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Flaky Forum Software

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  • Flaky Forum Software

    Fred, I continue to urge iTulip to consider using different software. If one problem goes away, another one crops up. The latest problem I am having is that when I type into a "Your Message" window, the cursor jumps around. I put it one place, and by the time I'm done typing, it turns out my typing went to an altogether different spot in the post. I have finally had to resort to opening a Notepad window to compose in, which of course consumes time otherwise better spent on the subject matter at hand.

    I am using Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 8, which is current mainstream. Moreover, I am not having problems like this in posting on other forum software. This software package may have more bells and whistles than others, but it's apparently beyond the ability of its programmers to implement without sacrificing stability and slowing response, sometimes to a crawl. Flaky software like this only exists because people buy it; it will get better only when they stop.

  • #2
    Re: Flaky Forum Software

    I have no problem on the 'tulip but the "performance" you describe is what I have on my email (AT&T Yahoo). Especially typing a reply. Sentences become fragmented. Beginnings of lines zip down into a new paragraph. Complete BS. Another sterling example of competitive excellence?


    • #3
      Re: Flaky Forum Software

      Originally posted by don View Post
      I have no problem on the 'tulip but the "performance" you describe is what I have on my email (AT&T Yahoo). Especially typing a reply. Sentences become fragmented. Beginnings of lines zip down into a new paragraph. Complete BS. Another sterling example of competitive excellence?
      never seen that... using firefox on a mac. anyone else with finster's issues? did you pm fred?


      • #4
        Re: Flaky Forum Software

        i'm using chrome on windows xp. no problem except occasionally slow to load, very occasionally i'll get database errors, which i assume means there's some kind of system maintenance going on.


        • #5
          Re: Flaky Forum Software

          Originally posted by Finster View Post
          Fred, I continue to urge iTulip to consider using different software. If one problem goes away, another one crops up. The latest problem I am having is that when I type into a "Your Message" window, the cursor jumps around. I put it one place, and by the time I'm done typing, it turns out my typing went to an altogether different spot in the post. I have finally had to resort to opening a Notepad window to compose in, which of course consumes time otherwise better spent on the subject matter at hand.

          I am using Windows 7 and Internet Explorer 8, which is current mainstream. Moreover, I am not having problems like this in posting on other forum software. This software package may have more bells and whistles than others, but it's apparently beyond the ability of its programmers to implement without sacrificing stability and slowing response, sometimes to a crawl. Flaky software like this only exists because people buy it; it will get better only when they stop.
          I too am uning Win 7 and IE 8 and I have the same problems, but not only on itulip, but on my email (Eudora) and several other forum sites. I do not have the problem as much if I am using a mouse instead of the mouse pad on my laptop. My son is a beta tester for Microsoft and loves IE 9, maybe we both need to upgrade. I do also use Firefox and have not noticed the same problem when I use it.


          • #6
            Re: Flaky Forum Software

            Experiencing no problems here using Chrome. Website now loads a lot faster than it used to with Firefox imo. A lot.


            • #7
              Re: Flaky Forum Software

              I have just updated to IE9. It is much much faster than IE8 and so far I have no problems like I was having previously. I will let you know after a couple days if that is still the case.


              • #8
                Re: Flaky Forum Software

                Originally posted by jiimbergin View Post
                I have just updated to IE9. It is much much faster than IE8 and so far I have no problems like I was having previously. I will let you know after a couple days if that is still the case.
                jiimberin - could you let me know if you are still having problems seeing images with IE9. I found the IE8 issues & vetted them with TPC and he blogged about them. Those issues still exist last time I checked. I would consider the IE9 switch but I was waiting to see if it solves the images issues.

                FWIW - I also have some issues with Safari on both MAC and PC that seem to only exist on iTulip. I could expand on them at a later date when I have more time if somebody wants to hear about them

                Thanks in advance.


                • #9
                  Re: Flaky Forum Software


                  My wife was having this exact problem on most but not all forums and software on her 4 year old Dell laptop.
                  (this problem: "the cursor jumps around. I put it one place, and by the time I'm done typing, it turns out my typing went to an altogether different spot in the post." Also typing is very slow, letters typed appear with a lag.)
                  We tried everything, even reformatting the hard disk and reinstalling the OS (Windows XP), did not help.

                  We turned in her laptop for repair of a entirely different problem and mentioned this phenomenon to the head of the shop, who got a strange light in his eye and promised to take a look.

                  When we came back the next day he had solved the problem by removing the main battery from the laptop (which works fine without it, the battery could not hold a charge anyway).

                  It seems when the battery goes bad it disturbs the normal functioning of the laptop in some peculiar ways, don't ask me how.

                  Apparently this is a known problem he had run across before, he showed me a printout from some specialist site about it.

                  Hope this helps.
                  Last edited by cobben; January 03, 2012, 05:35 PM.
                  Justice is the cornerstone of the world


                  • #10
                    Re: Flaky Forum Software

                    Originally posted by cobben View Post

                    My wife was having this exact problem on most but not all forums and software on her 4 year old Dell laptop.
                    (this problem: "the cursor jumps around. I put it one place, and by the time I'm done typing, it turns out my typing went to an altogether different spot in the post." Also typing is very slow, letters typed appear with a lag.)
                    We tried everything, even reformatting the hard disk and reinstalling the OS (Windows XP), did not help.

                    We turned in her laptop for repair of a entirely different problem and mentioned this phenomenon to the head of the shop, who got a strange light in his eye and promised to take a look.

                    When we came back the next day he had solved the problem by removing the main battery from the laptop (which works fine without it, the battery could not hold a charge anyway).

                    It seems when the battery goes bad it disturbs the normal functioning of the laptop in some peculiar ways, don't ask me how.

                    Apparently this is a known problem he had run across before, he showed me a printout from some specialist site about it.

                    Hope this helps.
                    I'm getting a similar problem, but it is a desktop machine ( no battery ).


                    • #11
                      Re: Flaky Forum Software

                      I can't enter messages from my Droid (Using the dolphin HD browser). If I click a text box, normally a cursor appears in the box and the keyboard pops up. Instead it acts as if no text box is there. I think I've had this problem on one other forum with a really fancy text entry box.


                      • #12
                        Re: Flaky Forum Software

                        yep, shes broke...
                        wrote this earlier:
                        the word processor functions (BOLD, Italic, Underline etc) is no longer working? (at least not same as prev)
                        but now seems to be ok... at least on this 'quick reply'
                        the one issue eye have is the lack of visible HIGHLIGHTING on the 'tree' when NOT viewing in 'linear mode'

                        (sometimes its useful) a color change to something darker HIGHLIGHTING might be nice.

