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New Rant: Operation Enduring Suffrage

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  • New Rant: Operation Enduring Suffrage

    Welcome to the new year!
    my poll question is "If Washington, DC were nuked by terrorists who would you want in the White House?"

    ... something to think about.
    and here is my current Rant...


    A Rant

    The four-year cycle lows may not have occurred in the stock market but they are definitely here in the political market. The race is getting ugly as candidates make the race about race, and who is uglier than whom. The gloves have come off and HRC (hillary rodham clinton's ticker symbol on the New York Stock Exchange) is trying to bitch slap everyone in sight.
    Then she cries like the girl that she may or may not be or, in fact, may have never been.

    Obama is trying to play the race card. actually he plays both race cards. the white one and the black one. No one ever said that a poor black American man growing up as a rich white kid in Indonesia can't play the race card. of course he can. only in America though. and only if you have a grandmother that still lives in a hut in Kenya. Hooverville meet Obamahut!

    On the other side of the Leave No Political Smears Left Behind super-brawl Hitlary Rodham Delano Clinton proves that an angry lefty feminist lesbo Yankee-transplant can run on her roots as a nice Jewish boy growing up in the Chicago suburbs.

    Obama won Iowa. Clinton stole New Hampshire. So the Democratic race is tied now. now onto somewhere, then i think it is to South Carolina where the wife of the First Black President takes on the possible husband of the First Black First Lady. only in America.

    Rowdy Rodham Clinton is trying to get the Hispanic vote by letting the Hispanic mayor of Los Angeles clean her pool. she also wants Bill Richardson to support her for her run to play the race card, the victim card, the homo card, the change card, the experience card, the comeback card, and the dynasty card. only in America.

    the third candidate in the Axis of Commies is Elizabeth Edwards. she is running to get that vote that is neither male female white or black. ... yeah i don't get it either.

    As Obama sin Laden and Hillary Leave No Love Lost Left Among Leftists Left Behind odds of a Hillbama or an Obitch ticket are looking less and less likely.

    Bill Richardson dropped out of the race and appears to be running for a key position in the outcome of this election. both candidates can use what Senior Richardson brings to the table. Besides a generous amount of tacos, burritos, and chalupas Bill Richardson gets that elusive "people who are impressed that he used to run the Department of Energy" vote, and the coveted demographic of the United States of Mexico and the United Mexico of California. both are crucial for the next winner to get. Bill Richardson is playing the Leave No Run For The Border Left Behind card.

    so the democratic race is really shaping up to be a train wreck. and after the train wreck comes the ambulance. and after the ambulance comes that ambulance-chaser extraordinaire John Edwards. He wants to be you're vice president or your trial attorney if you were hit in the back and developed whip lash.


    Mike Huckabee, aka Mr. Mayberry took Iowa on the crucial "Jim Nabors Fan Club" vote. SHAAZAAM!

    but he did not take New Hampshire. that distinction went to Mr. Vietnam (Johnny McCain). he won on his pledge to support his right to talk about Vietnam and base his campaign solely on his experience in Vietnam. He also used his Vietnam experience to deflect questions about John McCain the man-- the man who happened to be in Vietnam. For instance, they (people planted by the candidates) asked him "why didn't you just leave when the people who took you hostage said that you can go." then Mister McCrapped His Pants replied "i was in Vietnam at the time, you have no right to ask that question. i am a Vietnam veteran." then the crowd asked him "what makes you more qualified than your opponents?"
    McCain replied, "I was in Vietnam. George W. Bush never served in Vietnam. Point one for me."
    ... crowd responds: "But George W. Bush isn't running in this race."
    McCain: "Point two for me."

    Although not winning in Iowa or New Hampshire, Mitt Romney is still in contention. he won Wyoming and finished second in Iowa or New Hampshire.

    Among his qualifications are his good looking family, being governor of Massachusetts and initiating a state health care plan, his turning around of the Olympics. Plus he turned around several companies with the consulting group he founded. Plus he has a harvard MBA and law degree.
    he has created jobs, turned things around. his dad was governor of Michigan and he understands the economic problems there.
    So basically he has no chance! Laughing

    and those are the three front runners right now. huckabee, mccain and romney. then you have Mr. 9-11. he is taking a wait and see approach. he wants to win in florida. he is taking his experience on september 11th in order to devise a plan to win the Republican nomination. basically he is waiting for the big three to implode. Shocked

    he needs huckabee to be tower number 1, mccain to be tower number two and romney to be tower number 7.

    then rudie julie annie takes over the nomination by default. word has it that the will give his acceptance speech at the convention with aid of a blowhorn covered in asbestos, shrapnel, and tiny pieces of bogus Treasury bonds floating from what used to be Cantor Fitzgerald.

    ... and on to Florida goes rudie julie annie. he can run on the terror card there. not enough skyscrapers in iowa or new hampshire but useless towers galore in Florida! ... tons of condos, land fraud, crooked zionists! Mister Operation Northwoods Man has a chance in Florida!

    fred thompson is running for vice president. ron paul isn't going anywhere. he has enough money to stay in the race indefinitely.

    In my opinion the best ticket for Dems is Hillbama. second best ticket is Hillary and Senior Richardson. go after the illegal votes.

    on the right the best ticket would be Romney and Fred Thompson. Romney can use economics and health care as strengths plus his executive experience and his record in private business. fred is a conservative, a southerner, and he doesn't really want to be president--which is the chief qualification for being vice president.

    Axis of Assets

    Cash, gold and silver are the still the three assets to own. cash is king on main street. gold is king on wal-street. silver is vice president on both.

    FRN's are good under the mattress but not so much in wobbly banks. just because my bank runs have been canceled due to lack of funds, it doesn't mean that it won't happen in the future.

    my last christmas gold coin store run didn't attract many followers. but gold did go up. it is approaching $900. it could go up or down immediately from here. but the next cyclical bear market in gold will be followed by an even stronger up leg. Dow-Gold $3,006 in the next few years could happen. i have put the possible target for gold at $3,006--the highest on the board. do i hear someone to raise me?

    if gold hits $911 we should have a party. i am also looking forward to silver hitting $19.13. either this year or in the next couple of years.
    silver is the poor man's gold and they aren't making any more rich men. or silver for that matter.

    this is a kondratieff winter and it is getting stronger. thus, cash and gold are the way to go. the US dollar got downgraded so gold as money should be a huge trade going forward.

    Stocks: Broke, Broker, Brokest.

    "The collapse of values and the risks of the credit squeeze are the worst since the Great Depression. We are going to put the economy’s resilience to a severe test."
    -- Mort Zuckerman

    Stocks have entered a primary bear market, said one company that does that sort of thing. the DJIA used to sell for 40 ounces of gold. now it sells for 14. at most big lows the ratio is 1 to 1 or 2 to 1. that means stocks are overpriced.

    can that happen? well, the Nasdaq had a huge bull market. one of the biggest stock bull markets of all time. currently the Nasdaq will buy you less than 3 ounces of gold. it used to buy you about 20 ounces of gold. so the nasdaq is definitely slouching towards parity with stocks.

    Stocks are rolling over. they woke up on the wrong side of the bed on the first of the year.

    Goldman Sucks, and Bears Turns is getting hit pretty bad. shipping giant Fedex is getting hit too. go to a wal-street approved stock website and check out the charts for yourself!

    and regarding the four year cycle here is a link to tim wood's take on things. he still doesn't think that the four year cycle has bottomed, and what that implies.

    ... yes this is the part of the Rant that i run out of things to say and just give you links to cool stuff that i found on the internet or the internet found for me.

    so here is some stuff by bart: (as always, enjoy!)

    bart: "The ECB was buying lately and may be setting up for another hit:

    Borrowing at the discount window came down a bunch: "

    da bear

    Ask your local bank teller about change.

    P.S. My next Report will update the ongoing Global Cooling cycle as well as the registration of the eighteen year-old Japanese bear market for Selective Service.
    Last edited by BDAdmin; January 14, 2008, 05:15 PM.

  • #2
    Re: New Rant: Operation Enduring Suffrage

    "my poll question is "If Washington, DC were nuked by terrorists who would you want in the White House?"

    ... something to think about. "

    Well let's start with George Bush, and the rest of the current administration, then congress, and the owners of the Fed, (who ever they are) managment of the big Banks on Wall Street, and all of the Dem and Rep Presedential hopefuls (except Ron Paul) thats about it. I am assuming you mean ground zero is the White House correct?

    ... that is something to think about

    Oh ya I have an X partner Herb I would hope he was invited to the White House for dinner that night
    Last edited by rabot10; January 14, 2008, 05:13 PM.


    • #3
      Re: New Rant: Operation Enduring Suffrage

      Originally posted by RickBishop View Post
      "my poll question is "If Washington, DC were nuked by terrorists who would you want in the White House?"

      ... something to think about. "

      Well let's start with George Bush, and the rest of the current administration, then congress, and the owners of the Fed, (who ever they are) managment of the big Banks on Wall Street, and all of the Dem and Rep Presedential hopefuls (except Ron Paul) thats about it. I am assuming you mean ground zero is the White House correct?

      ... that is something to think about

      either ground zero or a slow burn nuke radiation. well, dubya is leading the vote.

      rudie julie annie isn't doing too hot in that vote.

      come by and check out my website. my first of the year Report is under Da Bear Report. plus some other articles on the site. though it is still a work in progress.

      da bear


      • #4
        Re: New Rant: Operation Enduring Suffrage

        Da Bear -

        This has to wait for the weekend - when I can look through this new embarassingly uncontrolled and uninhibited rant with the proper clinical attention (to the level of runaway psychosis) which it so richly deserves.

        However - I must duly note Da Bear appears once again to be in rare "phonetic dissonance" form here. Is Da Bear still on the anti-psychotic meds, or are the head shrinkers now experimenting on it with some other cocktail of serums, to subdue the "tone-deaf to social and political correctness dissonance" at this time?

        I have not noticed the diatribes to be any more toned down yet.


        • #5
          Re: New Rant: Operation Enduring Suffrage

          should add "and which foreigners should be visiting at the time?

          Sylvia Browne
          Montel Williams

          Originally posted by da bear View Post
          Welcome to the new year!
          my poll question is "If Washington, DC were nuked by terrorists who would you want in the White House?"

          ... something to think about.
          and here is my current Rant...


          • #6
            Re: New Rant: Operation Enduring Suffrage

            Originally posted by Spartacus View Post
            should add "and which foreigners should be visiting at the time?

            Sylvia Browne
            Montel Williams
            I am sure Herb would love to meet them so


            • #7
              Re: New Rant: Operation Enduring Suffrage

              Originally posted by RickBishop View Post
              I am sure Herb would love to meet them so

              Herb Tarlik? from WKRP?

              or Herb as in "THIS is the herb you're looking for" ?


              • #8
                Re: New Rant: Operation Enduring Suffrage

                bill fleckenstein says that we are out of bubbles.

                i say we can still do a tulip bubble.

                all the hopeful home sellers can put tulips in the yards in hopes that someone will buy the house.

                tulips are pretty. bursting bubbles are not pretty. do the math.

                da bear

