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The Republicans are ideological Jack-asses and Obama has no Balls.

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  • The Republicans are ideological Jack-asses and Obama has no Balls.

    So, they have decided to punt this until March. Congrats guys. This is the fiscal 11 budget. It should be passed by this Congress not the new one coming in. The longer they wait the more the economy is held in limbo and the faster it collapses. These guys are ridiculous. Both sides. Let's see, the Fed thinks that $600 billion is critical and the folks in Washington thing that a $1.8 trillion dollar budget should be held up because of what? "Don't ask don't tell"? "Ear marks"? "A 3% bump on those who make more"? Oh, and by the way. I voted for you Obama. There is nothing more powerful than the truth. YOU ARE THE KING HEDGER OF ALL TIME. YOU ARE THE ULTIMATE DERIVATIVE. You have no value because you won't actualize your Presidency. You make these pukes on Wall Street look like aggressive front line war heros. You think if you keep treading water it will all be okay. If you are not going to do anything at least go on TV and explain it to us and why. Quit hiding. Jesus, resign if you don't want the job we are dying out here. Let somebody else do it. Yes, you inherited the shit storm of all time but man up and at least tell the truth about it and tell us where we are so we can start making the decisions we need to make. You may be a one-termer but big ass deal you probably are anyway and I would rather respect you than wonder about why I ever voted for you. Okay, I am done.
    Last edited by sunskyfan; December 20, 2010, 05:05 PM.

  • #2
    Re: The Republicans are ideological Jack-asses and Obama has no Balls.

    In our one-party state, I'm increasingly convinced we're seeing a dog and pony show scripted to gender stereotypes.

    The Republicans are the guys. Quick to have a opinion, never waver, no discussion, usually wrong, as in pig headed. They get to be the aggressors.

    The Democrats are the gals. When a position is stated it soon wobbles and disintegrates under pressure. They get to be the thwarted national nurturers.

    Neither, of course, does anything but follow the script they're handed. Like following the money, follow the legislation that's important to the half-dozen power elites that run the show. What you'll find there is consistency.


    • #3
      Re: The Republicans are ideological Jack-asses and Obama has no Balls.

      Nice rant sunsky, but I'm a bit confused over what you're actually angry about.

      The Dems want to continue funding the government at current levels, and the Republicans what an economic apocalyptic, scorched earth slashing of the budget that could lead to a world crises, and you're fuming at Obama who really can't do much of anything right now? The Republicans filibustered the senates efforts to pass the budget, so an agreement was made to postpone the war until March, when the real Armageddon of raising the debt level will come due at the same time.

      So the Republicans have set the Ides of March to go full Nuclear.

      I'm mad enough at Obama to call for a primary opponent, but that was because he capitulated on the tax fight that I think we should have had. He was directly responsible for this. But of course, my real anger is at the Republicans who are willing to hold the unemployed and middle class hostage, and risk another world wide economic crises so they can repay the Oligarchs who bought their jobs for them. But this budget agreement is a postponement of the war, and was pretty much out of Obama's hands.

      So you're mad at Obama because the Republicans refuse to pass the budget?


      • #4
        Re: The Republicans are ideological Jack-asses and Obama has no Balls.

        Originally posted by sunskyfan View Post
        So, they have decided to punt this until March. Congrats guys. This is the fiscal 11 budget. It should be passed by this Congress not the new one coming in. The longer they wait the more the economy is held in limbo and the faster it collapses. These guys are ridiculous. Both sides. Let's see, the Fed thinks that $600 billion is critical and the folks in Washington thing that a $1.8 trillion dollar budget should be held up because of what? "Don't ask don't tell"? "Ear marks"? "A 3% bump on those who make more"? Oh, and by the way. I voted for you Obama. There is nothing more powerful than the truth. YOU ARE THE KING HEDGER OF ALL TIME. YOU ARE THE ULTIMATE DERIVATIVE. You have no value because you won't actualize your Presidency. You make these pukes on Wall Street look like aggressive front line war heros. You think if you keep treading water it will all be okay. If you are not going to do anything at least go on TV and explain it to us and why. Quit hiding. Jesus, resign if you don't want the job we are dying out here. Let somebody else do it. Yes, you inherited the shit storm of all time but man up and at least tell the truth about it and tell us where we are so we can start making the decisions we need to make. You may be a one-termer but big ass deal you probably are anyway and I would rather respect you than wonder about why I ever voted for you. Okay, I am done.
        I guess it doesn't surprise me that someone from one of the least productive states in the union would post something like this.

        Be happy the system is working as it is, because when it collapses, no one is going to bother to save your state and it will probably end up joining Mexico in the end.

        I hope you look forward to becoming a Mexican citizen!


        • #5
          Re: The Republicans are ideological Jack-asses and Obama has no Balls.

          Yikes Serge. With charm like that I'm not surprised you have to beat them off. I take it all back.


          • #6
            Re: The Republicans are ideological Jack-asses and Obama has no Balls.

            I'll take my situation in New Mexico over New York City when this all goes and I will be fine. We have lots of oil and we know how to build nuclear weapons ;). As for the Mexican folks I meet in my state: they work their asses off and are good people.

            Enjoy eating your bonus pool.


            • #7
              Re: The Republicans are ideological Jack-asses and Obama has no Balls.

              If Obama went before the American people and explained our situation he would get a budget passed. Claiming that the big bad Reps won't pass the budget is like saying his Mom is calling him home for dinner so he doesn't have to take on the big bully. I think the unfortunate truth about Mr. Obama is that, in the end, he is a well spoken academic that is out of his league and nothing more. Until he proves otherwise that is what I think of him.


              • #8
                Re: The Republicans are ideological Jack-asses and Obama has no Balls.

                Originally posted by sunskyfan View Post
                I'll take my situation in New Mexico over New York City when this all goes and I will be fine. We have lots of oil and we know how to build nuclear weapons ;).
                Both New Mexico and New York have their special talents. One can make nuclear weapons of mass destruction, and the other financial weapons of mass destruction.
                Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                • #9
                  Re: The Republicans are ideological Jack-asses and Obama has no Balls.

                  Originally posted by sunskyfan View Post
                  If Obama went before the American people and explained our situation he would get a budget passed. Claiming that the big bad Reps won't pass the budget is like saying his Mom is calling him home for dinner so he doesn't have to take on the big bully. I think the unfortunate truth about Mr. Obama is that, in the end, he is a well spoken academic that is out of his league and nothing more. Until he proves otherwise that is what I think of him.
                  Obama is not even an academic. If he were, he would have figured out by now that Summers, Geithner, and Bernanke are a substantial part of the problem and cannot be the part of a solution. Obama has been a major disappointment.


                  • #10
                    Re: The Republicans are ideological Jack-asses and Obama has no Balls.

                    Oh, he's an academic all right, it's just that economics isn't his specialty. But yes, he has been a major disappointment.


                    • #11
                      Re: The Republicans are ideological Jack-asses and Obama has no Balls.

                      Republicans are ideological Jack-asses and Obama has no Balls


                      • #12
                        Re: The Republicans are ideological Jack-asses and Obama has no Balls.

                        I'm not aware of ANYTHING that is faster than the speed of stupid.


                        • #13
                          Re: The Republicans are ideological Jack-asses and Obama has no Balls.

                          Hey ... didn't you hear? Obvious is a meaningless term anymore ...

