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You Can't Make This Stuff Up

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  • #76
    New Business Opportunity...

    ...just ripe for these times!

    This is just begging for some funding to sponsor a DVD collection targeting retired baby boomers who just lost most of their recently created "wealth" and pensions, and need to find new income sources.

    A packaged set of how-to DVDs, including some colourful computer graphics, flogged to the rising tide of worried insomniacs through late-night infomercials [nicely filling the void left by the demise of get-rich-on-Florida-real-estate]. She could be the greatest thing since Clara Pelter...
    Flying thief caught again at age 83

    Mon Feb 16, 2009 9:43am EST

    BUDAPEST (Reuters) - A notorious 83-year-old Hungarian thief with a criminal record dating back six decades, was caught by police Thursday at the scene of a break-in.

    Kosztor Sandorne, dubbed "Flying Gizi" by Hungarian media, was arrested after she entered a house in Komarom, a town in the northwest.

    Sandorne, who earned her nickname because she liked to flee her crime scenes by taking commercial flights, said she was in the house because she was trying to save money...

    ..."Flying Gizi" has been convicted more than 20 times and first came to the attention of the police in the 1950s.

    Her preferred method of travel is now rail rather than air, since train travel is free for pensioners in Hungary...

    Last edited by GRG55; February 16, 2009, 09:24 PM.


    • #77
      Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

      Got the link for this great financial blog from another forum. I was thinking to post this in education and resources:
      Wednesday, September 24, 2008

      First Presidential Debate and Bailout

      Looks like McCain is chickening out from facing American public, Obama and debate moderator. Otherwise why would be pull his typical maverick style trick to postpone the debate where he has chance to explain his plan on how he as president would get us out of this mess - he does not have a plan and everyone knows that his party and Wall Street got us into this mess. So on the premise of economic crisis, he is cancelling his participation in debate.

      Obama should go ahead with his appearance in the debate and take this opportunity to explain his policies including how to get USA out of this mess created by current administration and Wall Street. I hope Obama go on attack mode and really gain momentum and seal the victory in next couple of weeks

      FRE, FNM continue to climb and make another 30% gains (third in a row). Would this continue - don't know. Now only these stocks are trading at about 20% of what they were trading before Government took over 80% of stake. So technically they have reached their pre-Gov-takeover levels. However if we assume that their intrinsic value is about $20-25, then they can still go up by about 100% in next 12 months.

      If bailout package does not get approved by Sunday, we will have another Black Monday with Dow plunging below 10000. If bailout package gets approved over weekend, we will see Dow above 11500. Since we don't know how congress would act, I would recommend keeping some cash at hand and given opportunity, taking positions at following banks at prices listed:
      • Citibank (less than 15)
      • Wachovia (less than 11)
      • Goldman (less than 100)
      • Morgan Stanley (less than 20)
      • Bank of America (less than 25)
      • And if you want to go little more aggressive, go for AIG when it falls below $2.50

      Good luck and good night !

      There is other great material there. I've bookmarked it ...


      • #78
        Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

        Sheikh advises ethanol bio fuel use prohibited by Islam

        Saudi scholar warns alcohol in bio fuel is a sin

        DUBAI (

        A prominent Saudi scholar warned youths studying abroad of using ethanol or other fuel that contains alcohol in their cars since they could be committing a sin, local press reported Thursday.

        Sheikh Mohamed Al-Najimi, member of the Saudi Islamic Jurisprudence Academy, based his statement on a saying by the prophet that prohibited all kinds of dealings with alcohol including buying, selling, carrying, serving, drinking, and manufacturing, the Saudi newspaper Shams reported Thursday.

        Saudi and Muslim youth studying abroad would violate the prohibition if they used bio fuel, he said, since it “is basically made up of alcohol.”

        Majimi stressed that his statement should not be considered an official fatwa, but is rather a personal opinion. He noted that this is an important issue that needs to be studied by the relevant religious bodies...

        Palm trees yield new biofuel

        Omani cars start running on date fuel

        DUBAI (AFP)
        An Omani entrepreneur is promoting a biofuel for cars using extracts from date palms to cut the use of petrol in the oil-rich Gulf region, a newspaper reported on Tuesday.

        More than 30 cars in Oman are already powered by the palm-based biofuel developed by Mohammed al-Harethi, who is planning to market the new fuel in the United Arab Emirates later, UAE daily Emirates Today said.

        The vehicles are running 85 percent on the new fuel and 15 percent on petrol without the need to convert the engine, Harithi was quoted as saying...

        Last edited by GRG55; February 28, 2009, 10:51 PM.


        • #79
          Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

          Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
          Sheikh advises ethanol bio fuel use prohibited by Islam

          Saudi scholar warns alcohol in bio fuel is a sin

          DUBAI (

          A prominent Saudi scholar warned youths studying abroad of using ethanol or other fuel that contains alcohol in their cars since they could be committing a sin, local press reported Thursday.

          Sheikh Mohamed Al-Najimi, member of the Saudi Islamic Jurisprudence Academy, based his statement on a saying by the prophet that prohibited all kinds of dealings with alcohol including buying, selling, carrying, serving, drinking, and manufacturing, the Saudi newspaper Shams reported Thursday.

          Saudi and Muslim youth studying abroad would violate the prohibition if they used bio fuel, he said, since it “is basically made up of alcohol.”

          Majimi stressed that his statement should not be considered an official fatwa, but is rather a personal opinion. He noted that this is an important issue that needs to be studied by the relevant religious bodies...

          Palm trees yield new biofuel

          Omani cars start running on date fuel

          DUBAI (AFP)
          An Omani entrepreneur is promoting a biofuel for cars using extracts from date palms to cut the use of petrol in the oil-rich Gulf region, a newspaper reported on Tuesday.

          More than 30 cars in Oman are already powered by the palm-based biofuel developed by Mohammed al-Harethi, who is planning to market the new fuel in the United Arab Emirates later, UAE daily Emirates Today said.

          The vehicles are running 85 percent on the new fuel and 15 percent on petrol without the need to convert the engine, Harithi was quoted as saying...

          doesn't this also mean that it's a sin for a muslim to use anti-freeze in his car, since that's [technically] an alcohol as well? sounds like even more study needed by the relevant religious bodies.


          • #80
            Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

            Muslim cleric sparks outrage with alcohol permit

            Says nothing wrong with consuming "tiny amounts"

            DOHA (AFP)
            Prominent Qatar-based Muslim scholar Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi has sparked controversy by issuing a religious law allowing Muslims to consume tiny amounts of alcohol, which is banned in Islam.

            "The latest fatwa caused confusion among people... We could have done without it," the editor of the Qatari daily Ash-Sharq, Abdullatif al-Mahmoud, wrote on Thursday.

            In his fatwa published on Tuesday in the Qatar's Al-Arab newspaper, the Egyptian-born Qaradawi said that consuming drinks containing small quantities of alcohol that is "constituted naturally through fermentation" did not violate Islamic teachings...

            ...The fatwa came in response to a question about "an energy drink available on the market" in Qatar, a conservative Muslim state, he said.

            A former dean of the sharia (Islamic law) school at Qatar University, Abdul Hamid al-Ansari, told AFP he agreed with the content of Qaradawi's fatwa.

            But Ansari said he objected to the number of fatwas being issued in Muslim societies, saying they are "hampering their progress."

            Iranian sentenced to die for drinking alcohol

            Capital punishment applies for fourth offence

            TEHRAN (Reuters)
            An Iranian court has sentenced a 22-year-old man to death for violating the Islamic Republic's ban on drinking alcohol several times, a news agency said on Tuesday...


            • #81
              Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

              Omani cars start running on date fuel
              I wonder what the actual oil usage of employing such a fuel is? Between the desalinization, fertilizer, planting, harvest, distillation?

              Rube Goldberg with fuel!


              • #82
                Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

                A racist Jewish nazi mullah, preaching the Gospel with his tinfoil hat on.....

                "God deals with balance, idiot!" "You have black women marrying African men!"

                (Warning! This clip contains offensive language, hate, a retarded mix of racism and bigotry and its idiocy is beyond the wildest imagination).

                You just can't make this stuff up!

                I just wonder what these guy smoked, after drinking mushroom wine and hearing Mein Kampf (the audio-book edition)


                • #83
                  Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

                  The Global War on Terror , Japanese version:


                  • #84
                    Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

                    Thanks for that one, made my day.

                    There are a few Swedish singers through the years who made it big in Japan but are unkown in the west, the Japanese taste is, well, somewhat special.

                    But what is link to a site for a Finnish airsoft gun group doing there towards the end of the clip? ( ) Not that I really need to know the answer to that . . . .
                    Justice is the cornerstone of the world


                    • #85
                      Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

                      Swedish palm trees exported to Dubai

                      It seems this florist in south Sweden has established contacts in south Europe where he goes regularly to collect fallen partially dried palm leaves.

                      He takes them back to Sweden, treats them with a softening agent and chlorophyll, and when they are ready after a period in a dark room he creates artificial palm trees from these left over leaves, which he sells to for example hotells in Dubai, where a real palm tree cannot survive the air conditioning.

                      He has a palm tree in Putin's office in Moscow, business is expanding, and he has an order for 150 palm trees for a Danish resort for 12M SEK.

                      Svenska palmer exporteras till öknen (article in Swedish)
                      Justice is the cornerstone of the world


                      • #86
                        Dead FRED from Thinkgeek...

                        There have been occasional posts from iTulip members expressing frustration, or even indignation, at the way they've been [mis?]-treated by our omnipotent site administrator FRED.

                        Well here's just the thing to deal with that situation...

                        Dead FRED Pen Holder

                        Stab FRED all you want, he won't mind
                        [Seriously folks, we don't make this stuff up :p ]

                        We already know that your desk probably looks like a disaster area, but why not turn it into a crime scene instead? Fred is indeed dead but that doesn't mean he's useless. Not only does repeatedly stabbing your pen into Fred reduce your stress level, but it helps you to keep that pesky pen from getting lost under the edge of your computer keyboard. Need someone to take your aggression out on? Well, Dead FRED is the man!

                        Alleviate all that pent up aggression by violently and repeatedly stabbing FRED through the heart... and is if by magic there it is, just where you left it, your pen right at your fingertips - and your stress and frustration, gone!

                        Last edited by GRG55; March 30, 2009, 11:25 AM.


                        • #87
                          Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

                          Ha ha ha! That was a good one. Although I need one called Fed, not Fred.


                          • #88
                            Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

                            Is that the green doll?

                            Or the doll with an eyepatch?


                            • #89
                              Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

                              This one almost deserved a thread of its own...

                              And no, I didn't make this stuff up. Really I didn't...
                              April 14th, 2009
                              Goldman steps up to save America

                              Not much rides on Goldman Sachs‘ success at shedding TARP – just the future of Wall Street, the recovery of the U.S. and global economies, and saving whatever shreds remain of the American Dream. Though it may take some financial finagling to extricate itself from the government’s grip, Goldman’s storied stable of financial savants is as capable as any of casting off the yoke of socialism.

                              For Wall Street, Goldman fights for the right to pay people whatever the market will bear, enshrining the guiding principal of the marketplace that it is not how much money one earns, but how much more than the other guy. For the economy, everyone knows we need a healthy banking sector to run our particularly high-octane form of capitalism. As for the American Dream, what this country needs most in this time of financial peril is a hero, someone who can stand up to the regulatory Frankenstein shambling from the wreckage of such spectacularly failed government efforts as AIG and Lehman Brothers.

                              The only question really for Goldman shareholders is how big a bonus Lloyd Blankfein should get if he manages to achieve these lofty goals.


                              • #90
                                Re: You Can't Make This Stuff Up

                                The Middle East is rich pickings for stories like this. Not to mention that Saudi has to be the only place on earth that considers the "middle class" [apparently defined as someone with $50 grand to spend on an old sewing machine] to be below the poverty line...

                                [I had a university educated Egyptian once tell me, absolutely serious, that all US aircraft carriers have a special coating on them, and if anyone tries to photograph one as it is transiting the Suez Canal the photo comes out blank white]

                                Sewing machine frenzy in red mercury hoax

                                Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:49am EDT

                                RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi police are investigating the origins of a hoax that had hundreds of people believing that old sewing machines may bring fortune because they contained an elusive, and probably mythical, substance known as red mercury.

                                Saudi newspapers on Tuesday published pictures of Saudis proudly posing next to old sewing machines awaiting prospective buyers at traditional markets.

                                The English-language Saudi Gazette newspaper said some buyers were willing to pay up to 200,000 riyals ($50,000) for an old Singer sewing machine proven to contain red mercury.

                                Mobile phones are supposedly employed as instruments to prove the existence of the phony substance. Popular belief in the Middle East has it that it can help uncover hidden gold treasures, though there are other theories which say it can be used to create a nuclear bomb.

                                "If the line cuts off when the telephone is placed close to the needle ... that proves the existence of the substance," Saudi Gazette said.

                                Al-Eqtisadiah newspaper said "poverty provided a fertile ground for the red mercury rumor to spread in Saudi society, especially the middle class."

                                "We have to find out who started this hoax. We cannot be 100 percent sure of getting in the short-term to the person or persons who started this," an interior ministry spokesman told Reuters.

                                "People hope to make profit. This is no different to cases of citizens who put their money in untrustworthy schemes," he added.

                                Thousands of Saudi citizens have lost their life savings to financial scams consisting mainly of operations to raise money for real estate projects.

