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You Can't Make This Stuff Up

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  • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

    Originally posted by shiny! View Post
    I can not believe those prices! $125 for a tie? $498 for a skirt? $58 for a scarf? That's a simple square of fabric, for heaven's sake!
    Yes, and a Hermès handbag is just a bit of stitched up leather. ;-)


    • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

      Originally posted by shiny! View Post
      I can not believe those prices! $125 for a tie? $498 for a skirt? $58 for a scarf? That's a simple square of fabric, for heaven's sake!
      Keep in mind the target demographic.
      For someone making $250,000 / yr, that's an hours pay for the tie, the whole outfit from a day's pay.

      People who don't work for wages and make millions a year wouldn't give a moment's thought to a few hundred bucks.

      I just paid 15 bucks for a Chipotle burrito and a beer, manufacturing cost of maybe a dollar all together.
      That $15 might be a whole day's wage for the person who made my cell phone; they'd call me nuts to spend that much money on a small bowl of rice with traces of meat, even with the weak beer.


      • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

        Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
        Let's see if we understand this correctly. A group of Saudi university students knock together a prototype one-off, and the next thing you know the Kingdom is on the verge of becoming an auto manufacturing center. Sure...
        Rise of the 'maker movement'

        What does 'do-it-yourself' culture mean for the future of development?

        A traditional leader of American technology innovation, the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), has sought to capitalise on the maker movement as well by providing leaders of the maker movement with grants. Below is a model of the "open source military vehicle," created by DARPA via a social media platform to crowdsource a design for the next generation Humvee. The winning entry was created in just 14 weeks.

        Justice is the cornerstone of the world


        • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

          Originally posted by thriftyandboringinohio View Post
          Keep in mind the target demographic.
          For someone making $250,000 / yr, that's an hours pay for the tie, the whole outfit from a day's pay.

          People who don't work for wages and make millions a year wouldn't give a moment's thought to a few hundred bucks.

          I just paid 15 bucks for a Chipotle burrito and a beer, manufacturing cost of maybe a dollar all together.
          That $15 might be a whole day's wage for the person who made my cell phone; they'd call me nuts to spend that much money on a small bowl of rice with traces of meat, even with the weak beer.
          Let's not even get into $600 for an iPhone....


          • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

            Originally posted by thriftyandboringinohio View Post
            Keep in mind the target demographic.
            For someone making $250,000 / yr, that's an hours pay for the tie, the whole outfit from a day's pay.

            People who don't work for wages and make millions a year wouldn't give a moment's thought to a few hundred bucks.

            I just paid 15 bucks for a Chipotle burrito and a beer, manufacturing cost of maybe a dollar all together.
            That $15 might be a whole day's wage for the person who made my cell phone; they'd call me nuts to spend that much money on a small bowl of rice with traces of meat, even with the weak beer.
            Is central Ohio as bereft of real Mexican food as Florida?


            • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

              i thought it was a benneton ad.


              • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

                What's laughable is the cost for those items. Why go to China if you are going to pay those prices. Or do they mean they fly in a tailor from Shanghai to personally measure and make each outfit?

                Funny how everybody has to use opportunities like the Olympics to shave a little fat off for themselves. I wonder how many palms got greased to arrive at those prices? The poor sap who actually make the garment probably got a few bucks too.


                • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

                  Originally posted by flintlock View Post
                  What's laughable is the cost for those items. Why go to China if you are going to pay those prices. Or do they mean they fly in a tailor from Shanghai to personally measure and make each outfit?

                  Funny how everybody has to use opportunities like the Olympics to shave a little fat off for themselves. I wonder how many palms got greased to arrive at those prices? The poor sap who actually make the garment probably got a few bucks too.
                  That's the point I was trying to make. Thank you.

                  To add: It's this kind of profligate spending that leads to bankruptcy. Haven't the people making these purchases learned anything? I bet they could have taken bids from American manufacturers that would have been a fraction of these prices.

                  Is this kind of stupidity reflective of governments and corporations around the world? Apparently so.

                  Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.


                  • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

                    Originally posted by don View Post
                    Is central Ohio as bereft of real Mexican food as Florida?
                    We have a couple small independent restaurants run entirely by immigrants from South America that are OK.
                    Otherwise it's bad Tex-mex.


                    • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

                      Originally posted by thriftyandboringinohio View Post
                      We have a couple small independent restaurants run entirely by immigrants from South America that are OK.
                      Otherwise it's bad Tex-mex.
                      I hope you mean that Tex-Mex is being done badly, not that Tex-Mex is bad, because good Tex-Mex is food of the Gods.

                      (Displaced San Antonian here. The food's the only thing I miss from there.)
                      Last edited by shiny!; July 13, 2012, 07:19 PM. Reason: spelling

                      Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.


                      • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

                        re the prices on the clothes: don't forget these were designed by ralph lauren. do you think the price of a ralph lauren shirt, skirt, whatever, is dependent on the cost of manufacture? you pay for the label/designer.


                        • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

                          Originally posted by flintlock View Post
                          What's laughable is the cost for those items. Why go to China if you are going to pay those prices. Or do they mean they fly in a tailor from Shanghai to personally measure and make each outfit?

                          Funny how everybody has to use opportunities like the Olympics to shave a little fat off for themselves. I wonder how many palms got greased to arrive at those prices? The poor sap who actually make the garment probably got a few bucks too.
                          As Paul Harvey would say "The Rest of the Story"
                          The company who designed the uniforms, Ralph Lauren, has received less scrutiny. Few outlets have noted that Ralph Lauren himself is a prominent contributor to President Obama and the Democratic Party.
                          Reid was quick with his call to burn the uniforms, but will he call on his own party to torch the large donations from this particular outsourcer?



                          • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

                            Originally posted by shiny! View Post
                            That's the point I was trying to make. Thank you.

                            To add: It's this kind of profligate spending that leads to bankruptcy. Haven't the people making these purchases learned anything? I bet they could have taken bids from American manufacturers that would have been a fraction of these prices.

                            Is this kind of stupidity reflective of governments and corporations around the world? Apparently so.
                            hmmm... good point....lets see:
                            greece hosts the summer games a few years back, spending billions setting up for a temp use = bankrupt
                            vancouver hosts winter games, the lead developer (intrawest, after selling itself) files shortly before or after (dont have all the specifics at hand, but you get my point), with vanc's housing bubble apparently in the processs of popping
                            london is up next and they are printing like mad, but i guess "this time will be different" ?


                            • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

                              its all becoming quite clear indeed - oh, say can you see:

                              Originally posted by abcnews
                              Team USA To Be Decked Out in Uniforms Made in China

                              U.S. manufactures could have easily made the uniforms — and for less.
                              Here’s how much the uniforms cost:
                              Beret – $55
                              Tie – $125
                              Belt – $85
                              Shirt – $425
                              Blazer – $795
                              Trousers – $295
                              Shoes – $165
                              Beret – $55
                              Scarf – $58
                              Belt – $85
                              Shirt – $179
                              Skirt – $498
                              Blazer – $598
                              “Why shouldn’t we have pride not only in the American athletes, but in the American manufacturers and laborers who are the backbone of our country?” Lepore said to ABC News. “Why? What’s wrong? Why was that not a consideration?”

                              probably because of the same 'consideration' that gave us solyndra....

                              and yet MORE NEWS WE WONT SEE ON THE 6PM DRUG SHOWS (aka the big3 evening news/drug advert 1/2 hour)

                              Originally posted by kriden View Post
                              As Paul Harvey would say "The Rest of the Story"
                              The company who designed the uniforms, Ralph Lauren, has received less scrutiny. Few outlets have noted that Ralph Lauren himself is a prominent contributor to President Obama and the Democratic Party.
                              Reid was quick with his call to burn the uniforms, but will he call on his own party to torch the large donations from this particular outsourcer?


                              this will likely lead to more calls from some about muzzling the blogosphere
                              (now that its working against them...)


                              • Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

                                Originally posted by jk View Post
                                re the prices on the clothes: don't forget these were designed by ralph lauren. do you think the price of a ralph lauren shirt, skirt, whatever, is dependent on the cost of manufacture? you pay for the label/designer.
                                however... one might think that suppliers to The US Olympic Team might offer some kind of 'promotional consideration' in exchange for the right to say 'official uniform of the US Team' ?
                                didnt that used to be described as a 'sponsor' ?
                                now, apparently in exchange for 'consideration' (to the DNC), i guess the term 'taking one for the team' has been changed to 'getting fat off the team'

