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BMW are pissed, Mega pissed himself laughing....

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  • BMW are pissed, Mega pissed himself laughing....

    Max Keiser has discussed this & i thought the same, so please allow me to put my spin on it. I spent the last 5-10 years watching every scumbag/spiv/two bit/small time drug dealer/Frauster driving about in a "Bling mobile".

    Sometimes Audi, somthings Merc but mostly BMW!

    Because of the credit boom ANY one whom could place their mark on a leasing agreedment was thrust the keys to a BMW. Normaly a 3 series, 320i/320d...a car far above their station in life.

    I had to endure many "encounters" with said scum....although i did mostly make the pass i found i had to work at it. I didn't appeate having to deal with anything from assh*le sales reps to 20 year old drugdealers....the 3 series seem to become "standard issune" to them.

    BMW didn't give a toss, their balance sheet was looking great, then the problems began. 1ST of was these people didn't turn out to be the best at PAYING the bills, i hear BMW own credit unit got taken for an (agree-be expensive) ride. Then they discovered that these assh*les had blackened the rep of the 3 series/BMW so much that BMW normal customers backed of & went Merc or even Lexus!

    Now the bubble has poped, a good 3 series is almost £30,000 & BMW expect you to pay. All the Bulsh1t credit has caused inflation, thus higher Alu prices.....well tough shit BMW, you caused it, now you can suck it up!


  • #2
    Re: BMW are pissed, Mega pissed himself laughing....

    Then they discovered that these assh*les had blackened the rep of the 3 series/BMW so much that BMW normal customers backed of & went Merc or even Lexus!
    Now that's the truth. My brother sold a perfectly good 3 year old 325i. Why? He said he felt like an a-hole in it.

    They make nice cars, but like you said, the image is tarnished.

    I've noticed the new thing with the wealthy is to drive below their means. Sure they'll have a Mercedes tucked away in the garage, but they like being seen in the Ford Hybrid or even a Kia. Being thought of as "smart with money" is the new status symbol in some circles.

