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BP, its a nightmare!

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  • Re: BP, its a nightmare!

    Oil on beaches is a natural event, just as every surfer in California knows. The oil is harmless.

    Also, well-known to California swimmers is a natural event known as the "red tide". The red tide happens when water temperatures in the Eastern Pacific warm, just preceding the El Nino event which occurs every 13 years or so.

    During the "red tide", the oxygen content of the sea surface water diminishes, and all kinds of marine organisms die and get washed-up onto the beaches--- to make quite a mess. But this is how nature works.

    So I would expect that die-offs and so-called "dead zones" in the Gulf of Mexico occur naturally and in cycles, just as they do along the California coast. They are nothing to be concerned about.

    Please have the EPA and its eco-frauds explain here to all of us, why am I wrong?


    • Re: BP, its a nightmare!

      Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
      Oil on beaches is a natural event, just as every surfer in California knows. The oil is harmless.

      Also, well-known to California swimmers is a natural event known as the "red tide". The red tide happens when water temperatures in the Eastern Pacific warm, just preceding the El Nino event which occurs every 13 years or so.

      During the "red tide", the oxygen content of the sea surface water diminishes, and all kinds of marine organisms die and get washed-up onto the beaches--- to make quite a mess. But this is how nature works.

      So I would expect that die-offs and so-called "dead zones" in the Gulf of Mexico occur naturally and in cycles, just as they do along the California coast. They are nothing to be concerned about.

      Please have the EPA and its eco-frauds explain here to all of us, why am I wrong?

      I wouldn't play down the severity of the leak, but what I'm surprised by is Obama ranting away like the comedian Jim Cramer of CNBC, totally useless and creating unnecessary panic, making the economic damage more severe than it would have been.

      I think BP should sue the Obama administration for causing greater losses due to Obama's incapability.

      First, who drilled the hole?

      Secondly, who provided the BOP.

      Thirdly, who approved the drill plans.

      Fourthly, who approved the BOPs?
      Last edited by touchring; June 28, 2010, 03:06 AM.


      • Re: BP, its a nightmare!

        Originally posted by touchring View Post
        .....I'm surprised by is Obama ranting away like the comedian Jim Cramer of CNBC, totally useless and creating unnecessary panic, making the economic damage more severe than it would have been.
        This response is consistent with the narrative presented in the Reuters "Time of Crisis" documentary that I posted in this forum
        The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin


        • Re: BP, its a nightmare!

          Originally posted by reggie View Post
          This response is consistent with the narrative presented in the Reuters "Time of Crisis" documentary that I posted in this forum
          What has BP got to do with the financial crisis?


          • Re: BP, its a nightmare!

            Originally posted by touchring View Post
            What has BP got to do with the financial crisis?
            Imagine what would happen if BP defaults upon its bonds. Imagine what would happen if senior citizens who have nothing to live on don't get dividends from BP. Imagine what would happen if pension funds don't get dividends from BP. Imagine what would happen if oil prices rise to $90 per barrel because of law-suits and fines. Also, imagine what would happen if BP went bankrupt. Imagine what would happen to America if BP decided to sail away and drill for China or Saudi-Arabia, Lybia, or Iran.... The bottomline, like it or not, is that BP is critical to America and its economy.


            • Re: BP, its a nightmare!

              Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
              Imagine what would happen if BP defaults upon its bonds. Imagine what would happen if senior citizens who have nothing to live on don't get dividends from BP. Imagine what would happen if pension funds don't get dividends from BP. Imagine what would happen if oil prices rise to $90 per barrel because of law-suits and fines. Also, imagine what would happen if BP went bankrupt. Imagine what would happen to America if BP decided to sail away and drill for China or Saudi-Arabia, Lybia, or Iran.... The bottomline, like it or not, is that BP is critical to America and its economy.
              Of cos BP will shift focus outside of the USA, such a scenario is already confirmed whether or not the Obama administration drives them out. Once bitten, twice shy. The damage is already done. China, Russia and Libya are more than delighted to embrace BP money, oil and technology. If BP has assets to sell, they will buy, where they couldn't previously. If BP wants to drill oil that they couldn't drill themselves due to lack of expertise, they will invite BP in.

              Obama has achieved nothing by getting BP to cough out $20 billion. Like C1ue always say, the US can always print money. Obama can print $20 billion out of thin air. The US has already given bankers hundreds of billions of free money, why not just hand out $20 billion to fishermen and tour operators that need the money more than wealthy bankers?

              Politically, Obama has succeeded in diverting the attention from his lackluster performance in Afghanistan and creating jobs in the US economy, although it remains to be seen whether the effect can last till the November elections.
              Last edited by touchring; June 28, 2010, 01:56 PM.


              • Re: BP, its a nightmare!

                Originally posted by reggie View Post
                This response is consistent with the narrative presented in the Reuters "Time of Crisis" documentary that I posted in this forum
                To clarify, I was attempting to point out that "Obama's ranting away like the comedian Jim Cramer of CNBC [totally useless and creating unnecessary panic]" is "consistent with the narrative presented in the Reuters 'Time of Crisis' documentary". The link is the psycho-social impact and the social dynamic created.
                The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin


                • Re: BP, its a nightmare!

         - John Wathen


                  • Re: BP, its a nightmare!

                    Over dinner with EJ tonight, I was commenting about the terrific tone of the discussions on iTulip and the way that readers and writers generally seem to try to start with the idea that they are not dealing with cretins. I get a great deal of enlightenment and entertainment from these interchanges as ann occasional poster and more frequent reader.

                    Other than the pleasure of seeing your words in print, what exactly are you hoping to get out of this exchange?

                    Originally posted by reggie View Post
                    Exposing the sham.

                    But yes, you are correct, I am NOT the smartest guy in the room. However, I am probably the least indoctrinated.
                    "The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much it is whether we provide enough for those who have little." - Franklin D. Roosevelt


                    • Re: BP, its a nightmare!

                      Originally posted by Jeff
                      what exactly are you hoping to get out of this exchange?
                      It is my experience that reggie chooses not to discuss his underlying motives. I surmise that he is warning us of some psycho-dynamic manipulation, some framing of our awareness, some staging of a Hegelian or Marcusian dialectic. From what I can tell, he prefers to let the evidence he presents speak for itself. I would rate him as often being a degree or two more cynical, more paranoid, more skeptical of the psychopathic powers that be than even your humble servant the Cow. Reggie has objected to the labels I apply here, though I might observe that he does not hesitate to label certain powers that be and cast our relation with them in an implicit us-versus-them frame.
                      -- Marcuse is a Luddite who suffered the misfortune of reading Hegel at an impressionable age.
                      Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                      • Re: BP, its a nightmare!

                        Originally posted by babbittd View Post
                        In one way, this is an excellent example of the result of, what seems probable, that this was caused by the irresponsible decision, not to take advice, by a single individual. So the first thought is to suggest that, in future, all such deep drilling is monitored by a group of senior drilling engineers who must each agree with each step of the process, step by step. And, moreover, that they cannot be overruled by a cretin with administrative functions, but with insufficient understanding of the risks involved.

                        My second thought has been in mind for some time.

                        Surely it is possible to rig a screen, perhaps one or two hundred feet in diameter, from the seabed to the surface; so that the main area affected is kept to very small dimensions? That way, we would be able to pump the majority off the surface. It would also stop the distribution of so much under surface oil out into the wider gulf. A series of sheets of canvas, 200 feet in diameter, say, fifty feet high and fitted with buoyancy at the top edge, small weights at the bottom edges, while anchored to the seabed, each fitted inside the other getting slightly LARGER, not smaller as in my previous edition, (apologies everyone), in diameter as they get closer to the surface would prevent much of the pollution from spreading uncontrolled.

                        Also, this is a device that is easily manufactured and just as easily maintained. No, I agree, there are some serious challenges to doing that, but compared to doing nothing; why not try?

                        And for what it is worth, why not specify the same system for every other rig?

                        I will be quite happy to work with anyone who believes this is feasible and wants to try.
                        Last edited by Chris Coles; July 01, 2010, 04:29 AM. Reason: Realised my original description should have specified getting larger as it rises up from the seabed.


                        • Re: BP, its a nightmare!

                          Originally posted by babbittd View Post
                          This video claims that they spotted a whale in the Gulf covered in oil. I'm certainly no expert in whale migration patterns, but I have always been under the impression that whales migrate toward the colder poles in the summer.
                          The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin


                          • Re: BP, its a nightmare!

                            Originally posted by Jeff View Post
                            Over dinner with EJ tonight, I was commenting about the terrific tone of the discussions on iTulip and the way that readers and writers generally seem to try to start with the idea that they are not dealing with cretins. I get a great deal of enlightenment and entertainment from these interchanges as ann occasional poster and more frequent reader.

                            Other than the pleasure of seeing your words in print, what exactly are you hoping to get out of this exchange?
                            I'm more than a little embarrassed by all the intention that I seem to be getting in this thread. As far as your question, I'll quote comments that I posted earlier in this thread as well as post some insights from a relevant reference.

                            Originally posted by reggie View Post
                            Hopefully, it has made some question the validity of the images that they are trusting and basing their frame-of-reference on. Remember, all the images and the distribution channels that these images are being delivered through are controlled. Baudrillard shows us quite clearly how a System of Objects can be consumed by a target audience in order to create new realities.
                            Originally posted by reggie View Post
                            The goal was to make one step back and think for a moment... to question ones own assumptions. I'm trying to pull people out of their existing frames of references, and sometimes one has to come from outer space in order to do that. Perhaps an unexpected jolt now and again will get someone to take a new perspective, even for a moment.
                            Originally posted by reggie View Post
                            As far as my introduction of Baudrillard and PysWar, this is precisely what we are facing. I have discarded all the irrelevant discussion and driven straight to the heart of the matter. This is where ones focus should be, not on the imagery being blasted into your senses through controlled sources. See my comments here in another post on Goleman at Google, and you'll see him explain the Amygdala Hijack and get some further insights in to how this imagery is impacting the bio-physiology of your brain and how it processes inputs, and therefore impacts your decision processes.
                            I believe I've mentioned the concept of the construction of social reality in this forum previously. Goleman has written books on this subject, and I strongly urge that interested forum members research Daniel Goleman's work, as I believe it will illustrate how digital images frame our perspective, our behavior, our decision making, and therefore our reality across society.

                            Vital Lies, Simple Truths: The Psychology of Self-Deception
                            Daniel Goleman

                            Vital Lies, Simple Truths is a penetrating analysis of the ways we deceive ourselves. Daniel Goleman draws on evidence of all kinds—from brain function to social dynamics—to reveal how we skew our most intimate relationships, our day-to-day lives, and our common reality by burying painful insights and memories. This self-deception is our means of psychic self-preservation, the currency of survival in which an entire society colludes. But although self-deception is sometimes benign, it can also be dangerous and life-diminishing. This important book both illuminates and raises challenging questions about a subject that is central to our psychological existence.

                            Goleman states his thesis using three premises
                            in the early pages of his book (p. 22):
                            (1) The mind can protect itself against anxiety by dimming awareness.
                            (2) This mechanism creates a blind spot: a zone of blocked attention and self-deception.
                            (3) Such blind spots occur at each major level of behavior from the psychological to the social.

                            Employing these principles, Goleman explains why we cover our anxieties with delusional behaviors, focusing on the many ways in which our minds play tricks on us. Goleman uses a series of short vignettes, from business, political and family scenarios, to illustrate his arguments.

                            Goleman touches on perception, self-esteem, projection, rationalization, sublimation, and the links between the psychic numbing of awareness and the addiction to materialism as an opiate.
                            The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin


                            • Re: BP, its a nightmare!

                              Reggie, it's obvious that we might disagree on some very basic fundamental and foundational areas of belief, but it's my fervently held belief that everyone benefits when everyone is heard from, and there really are no better social lubricants than a dash of tolerance and a soupcon of civility. The idea that the denizens of iTulip are a blandly and uniformly "indoctrinated" lot is really just a bit unsupportable, don't you think?

                              There is a lot of very intelligent, independent thought going on here, and the idea of any kind of lockstep groupthink here is really not supported by the facts on the ground, or at least the words on the page. Lord knows I could name a few here whose dearly held opinions and strongly stated beliefs are damn near nauseating to me, but I look forward to seeing what the damn fools have to say, and have a great deal of respect for them bothering to take the time to say it, er, type it in a thoughtful and civil manner.

                              I've watched this site grow from its' literal inception, the first stock certificate number 000001 for has my name on it, and I'm typing this in EJ's kitchen drinking his coffee. I'm one of the most contrarian sons of a bitch you'll ever meet, a self-made multimillionaire at a very young age and still recovering from an extreme Fundamentalist Christian upbringing.

                              If I'm a successful product of indoctrination, then you sir are an oyster. If EJ has gone to this much trouble to stroke and support some groupthink agenda, then I too am a bivalve.

                              Originally posted by reggie View Post
                              I'm more than a little embarrassed by all the intention that I seem to be getting in this thread. As far as your question, I'll quote comments that I posted earlier in this thread as well as post some insights from a relevant reference.

                              I believe I've mentioned the concept of the construction of social reality in this forum previously. Goleman has written books on this subject, and I strongly urge that interested forum members research Daniel Goleman's work, as I believe it will illustrate how digital images frame our perspective, our behavior, our decision making, and therefore our reality across society.
                              "The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much it is whether we provide enough for those who have little." - Franklin D. Roosevelt


                              • Re: BP, its a nightmare!

                                Originally posted by Jeff View Post
                                Reggie, it's obvious that we might disagree on some very basic fundamental and foundational areas of belief, but it's my fervently held belief that everyone benefits when everyone is heard from, and there really are no better social lubricants than a dash of tolerance and a soupcon of civility. The idea that the denizens of iTulip are a blandly and uniformly "indoctrinated" lot is really just a bit unsupportable, don't you think?

                                There is a lot of very intelligent, independent thought going on here, and the idea of any kind of lockstep groupthink here is really not supported by the facts on the ground, or at least the words on the page. Lord knows I could name a few here whose dearly held opinions and strongly stated beliefs are damn near nauseating to me, but I look forward to seeing what the damn fools have to say, and have a great deal of respect for them bothering to take the time to say it, er, type it in a thoughtful and civil manner.

                                I've watched this site grow from its' literal inception, the first stock certificate number 000001 for has my name on it, and I'm typing this in EJ's kitchen drinking his coffee. I'm one of the most contrarian sons of a bitch you'll ever meet, a self-made multimillionaire at a very young age and still recovering from an extreme Fundamentalist Christian upbringing.

                                If I'm a successful product of indoctrination, then you sir are an oyster. If EJ has gone to this much trouble to stroke and support some groupthink agenda, then I too am a bivalve.
                                I, and my views in this thread, have been repeatedly labeled and branded by others with loaded words meant to castrate discussion and discredit the messenger. Today, the thread was moved off the news page to the rant and rave forum. Exactly how should one interpret this?

                                Moreover, I don't appreciate your attempted re-characterization that I am somehow framing "the denizens of iTulip" as "blandly and uniformly 'indoctrinated'". On the contrary, I have presented my own views, suggested that others continue to reassess their own assumptions, and offered reference material to support my view that may provide others with a different perspective. Furthermore, one of the reasons that I felt that it was appropriate to post such material here was that fact that I believe that the membership here is intelligent enough, open minded enough and caring enough to pursue such a line of discussion in a non-emotional and mature fashion.
                                Last edited by reggie; July 01, 2010, 12:34 PM.
                                The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin

