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Evil Dead Redband Trailer
Re: Evil Dead Redband Trailer
Usually I enjoy reading your posts but i noticed this one posted late at night is way off base. Most of us here at itulip come to discuss matters concerning macroeconomic themes and sometime we encourage each other with positive themes outside of economics with humor as shiny most recently did. Frankly i suggest we avoid remaking themes from 1981 with a story as the below. By the way, if you did not know, though this is portrayed as fiction go to amazon and look up Satanic Bible. You will see this "book of dead" or the Satanic Bible is rated #1 in New Age. Unless you have a predisposition to this already, i suggest you stay as far away from this as possible.
Evil Dead ( from web site)
Five twenty somethings become holed up in a remote cabin
they discover the Book of the Dead
and unknowingly summon up dormant demons in nearby woods
which possess the youngsters until only one is left to fight for survival
Re: Evil Dead Redband Trailer
Originally posted by BadJuju View Post
I was pretty wary of them remaking Evil Dead, but this looks amazing! Anyone else as excited about this as I am? If you intend upon watching the trailer, be aware that it is extremely gory and graphically disturbing.
Re: Evil Dead Redband Trailer
I did not know where else to put it, sir.This seemed like the most fitting section. I did say it was extremely gory and graphically disturbing, though! It is quite a powerful trailer. Best I've ever seen! The editing is superb.
Re: Evil Dead Redband Trailer
I can't even look at the face on the video trailer before clicking on it- it's that disturbing.
BadJuju, I've been tortured for real, to the point that I developed Dissociative Identity Disorder. It took me years to put my life together and I'll always carry the scars. I will never be fully well. How can you find torture amusing?
You have to be incredibly desensitized to enjoy this shit. That is not normal or healthy.
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Re: Evil Dead Redband Trailer
Originally posted by shiny! View PostI can't even look at the face on the video trailer before clicking on it- it's that disturbing.
BadJuju, I've been tortured for real, to the point that I developed Dissociative Identity Disorder. It took me years to put my life together and I'll always carry the scars. I will never be fully well. How can you find torture amusing?
You have to be incredibly desensitized to enjoy this shit. That is not normal or healthy.
I am very sensitive to real violence! I am very pacifistic and do not take pleasure in real violence at all. To me, this is just a movie and should just be seen as such. I do not take it seriously. I simply enjoy the visual spectacle and how it takes me to a completely different realm even if it is a very dark and horrific one.
Re: Evil Dead Redband Trailer
Again, you have to be incredibly desensitized to enjoy watching people suffer- even if it's "just a movie". Had you ever experienced bloodbaths for real you would realize that there is nothing amusing about it.
If you can enjoy such a spectacle you are not sensitive to real violence, because you are desensitized to the very real violence it is doing to your own psyche.
Regretfully I am going to have to put you on my (very short) ignore list because I don't want to run the risk of encountering another image like that in one of your posts again. It's nothing personal, I just feel the need to protect myself.
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Re: Evil Dead Redband Trailer
These are characters in a fictional movie, shiny! I am not sure why you think there is no difference between the real and the imaginary, but there certainly is and I can easily make that distinction. I've seen real violence before and I detest it. Like I said, this is just about being transported to another realm and being immersed in it. It is about being there with those characters and enduring what they do even if it is only visually and through audio.
I just don't have the same perception of it as you do because I recognize that it is all fake. These people are actors, the situations they are in are entirely imaginary, and at the end of the day it is a fictional work intended to thrill us through its ability to place us directly there.
Re: Evil Dead Redband Trailer
Originally posted by BadJuju View PostThese are characters in a fictional movie, shiny! I am not sure why you think there is no difference between the real and the imaginary, but there certainly is and I can easily make that distinction. I've seen real violence before and I detest it. Like I said, this is just about being transported to another realm and being immersed in it. It is about being there with those characters and enduring what they do even if it is only visually and through audio.
I just don't have the same perception of it as you do because I recognize that it is all fake. These people are actors, the situations they are in are entirely imaginary, and at the end of the day it is a fictional work intended to thrill us through its ability to place us directly there.
not entertaining at all. appeals to the most purulent interest, like porn. like most of the shit on tv... all so pathetic.
Re: Evil Dead Redband Trailer
It is interesting... perhaps I have been desensitized as Shiny might suggest. I did not even notice the image on the front of the trailer. I wonder why? Am I supposed to look closely and internalize these things? That would seem to be very unhealthy.
I did not click on the trailer to view it, as I do not find trailers of horror movies interesting. But, in looking closely at the front, I do see how it might bring back some scary memories. It is a very frightened woman; well-acted, I would guess.
Shiny, if you are still reviewing this thread, I would suggest you put "" in your /etc/hosts file. I am not sure how you can use the internet if you are so sensitive to something like this. It is everywhere! You can just comment the site out in your file when you want to see something.
I would not never have thought an image like that would illicit such a strong response. Thanks, I guess. I am just under 40. I wonder if growing up with all the media really does change us. Again, I did not even notice the image.
Re: Evil Dead Redband Trailer
Originally posted by aaron View PostIt is interesting... perhaps I have been desensitized as Shiny might suggest. I did not even notice the image on the front of the trailer. I wonder why? Am I supposed to look closely and internalize these things? That would seem to be very unhealthy.
I did not click on the trailer to view it, as I do not find trailers of horror movies interesting. But, in looking closely at the front, I do see how it might bring back some scary memories. It is a very frightened woman; well-acted, I would guess.
Shiny, if you are still reviewing this thread, I would suggest you put "" in your /etc/hosts file. I am not sure how you can use the internet if you are so sensitive to something like this. It is everywhere! You can just comment the site out in your file when you want to see something.
I would not never have thought an image like that would illicit such a strong response. Thanks, I guess. I am just under 40. I wonder if growing up with all the media really does change us. Again, I did not even notice the image.
FWIW, I didn't look closely and internalize that image. I barely glanced at it and felt like I'd been kicked in the gut.
I believe our society has been coarsened and most people don't even realize it. A long time ago, too long ago to remember the source or I'd quote it, I read about the first time TV came to a little village in Tibet, or maybe it was Nepal. The villagers crowded around the TV to watch their first TV show. It was something from Hollywood and featured violence against a woman. The villagers were absolutely horrified that the behavior depicted was normal in our society. In their village, they said, if someone heard a man beating his wife the whole village came over to his hut and made him stop. They just couldn't fathom how violent we were.
I remember seeing Robocop when it came out. At the most gory, painful scenes, the kids in the audience were laughing. That is not normal behavior. It's a learned response from repeated exposure to violence. It's a coping mechanism. That response may be the norm now but I don't think it's healthy.
YouTube is fine. It's all in what you search for. Interviews, music, how-to's... No need to go to the gory stuff.
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
Re: Evil Dead Redband Trailer
It is thought provoking (and if it gets high ratings I will probably watch it)... It seems to produce strong reactions in some people, but I don't feel anything. Judging by the lack of comments, I think that is probably the feelings of most people.