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Jokes Thread

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  • Re: Jokes Thread

    Originally posted by flintlock View Post
    Note to self, "Get pop up business card".

    I bet Lenny Dykstra has some. He just stiffed the printer, and is being sued.:eek:


    • Re: Jokes Thread


      Go placidly
      Amid the noise and waste.
      And remember what comfort there may be
      In owning a piece thereof.

      Avoid quiet and passive persons
      Unless you are in need of sleep.

      Ro-tate your tires.

      Speak glowingly of those greater than yourself
      And heed well their advice,
      Even though they be turkeys.

      Know what to kiss.....and when!

      Consider that two wrongs never make a right
      But that

      Wherever possible, put people on hold.

      Be comforted that in the face of all aridity and disillusionment
      And despite the changing fortunes of time,
      There is always a big future in computer main-te-nance.


      You are a fluke
      Of the universe.
      You have no right to be here.
      And whether you can hear it or not
      The universe is laughing behind your back.

      Remember the Pueblo.

      Strive at all times to bend, fold, spindle and mu-ti-late.

      Know yourself.
      If you need help, call the FBI.

      Exercise caution in your daily affairs,
      Especially with those persons closest to you.
      That lemon on your left, for instance.

      Be assured that a walk through the ocean of most souls
      Would scarcely get your feet wet.

      Fall not in love therefore;
      It will stick to your face.

      Gracefully surrender the things of youth:
      The birds, clean air, tuna, Taiwan
      And let not the sands of time
      Get in your lunch.

      Hire people with hooks.

      For a good time call 606-4311;
      Ask for "Ken."

      Take heart amid the deepening gloom
      That your dog is finally getting enough cheese.

      And reflect that whatever misfortune may be your lot
      It could only be worse in Milwaukee.

      Therefore, make peace with your god
      Whatever you conceive him to be---
      Hairy thunderer, or cosmic muffin.

      With all its hopes, dreams, promises and urban renewal
      The world continues to deteriorate.


      • Re: Jokes Thread

        What a delight that is. It dates back 37 years to 1972!

        “Deteriorato” by the Lemmings cast of National Lampoon Radio is an excellent satire of Les Crane's (a talk show host) recording of Desiderata.


        Last edited by ggirod; June 21, 2009, 08:33 PM. Reason: goofed up the embedded video


        • Re: Jokes Thread


          • Re: Jokes Thread

            you and art... on the same wavelength...


            • Re: Jokes Thread

              Whoops... missed that before... Oh well, it gets an encore!!!


              • Re: Jokes Thread

                Where Credit is Due: A recap of how North Americans kept up with reduced real income until...

                Followed by Mr. Market:

                Last edited by LargoWinch; June 30, 2009, 05:33 AM.


                • Re: Jokes Thread

                  Cheap entertainment for iTulipers who won't go out and watch real fireworks because they're afraid they might miss some economic news.

                  WARNING: might be offensive to nationalistic Brits who hold 233 year grudges.



                  • Re: Jokes Thread

                    "I will throw in a free VHS copy of Kindergarten Cop" -

                    Arnold Bucks. (1min.)


                    • Re: Jokes Thread

                      Boycott Big Banks • Vote Out Incumbents


                      • Re: Jokes Thread

                        Originally posted by raja View Post

                        Oh you're a barrel of laughs.


                        • Re: Jokes Thread

                          Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
                          Time for another installment from Andy Borowitz:

                          McCain Attacks Washington, Republicans, Old White Men with White Hair

                          Most Ironic Speech to Date, Experts Say

                          It's been a while since Andy made an appearance here. From The Borowitz Report...
                          Goldman Sachs in Talks to Acquire Treasury Department

                          Sister Entities to Share Employees, Money

                          In what some on Wall Street are calling the biggest blockbuster deal in the history of the financial sector, Goldman Sachs confirmed today that it was in talks to acquire the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

                          According to Goldman spokesperson Jonathan Hestron, the merger between Goldman and the Treasury Department is "a good fit" because "they're in the business of printing money and so are we."

                          The Goldman spokesman said that the merger would create efficiencies for both entities: "We already have so many employees and so much money flowing back and forth, this would just streamline things."

                          Mr. Hestron said the only challenge facing Goldman in completing the merger "is trying to figure out which parts of the Treasury Dept. we don't already own."

                          Goldman recently celebrated record earnings by roasting a suckling pig over a bonfire of hundred-dollar bills.

                          Elsewhere, conspiracy theorists celebrated the 40th anniversary of NASA faking the moon landing.

                          And in South Carolina, Gov. Mark Sanford gave his wife a new diamond ring, while his wife gave him an electronic ankle bracelet.


                          • Re: Jokes Thread

                            WASHINGTON — Jamie Dimon, the head of JPMorgan Chase, will hold a meeting of his board here in the nation’s capital for the first time on Monday, with a special guest expected: the White House chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel.

                            Mr. Emanuel’s appearance would underscore the pull of Mr. Dimon, who amid the disgrace of his industry has emerged as President Obama’s favorite banker, and in turn, the envy of his Wall Street rivals. It also reflects a good return on what Mr. Dimon has labeled his company’s “seventh line of business” — government relations.

                            The business of better influencing Washington, begun in late 2007, was jump-started just as the financial crisis hit and the capital displaced New York as the nation’s money center. Then Mr. Obama’s election brought to power Chicago Democrats well-known to Mr. Dimon from his recent years running a bank there.

                            One of them is Mr. Emanuel, who has accepted the invitation to speak to the board pending a review by the White House counsel. The Treasury secretary, Timothy F. Geithner, declined out of concern that he would be seen as too cozy with a company that has numerous business issues before the department.


                            Jokes-On-Us...Now a Franchise! Call us for the exciting details....
                            Last edited by don; July 19, 2009, 10:48 AM.


                            • Re: Jokes Thread

                              AIG and Market Risk :rolleyes: (28 sec.)


                              • Re: Jokes Thread

                                The future of Western Governments? (2min.)

                                White House - A funny movie is a click away

