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Bush, JFK assassination

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  • Bush, JFK assassination

    I ran across this, and it's almost completely off-topic, but relevant enough to put here.

    For you Tet!

    Incidentally I consider myself very even-headed, and I agree with a lot of what this video puts out. I don't like how easily/simply he links certain characters as straight Nazis, but the rest is put out there with some good sound reasoning IMO.

    Maybe some of you have seen this, it's called JFK II.

  • #2
    Re: Bush, JFK assassination

    Originally posted by DemonD View Post
    I ran across this, and it's almost completely off-topic, but relevant enough to put here.

    For you Tet!

    Incidentally I consider myself very even-headed, and I agree with a lot of what this video puts out. I don't like how easily/simply he links certain characters as straight Nazis, but the rest is put out there with some good sound reasoning IMO.

    Maybe some of you have seen this, it's called JFK II.

    Bro, if a conspiracy is a minority, those that believe in conspiracy theories on this one believe JFK was shot from behind. Now if you can shoot the President of the most powerful nation on earth and not get caught, how hard would it be to steal a trillion or two from the market when ever you needed to? To think these aren't the same players is pretty silly. I notice the Shrubery President doesn't mention pulling troops out of Vietnam, I mean Iraq and he certainly doesn't talk about printing d0llars out of the Treasury instead of borrowing them from the Fed. Always remember the Secret Service wasn't formed to protect the President, it was formed to protect this nations currency. When those who control the currency don't view a threat to that currency from the executive office then the President can ride in a limo with the top down taking curves at 10 mph and not run the danger of being shot. The chances of our electing another Garfield, McKinnley, JFK or Lincoln is pretty remote and we certainly won't elect another Andrew Jackson in my lifetime.
    "Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one."
    - Charles Mackay


    • #3
      Re: Bush, JFK assassination

      I thought you'd like it Tet.


      • #4
        Re: Bush, JFK assassination

        I watched it, and I couldn't help but think during the whole thing about the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. You could put almost any government employee alive in 1963 and connect them to the JFK shooting in some fashion or another. Brilliant.
        It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye!


        • #5
          Re: Bush, JFK assassination

          Okay, I have to add my two cents. Friend of mine was CIA, part of crew hired by RFK to investigate. They found that various assorted interests--financial, military--were furious at Kennedy for deciding to stop the Vietnam war after a visit from General McArthur who told the president it was a phony war waged on behalf of vested interests. It was these vested interests, my friend says, who arranged the kill, and there was one more than shooter, his group of investigators concluded. Hey, I only know what I am told.


          • #6
            Re: Bush, JFK assassination

            Originally posted by tree View Post
            Okay, I have to add my two cents. Friend of mine was CIA, part of crew hired by RFK to investigate. They found that various assorted interests--financial, military--were furious at Kennedy for deciding to stop the Vietnam war after a visit from General McArthur who told the president it was a phony war waged on behalf of vested interests. It was these vested interests, my friend says, who arranged the kill, and there was one more than shooter, his group of investigators concluded. Hey, I only know what I am told.
            I didn't watch the whole film yet, but there were a hell of a lot more than 3 shots since they found a hell of a lot more than three bullets. No way does one bolt action rifle that Oswald has do that and no way does one other shooter do that. I would think Oswald is the patsy and obviously having Jacob Rubenstein shoot Oswald makes it so we'll never know.
            "Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one."
            - Charles Mackay


            • #7
              Re: Bush, JFK assassination

              tree- I find it highly likely that the assassination was a cooperative effort of more people than are mentioned in the video. That there may have been collaberation of military/pentagon interests along with the CIA, and of course financial/businessmen make a lot of sense to me.

              The most powerful part of the presentation is the showing of the parade route, and then the car turns into a basically empty street and the driver slows down on this empty street. Only way that happens is if there is a lot of collaberation.

              The part where the president's bodyguards are ordered to leave the motorcade and the police motorcycles are told to lag is also pretty powerful evidence IMO.

              It's clear that JFK made significant enemies and wasn't smart enough to protect his own back. This past season of 24 shows another plausible scenario for presidential assassination - from within the government. I like your take on it Tet - "When those who control the currency don't view a threat to that currency from the executive office then the President can ride in a limo with the top down taking curves at 10 mph and not run the danger of being shot. The chances of our electing another Garfield, McKinnley, JFK or Lincoln is pretty remote and we certainly won't elect another Andrew Jackson in my lifetime."

              To me it seems it wasn't just a currency issue, but that there were a lot of people pissed off at JFK, and I'm sure that played a part.


              • #8
                Re: Bush, JFK assassination

                Watch out for those left-handed limo drivers!


                • #9
                  Re: Bush, JFK assassination

                  Originally posted by Pervilis Spurius View Post
                  Watch out for those left-handed limo drivers!
                  On the topic of first hand knowledge of conspiracies...

                  Employees of the BLS were working into the night frantically finishing up the CPI report due the next day. A man comes into the room with a brief case locked to his arm with a handcuffs, like in an old spy movie. He opened the case, takes out some papers and says, "Here. This is the report." He takes the report prepared by the BLS workers and leaves.

                  As far as I know no one ever reported the incident. The person who related this to me quit soon after so he does know if that ever happened again. This was a long time ago, in the 1980s.

                  True story.


                  • #10
                    Re: Bush, JFK assassination

                    Originally posted by DemonD View Post
                    I ran across this, and it's almost completely off-topic, but relevant enough to put here.

                    For you Tet!

                    Incidentally I consider myself very even-headed, and I agree with a lot of what this video puts out. I don't like how easily/simply he links certain characters as straight Nazis, but the rest is put out there with some good sound reasoning IMO.

                    Maybe some of you have seen this, it's called JFK II.

                    From a guy who knows a thing or two about assassination attempts, Fidel Castro's view of the JFK assassination.

                    The assassination of JFK
                    It's all very strange. With the expertise I acquired in sharpshooting, I can't imagine that with a rifle with a telescopic sight such as Lee Harvey Oswald had, you can fire, load and fire again in a matter of seconds. Because when you shoot with a telescopic sight, if the weapon moves a fraction of an inch you lose your target. Firing three times in a row, so accurately, for somebody who almost certainly didn't have much experience - that's very difficult. What the official version says is quite simply not possible - not just like that, bang bang bang.

                    The other thing that is just incomprehensible to me is that once Oswald was a prisoner, this charitable, noble soul, Jack Ruby, was so consumed with grief that right there in front of the police and the TV cameras he killed Oswald. I don't know if anything like that has ever happened anywhere else.
                    "Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one."
                    - Charles Mackay


                    • #11
                      Re: Bush, JFK assassination

                      My CIA friend told me Oswald's CIA handler was chief of western hemisphere covert operations David Atlee Phillips, who also handled a fellow last-name of Files. My friend implied Files was one of the shooters. In the fall of 1976, the then "retired" Phillips (now deceased) was called to speak about his activity with Oswald before the Church senate CIA investigations--nothing came of it. Phillips lived in my Bethesda neighborhood, which was full of spooks. That November 1976 day reading the story about Phillips in the Washington Post, with a picture of him, I thought to myself, "He must be scared to leave the house and mail a letter," because some one would be waiting outside to take a shot at him after reading that story. In the late '80s I exchanged some letters with Phillips; he sent me his autobiography and said he hoped I didn't believe all those untrue things that had been written about him.

