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You Can't Make This Stuff Up

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  • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

    Washington state woman may be charged with killing boyfriend with her breasts

    A 50-year-old woman from Everett, Wash., is facing possible manslaughter charges after police say she smothered and killed her boyfriend with her breasts...

    ...The incident is similar to a November case in which a German lawyer claimed his girlfriend tried to kill him by holding his head between her 38DD breasts...

    ...He claimed his girlfriend later admitted on the phone that she'd been trying to smother him — saying she wanted his death "to be as pleasurable as possible."


    • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

      Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
      Washington state woman may be charged with killing boyfriend with her breasts

      A 50-year-old woman from Everett, Wash., is facing possible manslaughter charges after police say she smothered and killed her boyfriend with her breasts...

      ...The incident is similar to a November case in which a German lawyer claimed his girlfriend tried to kill him by holding his head between her 38DD breasts...

      ...He claimed his girlfriend later admitted on the phone that she'd been trying to smother him — saying she wanted his death "to be as pleasurable as possible."
      For men this falls under the category of "Be careful what you wish for".

      Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.


      • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

        Originally posted by shiny! View Post
        For men this falls under the category of "Be careful what you wish for".
        I was thinking more along the lines of ...

        "The breast laid plans of mice and women often go astray"


        • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

          Nelson Rockefeller died not with Happy but reportedly happy when he passed.


          • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

            Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
            Washington state woman may be charged with killing boyfriend with her breasts

            ...The incident is similar to a November case in which a German lawyer claimed his girlfriend tried to kill him by holding his head between her 38DD breasts...

            Clearly these sorts of sexist comments from public officials need to be smothered...
            BERLIN | Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:46pm EST

            BERLIN (Reuters) - A female journalist's allegations that a senior member of Chancellor Angela Merkel's coalition made sexist comments about her cleavage in a bar one year ago have stirred a debate about the relationship between reporters and politicians in Germany.
            Rainer Bruederle, the 67-year-old parliamentary leader of the Free Democrats (FDP), junior partners in the coalition, was reported by Stern magazine this week to have told one of its reporters she could "really fill a dirndl" - the low-cut Bavarian traditional dress...


            • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

              Women in Paris finally allowed to wear trousers

              A 200-year-old law forbidding women to wear trousers in Paris has finally been revoked.

              3:32PM GMT 03 Feb 2013

              On January 31, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, France's minister of women's rights, made it officially impossible to arrest a woman for wearing trousers in the French capital.

              The law required women to ask police for special permission to "dress as men" in Paris, or risk being taken into custody.

              In 1892 and 1909 the rule was amended to allow women to wear trousers, "if the woman is holding a bicycle handlebar or the reins of a horse."

              The law was kept in place until now, despite repeated attempts to repeal it, in part because officials said the unenforced rule was not a priority, and part of French "legal archaeology."...



              • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

                They have trouser rights, we have gun rights. Anything to distract the masses.

                Meanwhile, isn't there a recession there?


                • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up - Saudi Arabia Segregates Bankers

                  Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
                  Here we go again. This is an example of what I was referring to when I mentioned on another thread a few weeks back that the GCC countries, led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, were continuously becoming more conservative Islamic societies. I have noticed quite a change just in the few years I have lived in the Gulf. This may seem far away for many of you, and of no real consequence, but I think these are indicators of a recent acceleration in a long standing trend (goes back to the 1979 Iranian Revolution and the first Gulf War) with potential ramifications that go well beyond global oil supply...

                  Iran unveils finger amputating machine for use on thieves

                  Iran has unveiled its latest innovation in criminal punishment – a machine that cuts off the fingers of thieves...


                  • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

                    Now that house prices are finally starting to fall in Vancouver apparently the masses need another distraction...

                    CTV Calgary
                    Published Friday, Feb. 15, 2013 5:09PM MST
                    Last Updated Friday, Feb. 15, 2013 6:31PM MST

                    The Earls chain of restaurants is dropping the word albino from its Albino Rhino beer following a human rights complaint.

                    The popular brand was created 25 years ago and named after the white rhinoceros.

                    For two people with albinism in Vancouver, the use of albino is an insult...

                    ...The woman who complained to the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal says having Albino Rhino on the Earl’s menu is demeaning and humiliating and it has an adverse impact on persons with albinism.

                    CTV Calgary asked people outside the Earls location on 4 St. S.W. about changing the name of the beer and most believed the removal of the term was an example of political correctness gone too far.

                    Earls says it plans to remove Albino Rhino from its menu by April 24, 2013. The company has not announced what the new name for the beer will be.


                    • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

                      Originally posted by ctv
                      ....The popular brand was created 25 years ago and named after the white rhinoceros.

                      For two people with albinism in Vancouver, the use of albino is an insult...

                      ...The woman who complained to the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal says having Albino Rhino on the Earl’s menu is demeaning and humiliating and it has an adverse impact on persons with albinism.

                      CTV Calgary asked people outside the Earls location on 4 St. S.W. about changing the name of the beer and most believed the removal of the term was
                      an example of political correctness gone too far.

                      Earls says it plans to remove Albino Rhino from its menu by April 24, 2013. The company has not announced what the new name for the beer will be.
                      gutless corporate ass kissers...

                      1 loudmouth decides shes 'offended' and another agrees and the restaurant folds a 25yo and presumably successful beer?

                      thats the biggest problem in the western world today, IMHO.
                      the attempts by those so cowed by so few to absolutely offend NOBODY end up offending The Rest of US.

                      i would stop going to that restaurant JUST BECAUSE of that.

                      i've already decided that wholefoods market doesnt want my business, because they decided that my favorite chocolate isnt PC enuf for em?

                      frankly their prices and politix are waaay too rich for my wallet.
                      Last edited by lektrode; February 17, 2013, 12:00 AM.


                      • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

                        Sequester Threatens Top-Secret Military Research

                        By: Alan Grayson Saturday February 23, 2013

                        One of the nice things about being a Member of Congress is that I have security clearance, and you don’t. (Sorry!) So I know about the threat that the looming sequester poses to a crucial top-secret military research project. Since we’re friends, I’ll tell you about it.

                        The U.S. Army has discovered that a small round white object, when hurled from close range at the upper extremities of an enemy combatant, can have a devastating impact, sometimes inducing unconsciousness. Deploying this weapon often results in immediate disorientation in the enemy combatant, reflected in his abrupt non-vertical motion and transient imbalance. The Army refers to these powerful weapons as “Ballistic White Spherical Objects,” or BWSOs.

                        Although it packs quite a wallop, the BWSO is surprisingly compact. It measures only nine inches in circumference, small enough for a properly trained U.S. soldier to hold one in each hand. A fully-functional BWSO weighs only five ounces, making it practical for a U.S. soldier deployed on the battlefield to carry several of them, simultaneously, in his kit.

                        Remarkably, U.S. military experiments have demonstrated that the BWSO is completely resistant to electromagnetic pulses (EMPs), and other advanced electronic countermeasures. In the wake of an EMP caused by a nuclear blast, BWSOs evidently will continue to function in the prescribed manner, unless they are vaporized.

                        BWSOs are especially useful in close combat, demonstrating the ability to project substantial force over small distances. Yet the effective range of BWSOs is proving to be very similar to that of grenades (for reasons as yet unknown). The effective range of BWSOs has been ascertained to be substantially greater than that of bayonets.

                        Currently, our entire supply of military-grade BWSOs comes from Costa Rica. Recognizing the obvious wartime threat, Pentagon military planners have considered the scenario in which the Chinese Navy blocks both the Pacific and the Caribbean sea lanes. The planners have assured the Joint Chiefs of Staff that we will nevertheless be able to maintain our supply of BWSOs because, since Costa Rica has no military, we can just take whatever we want.

                        (A nation without a military – imagine that. But I digress.)

                        . . .

                        The U.S. Army’s current BWSO research program – placed directly at risk by the sequester — focuses on the maximum speed with which BWSOs may be deployed. In this key project, the Army has identified and procured the services of certain experts in the field. These experts cannot be identified, for obvious reasons, but they definitely aren’t not named “CC Sabathia,” “Johan Santana” or “Barry Zito.” (Disturbingly, intelligence reports conclusively demonstrate that “Justin Verlander” may or may not be cooperating with foreign military forces in a similar manner, thus posing the very real threat of an “arms race.”)

                        Due to earlier budget cuts, the Army found that it could not pay the normal daily rate for these experts, which is $600,000 for approximately two hours of work. The Army found, however, that it could procure these services for half-price, or only $300,000 for each two-hour “start,” if it conducted these tests between mid-October and late March.

                        These essential tests are being threatened by the sequester. If the sequester goes into effect at the end of this month, then we may never understand why Army test data indicate that Santana’s deployment of the BWSOs appears to be slowing. (Could it be a gradual increase in the strength of the Earth’s gravitational field?) Or why Zito’s declining ability to force the BWSO trajectory to arc occasionally seems to leave the BWSO hanging in the air, much like a ripe pumpkin.

                        We cannot leave America defenseless. We cannot let the terrorists win. Remember, they hate us because we are free. But the cost of that freedom is precisely whatever the current military budget happens to be, before any terrorist-coddling sequester cuts.

                        Virtually all of the media coverage of the impact of the sequester on the US military-industrial complex has focused on the loss of jobs, as if hiring people to kill other people is some kind of national full-employment program. But having read all the way down to here, at least you, Dear Reader, you understand that there is a lot more at stake.

                        Oh, and we’re also cutting the air traffic control budget by nine percent. That should have some interesting consequences.

                        Rep. Alan Grayson
                        Justice is the cornerstone of the world


                        • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

                          The last sentence caught my attention. Recently a friend who does handy work on side and works for the tsa doing safety checks on planes was not saying kind things of this sequestration. He will be losing one day a week without pay which will cost him 2k a month supporting 2 children. His anxiousness is what first grabs your attention and his will to survive. Second, is with my travel at times in 60 to 70 percent range, I'd rather have him and all tsa safety employees working overtime not less with the current state of our airline industry.


                          • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

                            Originally posted by GRG55 View Post

                            Saudi divorces wife for watching male TV host:
                            Date: 9/29/2007 4:25:00 PM

                            A Saudi man divorced his wife for watching alone a television programme presented by a male, an act he deemed immoral, the Al Shams newspaper reported on Saturday.

                            Men in Saudi Arabia have the authority to divorce their wives without resort to the courts.
                            Supposedly, all they have to do is say "I divorce you" three times in public. (That's what a Somali told me)

                            I wonder what the status of the divorced women is.
                            Last edited by Polish_Silver; February 26, 2013, 09:57 AM.


                            • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

                              Originally posted by jpetr48 View Post
                              The last sentence caught my attention. Recently a friend who does handy work on side and works for the tsa doing safety checks on planes was not saying kind things of this sequestration. He will be losing one day a week without pay which will cost him 2k a month supporting 2 children. His anxiousness is what first grabs your attention and his will to survive. Second, is with my travel at times in 60 to 70 percent range, I'd rather have him and all tsa safety employees working overtime not less with the current state of our airline industry.
                              I thought that TSA stood for Transport Security Administration? What "safety checks" on airplanes does the TSA do? The safety of the airplanes themselves comes under the jurisdiction of the FAA. What about the current state of the USA airline industry concerns you exactly?


                              • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

                                Originally posted by Polish_Silver View Post
                                Supposedly, all they have to do is say "I divorce you" three times in public. (That's what a Somali told me)

                                I wonder what the status of the divorced women is.
                                Does this ever get to be a problem, like say, if you where in a crowd of wives and you shout "I divorce you!" three times and you can't tell who exactly was supposed to be divorced? Or maybe you forgot which wife you wanted to divorce, but there where just too many of them, Would that count? I mean you didn't actually say her name so it might be any of them. Also in public you actually cannot see their faces, so you might be divorcing the wrong one even if you could remember her name. See where I'm going with this?

