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Swiss Guns at Home

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  • Swiss Guns at Home

    That's how the Swiss see it. What a contrast to the US government, the Swiss government actually pays for the ammo!

    Not sure why the image doesn't come up, I put it in the video tags.

  • #2
    Re: Swiss Guns at Home

    I'm all for it. Let's cut the "defense" budget by a third and have a state paid-for militia.

    That sounds wonderful to me.


    • #3
      Re: Swiss Guns at Home

      I am quite envious of the Swiss Government's trusts in it's citizens and citizen army.

      It's not uncommon to see a uniformed or civilian clothed national serviceman with a Sig550 strapped to his back in Switzerland....that causes as much stir as a book bag or purse.

      While I think we've got it pretty good here in NZ, there's room for improvement in that high level of trust.

      I'm also quite envious of Switzerland's approach to gain citizenship I think it can take up to 10 years and includes a LOT of input from your local community/ it should.

      Back to the point of Swiss firearms.....current service rifle is are it's two predecessors...the Sig 510 is quite expensive in the US, but the Schmidt Rubin K31 is a work of art and dirt cheap....can fire .308 pills but in a 7.5X55 Swiss case.......built like a Rolex/Omega.

      Here in NZ, the Swiss club receive service ammunition(match grade...the quality is excellent) care of the Swiss government to ensure Swiss expats are able to maintain their marksmanship proficiency.

      I heard a rumour that the Swiss in Japan even managed to at least once use a Japanese Self Defense Force military range to allow their citizens to shoot in a country with incredibly strict firearms laws......reportedly the rifles and ammunition were flown in, escorted to the range, a shoot was conducted under close control of Japanese authorities, and then all firearms and remaining range produce were flown back out.....huge effort expended to prove a point.

      If Switzerland bordered an ocean I would probably live there.

      Who runs Switzerland and why don't we hear more about Swiss leaders and their involvement in international "crisis"? Exactly........

      Too bad about their current situation in regards to Swiss bank debt to Eastern Europe and the fact they are a prisoner in a very nasty prison without a gang or prison boss to protect them.......hence the Swiss banking system being openly gang raped by the US/UK/Germany/France and why Hong Kong is conveniently ignored.

      I often wonder if the Swiss will continue to remain neutral and non-aligned at the risk of their financial services economy being slowly chewed up in the undeclared economic war for survival or will they become someone's b!tch?

      As the global economy's centre of gravity shifts East, maybe Singapore will be passed the baton and become a 21st century Switzerland? They seem to have made some noticeably big picture strategic decisions that parallel Switzerland.....militarily and economically at least....minus the incredible level of certain freedoms and bottom heavy, strong localized authority.

      Just my 0.02c


      • #4
        Re: Swiss Guns at Home

        If Switzerland bordered an ocean I would probably live there.
        if Switzerland bordered an ocean, things probably would have turned out differently for them and you might not be discussing Swiss neutrality and gun culture.


        • #5
          Re: Swiss Guns at Home

          Switzerland is a landlocked, mountainous small country lodged between powerful neighbors. That dictates its defense posture. (universal militia, mined tunnels, etc.)

          Swiss mastery of financial neutrality has been their ticket to both surviving and thriving in 2 world wars.


          • #6
            Re: Swiss Guns at Home

