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Hey Sorry I need some Help

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  • Hey Sorry I need some Help

    I'm not really somone thats asks for Help ever but here we go. My oldest daughter is not doing well she needs some help K - look at the video and if you don't know how to help thats OK my friends, maybe pass it on to your friends and you never know maybe something will happen

  • #2
    Re: Hey Sorry I need some Help

    I Love her so much


    • #3
      Re: Hey Sorry I need some Help

      Hey Rabot10,

      Vaccines or aerosol geo-engineering (Chemtrails) :

      For toxicity one of the best guys I can find is - Dr. Buttar

      If you like there is a great congressional hearing paper that I can send you from some of his work.



      • #4
        Re: Hey Sorry I need some Help

        Thanks Bro I'm on it - I'm really Rick btw, did you see my wife in the video? OMG she is the best - thank god for her ;-0
        Last edited by rabot10; February 17, 2011, 02:50 PM.


        • #5
          Re: Hey Sorry I need some Help

          I can't help directly, but I have put the video on our church's prayer list and have forwarded it to many friends.


          • #6
            Re: Hey Sorry I need some Help

            I would like to thank the Admin for moving this post to the Rant and Rave thread rather then the Jokes tread. I am a member of like 30 sites from football to Gold and Silver, all have either pined this topic to the top or just kept it going. Great fead back to our doctor btw. I just was looking for anyone that may have an answer, not really interested in the dollar, bonds, gold or silver at the moment if you know what I mean. Thanks again to iTulip what a site, keep it up.


            • #7
              Re: Hey Sorry I need some Help

              Man I really feel for the both of you. I have struggled for many years with a auto-immune type illness as well as chronic pain. I have pretty much been in some level of discomfort, sometimes severe, 24/7 for the last 24 years, and have a variety of symptoms. And what is amazing is that only recently have I begun to understand what is going on and perhaps how this happened to me. While not as severe in some ways as Kaley's, I know what it is like to not know what the hell is wrong with you and to see so many doctors with no answers. She has a great attitude and I can tell you that is half the battle. I'm sure you have been through the whole process of ruling things out but I will throw in my 2 cents worth.

              Doctors miss stuff. In my case each successive doctor I went to assumed I already knew about the horrible scar tissue deep in my nose from a botched sinus surgery. I didn't! I had no idea! For some reason I never connected the surgery to the pain. I was always told I had no sinus blockage, but never about the scarring, so I guess that was why.

              Stress from that pain could have aggravated my condition. Who knows. My various bizarre symptoms started after I worked during my 20s in a shop where the smoking was very heavy. I was trapped in a van for hours with heavy smokers. And I was already stressed from the pain. The smoking made me feel sick. My best guess is that it triggered some genetic weakness. But that of course is just a guess. Not trying to lay any guilt trip on you, just looking for answers. Toxins can trigger strange things.

              Only a few years ago did I decide to have someone take another look into my pain. Only then did I find out about the scaring and bad surgery and had nerve blocks starting last November. As of now I have had a lot less pain for the last two months! By a miracle my wife got a good teaching job with insurance that allowed me to start seeing doctors again after about a 15 year hiatus. So now I can start working on the auto immune stuff too. I guess my point is that even after years of failure, success can be achieved.

              I added that video to my Facebook page and I will mention this to my neurologist. He loves challenges.

              Good luck!
              Last edited by flintlock; March 20, 2011, 10:30 PM.


              • #8
                Re: Hey Sorry I need some Help

                Originally posted by rabot10 View Post
                I'm not really somone thats asks for Help ever but here we go. My oldest daughter is not doing well she needs some help K - look at the video and if you don't know how to help thats OK my friends, maybe pass it on to your friends and you never know maybe something will happen


                Have you investigated acupuncture? You may need to check hospitals in China.

                If the problem is Aphasia, you may want to check out the following:

