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Empire of Schmucks

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  • Empire of Schmucks

    Amusing piece from FP this week:

    I can't help but be left with the mental image of Obama as Emperor Palpatine/Darth Siddious, to the ominous music of STAR WARS, but as rendered by Mel Brooks. (And I say that as someone who would still take Obama/Biden over McCain/Palin).

  • #2
    Re: Empire of Schmucks

    Originally posted by Prazak
    (And I say that as someone who would still take Obama/Biden over McCain/Palin).
    The strongest argument that I see which has merit against nuclear power is the underestimation of the cost for nuclear waste disposal.

    The strongest argument against the thus far failed experiment of Obama/Biden is similar: McCain would be outta here (the mortal coil) in a decade no matter what, but Obama we'll have to live with for 4 decades or more.

    Palin, we're stuck with anyway as events have clearly borne out. If anything her being Vice President would have potentially diffused that time bomb much as Quayle's Vice President-dom killed his political career.


    • #3
      Re: Empire of Schmucks

      Originally posted by c1ue View Post
      Palin, we're stuck with anyway as events have clearly borne out. If anything her being Vice President would have potentially diffused that time bomb much as Quayle's Vice President-dom killed his political career.
      Ah, but Quayle was an intellectual lightweight of vanilla flavoring, not a an intellectual lightweight of demagogical bent, like Palin. (Perhaps the 2012 Republican Primary will reprise one of the best lines of the 1988 general election: "I served with Dan Quayle, I knew Dan Quayle, Dan Quayle was a friend of mine. Governor, you're no Dan Quayle.")

      I'd rather not test the ameliorating or non-ameliorating effects of seating an incurious, self-righteous, wilfully ignorant demogague a mere heartbeat away from the Presidency (especially if held by a man in his 70s).


      • #4
        Re: Empire of Schmucks

        Originally posted by Prazak
        I'd rather not test the ameliorating or non-ameliorating effects of seating an incurious, self-righteous, wilfully ignorant demogague a mere heartbeat away from the Presidency (especially if held by a man in his 70s).
        Understandable, but I'd still note that the impact of Palin whether President or Vice President would have been greatly ameliorated by a Democrat Congress.

        Obama on the other hand has had free rein to do...nothing he has promised except Afghanistan. And I suppose health care.


        • #5
          Re: Empire of Schmucks

          Originally posted by c1ue View Post
          Understandable, but I'd still note that the impact of Palin whether President or Vice President would have been greatly ameliorated by a Democrat Congress.
          There's truth to Johnson's famous saying about a camel -- better to have it inside the tent pissing out than outside pissing in. I take your point in that sense: she might have a more baleful influence on the body politic as a well-paid, reality-show-star demagogue than as a member of the Executive Branch. On the other hand we've seen our share of executive branch members run amok over the years relatively unchecked by the Legislature. Better not to take chances.

          Originally posted by c1ue View Post
          Obama on the other hand has had free rein to do...nothing he has promised except Afghanistan. And I suppose health care.
          Or she could be like Obama -- showing that too little executive experience presents its own problems.

          But aren't we all glad he hasn't gotten around to the promised cap and trade bill?


          • #6
            Re: Empire of Schmucks

            Originally posted by Prazak
            On the other hand we've seen our share of executive branch members run amok over the years relatively unchecked by the Legislature.
            Quite true.

            But the running amok has mostly been to do with bankster related issues.

            For anything else, a prime Democrat opposition sound bite opportunity.

            Plus I would flat out state that the scale of the Republican Congressional win just now would never have occurred with McCain/Palin in there. If anything, the opposite.

            Originally posted by Prazak
            Or she could be like Obama -- showing that too little executive experience presents its own problems.
            Yes, but at least she would not have been first string.

            Honestly what likely would have happened - barring McCain totally kicking off - would have been an incapacitating stroke a la FDR in his 4th term. And Palin wouldn't have been running the show...she ain't Cheney. It would have been the Cabinet - which arguably would have been running most things anyway - McCain being a prime bankster puppet to begin with.

            Originally posted by Prazak
            But aren't we all glad he hasn't gotten around to the promised cap and trade bill?
            He tried, but the health care insurers contributed a lot more than the Greenpeaces and Gores of the US so had more priority. Before that the banksters had reign.

            Plus unlike health care, the opposition would have actually had some money (entire coal industry, most of the electricity industry outside PG & E and Duke, etc etc) and would have found a unifying focus.


            • #7
              Re: Empire of Schmucks

              Originally posted by c1ue View Post
              Quite true.

              But the running amok has mostly been to do with bankster related issues.
              Actually the more recent running amok I had in mind was the vast national security apparatus erected post-9/11, the war in Vietnam, and the internment of ethnic Japanese during WWII. (I'd throw in Abe's suspension of Habeas Corpus if I weren't such an Abe fan.) The Bankster running amok has seemed completely in harmony with -- or should we say in conspiracy with? -- Congress and the Executive.

              Originally posted by c1ue View Post
              Plus I would flat out state that the scale of the Republican Congressional win just now would never have occurred with McCain/Palin in there. If anything, the opposite.
              No doubt true. When W was reelected in 2004 one of the small consolations I took was that at least he would have to drink of his own poisoned chalice. Turns out his successor has done as well.

              Originally posted by c1ue View Post
              Yes, but at least she would not have been first string.

              Honestly what likely would have happened - barring McCain totally kicking off - would have been an incapacitating stroke a la FDR in his 4th term. And Palin wouldn't have been running the show...she ain't Cheney. It would have been the Cabinet - which arguably would have been running most things anyway - McCain being a prime bankster puppet to begin with.
              Sarah wouldn't have been first string, but the very naming of her instantly disqualified McCain for the first string.

              More likely she would have quit half-way into her first term in favor of a reality program in which she can trot out her noxious claptrap for cable audiences without being challenged or accountable.


              • #8
                Re: Empire of Schmucks

                Originally posted by Prazak
                More likely she would have quit half-way into her first term in favor of a reality program in which she can trot out her noxious claptrap for cable audiences without being challenged or accountable.
                You say that like this is a bad thing!

                Who says TV doesn't do anything positive?

