Since I couldn't find a "Raving Lunatic" forum here on itulip, I hope you'll forgive me for settling for the "rant and rave" section. I think many of you will find this amusing
at minimum, and a little scary
at most.
There's a Youtube video going viral with over 690,000 hits supposedly featuring "Jacques Nietzermann" being interviewed in 1980. In the interview Nietzermann claims to be a psychic, and makes predictions for the next 30+ years. 85% of his predictions have since come true. Here's a brief list:
* Collapse of the USSR
* Nuclear disaster in Russia (Chernobyl)
* Middle East wars for Oil
* Attack on American soil in LA but mostly New York (9/11) after year 2000
* War on Terror
* Black man being elected president in the USA between 2005 and 2012
He also makes two incorrect predictions:
* By year 2000 all oil based cars will be gone, we'll have electric cars
* Around the same time we'll also start seeing magnetic and flying cars
Now here's the plot twist: (spoiler alert)
At the end of the video the interviewer asks him what he sees 100 years out, and Nietzermann stumbles and hums and haws, but eventually admits he can't see anything beyond 2012 because either that's the year that he dies or we experience an ET encounter, and I'm not sure if it's his assumption or prediction, but because the ETs are so much more advanced, they will easily anihalate human kind.

There's a Youtube video going viral with over 690,000 hits supposedly featuring "Jacques Nietzermann" being interviewed in 1980. In the interview Nietzermann claims to be a psychic, and makes predictions for the next 30+ years. 85% of his predictions have since come true. Here's a brief list:
* Collapse of the USSR
* Nuclear disaster in Russia (Chernobyl)
* Middle East wars for Oil
* Attack on American soil in LA but mostly New York (9/11) after year 2000
* War on Terror
* Black man being elected president in the USA between 2005 and 2012
He also makes two incorrect predictions:
* By year 2000 all oil based cars will be gone, we'll have electric cars
* Around the same time we'll also start seeing magnetic and flying cars
Now here's the plot twist: (spoiler alert)
At the end of the video the interviewer asks him what he sees 100 years out, and Nietzermann stumbles and hums and haws, but eventually admits he can't see anything beyond 2012 because either that's the year that he dies or we experience an ET encounter, and I'm not sure if it's his assumption or prediction, but because the ETs are so much more advanced, they will easily anihalate human kind.