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Sports radio as an introduction to the real world

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  • Sports radio as an introduction to the real world

    For the past couple of weeks. Mike Francesa of New Yorks WFAN Sports radio has spent alot of time on the Madoff scandel, because of it's fallout on the Mets and their ownership. He will in the near future interview Harry Markopolos live. The callers are amazed at the level of corruption and incompetence, and ask questions like "Why is this the only place I'm hearing about this?"

    For those who aren't aware:

    Now please don't start with the sheeple and sports comments. If you can stand to listen to some of the sports talk I'm sure you can download a podcast or youtube might have some of the calls. Mike Francesa is doing a good job at explaining how Markopolos struggled for years to bring it to light, and why nobody cared. Many people are being informed and that's a good thing.

  • #2
    Re: Sports radio as an introduction to the real world

    Well its hard not to refer to these people as sheeple. The modern male is a joke, one that is not defined by his accomplishments, integrity, honesty, citizenship, etc.

    The majority of young males today allow the media and their peers to define them, what clothes to wear, what beer to drink, what car to drive, what gadgets to have, what sports teams to watch and cheer for, etc. Then the media/marketing will go and tell these young males if you don't drive that car, or drink that beer you are not a 'MAN' or so their told, you are not part of 'manhood', just look at any beer or car commercial around.

    Of course these fools don't know what is going on around them. They live in a country 'where they can do want they want' or so their told 'freedom' so while they listen to sports radio you can't expect them to have enough citizenship to be aware of what is REALLY going on.

    Sports radio = more bread and circuses.


    • #3
      Re: Sports radio as an introduction to the real world

      Sports radio = more bread and circuses

      I specifiically thought of something like that. We are all jokes in one way or another. "Modern man" is no worse today than "historical man." he is a slave. He is not born one, but cannot fight the elements. Or maybe I should say he doesn't see the need to.


      • #4
        Re: Sports radio as an introduction to the real world

        Is it like this in Britain?


        • #5
          Re: Sports radio as an introduction to the real world

          It's sports talk radio. The Madoff fallout has hit the owners of the NY Mets, so it is relevant to the show. Mike Francesa brings an everymans focus to the corruption and the ability to regulate finance in the face of the obvious capture.

