," she may be contacted at or through Speakers Clearinghouse.


            • #7
              Re: KKucinich delivering impeachment articles against George W. Bush

              Part III: Opening Statement to the House Judiciary Committee Regarding the Articles of Impeachment

              I want to speak to you about the Articles of Impeachment Congressman Dennis Kucinich introduced on June 9, 2008. There are, as you know, thirty-five of them and they allege violations of just about as many U.S. and international laws.

              When I first sat down to write this statement, I planned to discuss the evidence and the law that relates to some of those violations, just as I would do if I were presenting a case to a jury at the beginning of a trial. But I’ve decided not to do that. Instead, I am going to follow the wise counsel Abigail Adams gave to her husband John and just speak plainly.

              I believe that most of you know what the evidence would show.

              You know that the President has admitted violating the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. You know that the President of the United States has admitted committing a crime, but there has been no consequence.

              You know that the President has caused his subordinates and agents to refuse to comply with duly-authorized subpoenas from Congress. It has happened over and over again.

              And many of you are lawyers, some former prosecutors and even judges: You know what the law says about criminal responsibility. Under the law of the United States, anyone who “willfully causes an act to be done which if directly performed by him or another” or who “aids, abets, counsels, commands, induces or procures” the commission of an act is just as culpable as the person who commits the act. That is not some strange legal theory -- it’s what your professors would have called “black-letter law.”
              I’m thinking about this elementary rule of criminal law as I write today -- June 26, 2008. Because I’m listening to some of you question the infamous former Office of Legal Counsel Attorney John Yoo and the Vice-President’s lawyer David Addington. And even as you ask tough and often heated questions about secret legal opinions memos and definitions of torture, I have no doubt most of you know that none of this horrific reign of terror on the part of the United States would have occurred if President Bush had not signed a memo on February 7, 2002 declaring that Al Qaeda and Taliban prisoners would not be protected by the Geneva Conventions.

              I know, in other words, that most of you are well aware that the President is responsible -- factually, legally and as a matter of common sense -- for the torture and abuse of prisoners that has occurred as a result of his authorization.

              You also know that the President has himself deceived us and caused others to deceive us about this torture and so many other things: nuclear weapons in Iraq, Iraq and 9/11, the alleged threat from Saddam Hussein, a possible threat from Iran, illegal detentions, nuclear weapons, money, death and injury to our own soldiers, government contracts, the response to Hurricane Katrina, our civil liberties, our voting rights, the cost of Medicare, the firing of U.S. Attorneys, the very air that we breathe.

