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BP, its a nightmare!

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  • #31
    Re: BP, its a nightmare!

    Originally posted by KGW View Post
    I am somewhat stunned that you apparently believe that the Obummer, or others who have held the job, has anything to do with the actual policies put forth by the power structure in the United States.

    It could be worst than what you think. "Obummer" may actually be working for the Chinese.

    Change in shares, date filed 1st May 2010. China bought 25 million BP stocks. And that is 1st May, by now, China may have bought hundreds of millions of BP stocks.

    Without the help from Obama, no one can accumulate a controlling stake in BP, never mind the price if pension funds won't sell their holdings. But by the time Obama has finished thrashing BP, BP assets outside the USA may have fallen under China's control.

    While George W Bush maimed tens of thousands of young americans to acquire oil, Obama gave away oil to China for ten billion dollars (which is like FOC in comparison to the cost of war).

    Last edited by touchring; June 16, 2010, 11:43 PM.


    • #32
      Re: BP, its a nightmare!

      Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
      Thanks!! We all needed that.

      I'm currently in the Persian Gulf, heading back to Europe shortly. I don't know what's playing in America, but the clips of President Obama's statements about the blowout and BP that are being aired over here [CNN and CNBC] show him behaving in the least statesmanlike manner that I can recall.

      What is important is 1) getting the well capped, and 2) minimizing the amount of new oil that is released into the waters of the Gulf. The lawyers can figure out the restitution and compensation later...that's what laws are for. The more people in BP start to worry about the future of their comany and their jobs the less effective they are going to be dealing with what is important [and I am not talking about the BP executives here].

      It strikes me that we tend to forget that President Obama is a still a young man, and simply does not bring to the job the same life experience, and maturity that comes with that, as some of the grizzled veterans that held that esteemed position before him. And it's starting to show...
      Obama is a media creation. The MSM's fawning adoration of him have created all kinds of idiotic expectations of him.

      There was a time when Americans behaved like a sensible mature people. They understood that governments don't have a magic wand and cannot make problems disappear magically. Now, there is a semi-religious belief in the ability of the government to fix ANYTHING pronto if the public so wishes.


      • #33
        Re: BP, its a nightmare!

        Yikes, more fun with Matt Simmons. In the following interview with Bloomberg he:

        1) revises his flow rate estimate to 120 k barrels a day
        2) claims the NOAA research vessel Jefferson has found a submerged lake of oil that covers 40% of the GOM's area (it's only been there for about a week?!!!)
        3) claims that the relief wells won't work if the casing is compromised


        I can't find any references to the NOAA's Jefferson results. Still looking.

        It's all about as alarmist as you can get. But what I'd really like to know is whether the success of the relief wells is dependant on the casing being intact. If, as he suggests, blowouts often result in casings being ejected from wells, and that the success of relief wells is dependant on there being intact casings, how is it that relief wells are the standard method of dealing with blowouts?


        • #34
          Re: BP, its a nightmare!

          May I please have bread and circus?


          • #35
            Re: BP, its a nightmare!

            Originally posted by oddlots
            I can't find any references to the NOAA's Jefferson results.
            Here are some links to news articles on the Thomas Jefferson:
            June 1, 2010
            NOAA research ship to search Gulf for underwater oil
            June 2, 2010
            NOAA vessel surveys oil spill (YouTube video)
            June 3, 2010
            NOAA sends high-tech research ship into Gulf
            June 8, 2010
            Toxic Undersea Oil Plumes Lurk in Gulf of Mexico (Update2)
            June 8, 2010
            Gulf oil spill: Undersea oil 'clouds' confirmed in spill zone [Updated]
            June 15, 2010
            NOAA vessel departs to continue valuable research on BP oil spill

            From what I've read so far, the Thomas Jefferson left the port of New Orleans on Thursday, June 3, 2010 for nine days, and then earlier this week headed out of Galveston on Tuesday, June 15, 2010 for another three weeks.

            I see no way that they could have measured the full scope of the oil in the water so far; they just can't move that fast and sample that much water, especially given that they are having to "re-purpose" their mission from the usual work they do.

            My best guess would be that there is wide spread, dispersed, low concentration oil in the water at various depths, over an unknown region. To some extent this is the work of the dispersant's doing their job, which is to convert concentrated surface oil into widely dispersed low concentrations of submarine fine oil droplets. The (ever growing) cynic in me figures this is to minimize the public relations risk of pictures showing great globs of oil; the (ever shrinking) trusting citizen in me figures that it's better to hit a wide area of the habitat with low concentrations than to hit focused areas with high concentrations.
            Most folks are good; a few aren't.


            • #36
              Re: BP, its a nightmare!

              Originally posted by we_are_toast View Post
              Remember, you're dealing with an American public that thought their house would increase in value forever, and goes around screaming "drill baby drill" while complaining about oil washing on shore in the Gulf.

              President Obama is simply trying to respond politically to a majority of Americans who think he can wave a magic wand and stop oil from coming out of the well. I can think of dozens of things to be highly critical of this administration, but the criticism of not doing enough to stop this spill only demonstrates how impossible it is to solve the very serious problems facing this country, when the American public can't begin to comprehend the simple, much less complex, problems we are all facing. Get ready for the real demagogues!

              BP is now a golden goose and effectively nationalized. It won't be allowed to die, but it'll be bled for many years into the future.
              In his victory speech Messiah Obama said, "This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow, and our planet began to heal".

              When such juvenile, hyperbolic bull$#&t rolls forth from his forked tongue, he sets himself up to be the successor of King Canute, only this time his followers actually expect the tide to obey!


              • #37
                Re: BP, its a nightmare!

                Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
                the (ever shrinking) trusting citizen in me figures that it's better to hit a wide area of the habitat with low concentrations than to hit focused areas with high concentrations.
                The solution to pollution is dilution! unless the pollution in question turns out to be toxic in very small concentrations, and it proves impossible to achieve sufficient dilution... then you're merely polluting a wider area
                Last edited by ASH; June 17, 2010, 06:54 PM.


                • #38
                  Re: BP, its a nightmare!

                  It's not a "nightmare" everywhere, as is largely being portrayed. Just check out vacation houses on the Gulf coast, because it's not easy to get a reservation. There are plenty of tourists on the beach. Check out some of the other points of view from locals who live in the area.

                  There's a reason this is being played as a total disaster in the media. Think about it.
                  The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin


                  • #39
                    Re: BP, its a nightmare!

                    There is oil in the sag ponds along the San Andreas Fault in central California. There is oil in the sag ponds along the Sergeant Fault. Are you going to blame this natural oil leakage on BP too?

                    You all may see the oil for yourself: Please observe along U.S. Hwy 101 in Santa Clara and San Benito County. You all can scrape the oil off with your hands if you wish.

                    You all may observe natural oil seeping up into the sag ponds along Summerland Road in Watsonville, Cal.

                    I would just love to testify in court under oath against the gangsters in the law-suits against BP.
                    I have plenty to say to the court about the junk science and propaganda from Greenpeace and the Sierra Club now that is being used to mis-inform the public about oil leaks.

                    I offer the sag ponds here described as real science and real evidence that the public can go view this weekend.

                    I have lost all respect for the Obama bunch, especially for his advisors: including Nancy Pelosi and Bernanke, including Al Gore and Dr. Chu who heads the Energy Dept in the Obama Administration.

                    But don't believe me; go see the real evidence for yourself, with your own eyes, of how nature works. Pick the oil up with your fingers and smell it. The evidence is quite clear about how the Earth naturally leaks oil into the environment, and oil is not a pollutant.

                    I have had it with the liars and fraudsters in Greenpeace and the Sierra Club. I will fight that bunch and testify under oath on behalf of BP, anywhere and anytime.
                    Last edited by Starving Steve; June 17, 2010, 11:17 PM.


                    • #40
                      Re: BP, its a nightmare!

                      Originally posted by reggie
                      There's a reason this is being played as a total disaster in the media.
                      There's a reason I don't listen to the "media" ...

                      Several reasons, actually ...
                      Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                      • #41
                        Re: BP, its a nightmare!

                        Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
                        There's a reason I don't listen to the "media" ...

                        Several reasons, actually ...
                        iTulip is my media.


                        • #42
                          Re: BP, its a nightmare!

                          Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
                          There is oil in the sag ponds along the San Andreas Fault in central California. There is oil in the sag ponds along the Sergeant Fault. Are you going to blame this natural oil leakage on BP too?

                          You all may see the oil for yourself: Please observe along U.S. Hwy 101 in Santa Clara and San Benito County. You all can scrape the oil off with your hands if you wish.

                          You all may observe natural oil seeping up into the sag ponds along Summerland Road in Watsonville, Cal.

                          I would just love to testify in court under oath against the gangsters in the law-suits against BP.
                          I have plenty to say to the court about the junk science and propaganda from Greenpeace and the Sierra Club now that is being used to mis-inform the public about oil leaks.

                          I offer the sag ponds here described as real science and real evidence that the public can go view this weekend.

                          I have lost all respect for the Obama bunch, especially for his advisors: including Nancy Pelosi and Bernanke, including Al Gore and Dr. Chu who heads the Energy Dept in the Obama Administration.

                          But don't believe me; go see the real evidence for yourself, with your own eyes, of how nature works. Pick the oil up with your fingers and smell it. The evidence is quite clear about how the Earth naturally leaks oil into the environment, and oil is not a pollutant.

                          I have had it with the liars and fraudsters in Greenpeace and the Sierra Club. I will fight that bunch and testify under oath on behalf of BP, anywhere and anytime.

                          Steve have you tried to lick the oil off of your fingers? Does it taste good?


                          • #43
                            Re: BP, its a nightmare!

                            Crude oil: a 100% natural and organic source of calories for today's busy post-imperial military/industrial complex.

                            Warning: may cause dependency.


                            • #44
                              Re: BP, its a nightmare!

                              I'm sure the oil industry would love for you to come testify, Steve. There is no doubt you would have quite an effect on any jury.


                              • #45
                                Re: BP, its a nightmare!

                                Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
                                There is oil in the sag ponds along the San Andreas Fault in central California. There is oil in the sag ponds along the Sergeant Fault. Are you going to blame this natural oil leakage on BP too?

                                You all may see the oil for yourself: Please observe along U.S. Hwy 101 in Santa Clara and San Benito County. You all can scrape the oil off with your hands if you wish.

                                You all may observe natural oil seeping up into the sag ponds along Summerland Road in Watsonville, Cal.

                                I would just love to testify in court under oath against the gangsters in the law-suits against BP.
                                I have plenty to say to the court about the junk science and propaganda from Greenpeace and the Sierra Club now that is being used to mis-inform the public about oil leaks.

                                I offer the sag ponds here described as real science and real evidence that the public can go view this weekend.

                                I have lost all respect for the Obama bunch, especially for his advisors: including Nancy Pelosi and Bernanke, including Al Gore and Dr. Chu who heads the Energy Dept in the Obama Administration.

                                But don't believe me; go see the real evidence for yourself, with your own eyes, of how nature works. Pick the oil up with your fingers and smell it. The evidence is quite clear about how the Earth naturally leaks oil into the environment, and oil is not a pollutant.

                                I have had it with the liars and fraudsters in Greenpeace and the Sierra Club. I will fight that bunch and testify under oath on behalf of BP, anywhere and anytime.
                                Uranium is a natural compound too.... but funny how humanity has a knack for unleashing "natural" compounds in ways nature never intended.

                                I'm sure if your livelihood relied on the gulf fishery, your views would be a tad different. I'm no fan of greedy lawyers, but they're not entirely useless. If your livelihood is shattered due to this disaster, a lawyer is the only person that will fight for you.

                                Would you rather have lived near Chernobyl, in the days of the USSR with no lawyers? With no Sierra Club?

                                You take a lot for granted. Lawyers and Environmentalists, while occasionally out of hand, are needed in a free country. Otherwise, I'm sure Kim Il Jong would agree with you about them. You could always move to North Korea - no worries about lawyers or environmentalists there!

