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BP, its a nightmare!

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  • #16
    Re: BP, its a nightmare!

    And two of the funnier comments on zerohedge:

    When all GOM drilling stops it will help the US employment picture as Americans will be employing the homeless to push their SUV’s back and forth to work.

    I suggest BP apply to become a bank-holding company ASAP.


    • #17
      Re: BP, its a nightmare!

      I would be the first to note that Obama's response has been a bit tepid but it is up to the Oil Industry to solve this not Obama. It is close to idiotic to suggest that a President must have the tool set to solve a problem like this. It is a little like saying that Bush Jr. should have solved the trade center's engineering collapse problem. Obama is voicing the outrage of the people who elected him which is first and foremost his job. He was elected to be advocate for the American people in a world awash with corporate arrogance and deceit. Trust me, he has not been perfect but he has been doing his job.

      The oil industry has been subsidized (most withe the help of the Pentagon) with arrogant assumption that they are the only game in town. I am no environmental whack-o but I will cheer the day that Americans are suffering for their addiction to SUVs just as I will cheer the day that 60% of the populace chooses to drop the 40 lbs of extra fat they carry around from a terrible diet and lack of exercise.
      Last edited by sunskyfan; June 16, 2010, 09:27 AM.


      • #18
        Re: BP, its a nightmare!

        Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
        When all GOM drilling stops it will help the US employment picture as Americans will be employing the homeless to push their SUV’s back and forth to work.
        It seems to me that Obama has finally put forward his plan for solving the unemployment problem in the US: everyone will be working to clean up the Gulf, to be paid for with oil company assets first, and inflation/taxes when that well runs dry (so to speak).

        What's crazy to me is the extent to which BP is letting the gov push them around. It seems pretty clear that the gov bureaucrats don't see the long term picture. Even worse, though, BP's exec staff seems completely unable to articulate why they shouldn't be sucked dry, and why it's in the public's best interest for them to survive and prosper. If they keep rolling over and don't stand up for themselves, I could see the damage from fines, lawsuits, new regulation, loss of leases, etc, destroying the company.


        • #19
          Re: BP, its a nightmare!

          Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
          Maybe one of the reasons the President is exhibiting such splenetic behaviour is that BP has presented him with the first problem he can't solve, or even fake a solution for, with nice words...

          To non-Americans, Obama is now starting to look like a Hollywood comedian. Instead of solving the American trade and budget deficit, he is monkeying around the Gulf and over BP. It is not like there is an earthquake that killed twenty thousand people or flatten one million homes.

          The Chinese are already laughing at him behind his back.


          • #20
            Re: BP, its a nightmare!

            Originally posted by sunskyfan View Post
            I would be the first to note that Obama's response has been a bit tepid but it is up to the Oil Industry to solve this not Obama. It is close to idiotic to suggest that a President must of the tool set to solve a problem like this. It is a little like saying that Bush Jr. should have solved the trade center's engineering collapse problem. Obama is voicing the outrage of the people who elected him which is first and foremost his job. He was elected to be advocate for the American people in a world awash with corporate arrogance and deceit. Trust me, he has not been perfect but he has been doing his job.

            The oil industry has been subsidized (most withe the help of the Pentagon) with arrogant assumption that they are the only game in town. I am no environmental whack-o but I will cheer the day that Americans are suffering for their addiction to SUVs just as I will cheer the day that 60% of the populace chooses to drop the 40 lbs of extra fat they carry around from a terrible diet and lack of exercise.
            Remember, you're dealing with an American public that thought their house would increase in value forever, and goes around screaming "drill baby drill" while complaining about oil washing on shore in the Gulf.

            President Obama is simply trying to respond politically to a majority of Americans who think he can wave a magic wand and stop oil from coming out of the well. I can think of dozens of things to be highly critical of this administration, but the criticism of not doing enough to stop this spill only demonstrates how impossible it is to solve the very serious problems facing this country, when the American public can't begin to comprehend the simple, much less complex, problems we are all facing. Get ready for the real demagogues!

            BP is now a golden goose and effectively nationalized. It won't be allowed to die, but it'll be bled for many years into the future.


            • #21
              Re: BP, its a nightmare!

              Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
              Maybe one of the reasons the President is exhibiting such splenetic behaviour is that BP has presented him with the first problem he can't solve, or even fake a solution for, with nice words...
              Sad as this may sound, but the above statement hits the nail on the head. The guy is not a leader, but a smooth talking manager who is incompetent. A huge disappointment.


              • #22
                Re: BP, its a nightmare!

                Originally posted by ViC78 View Post
                Sad as this may sound, but the above statement hits the nail on the head. The guy is not a leader, but a smooth talking manager who is incompetent. A huge disappointment.
                Exactly. and instead of knowing when to shut up when a problem is beyond his expertise; he is drawn like a moth to a flame thinking that this problem, too, must bend to his will and the ability of his fellow mandarins.


                • #23
                  Re: BP, its a nightmare!

                  Originally posted by ViC78 View Post
                  Sad as this may sound, but the above statement hits the nail on the head. The guy is not a leader, but a smooth talking manager who is incompetent. A huge disappointment.

                  The manager greets the president?


                  • #24
                    Re: BP, its a nightmare!

                    Originally posted by ViC78 View Post
                    The guy is not a leader, but a smooth talking manager who is incompetent. A huge disappointment.
                    Perhaps, but this sounds like the American experience in a nut shell. Who hasn't been incompetent? We confuse information with facts, posturing for strength, and we don't make decisions we avoid consequence and when we encounter difficulty we hire somebody with an empty promise of some obscure service usually from another country.

                    Presidents used to symbolize our ability to rise from obscurity and find our call now they seem to reflect who we are at our most common moments.


                    • #25
                      Re: BP, its a nightmare!

                      Originally posted by touchring View Post
                      The manager greets the president?

                      Whoops, it should be the manager greets the prime minister. that's not even the president.


                      • #26
                        Re: BP, its a nightmare!

                        Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
                        Thanks!! We all needed that.

                        I'm currently in the Persian Gulf, heading back to Europe shortly. I don't know what's playing in America, but the clips of President Obama's statements about the blowout and BP that are being aired over here [CNN and CNBC] show him behaving in the least statesmanlike manner that I can recall.

                        What is important is 1) getting the well capped, and 2) minimizing the amount of new oil that is released into the waters of the Gulf. The lawyers can figure out the restitution and compensation later...that's what laws are for. The more people in BP start to worry about the future of their comany and their jobs the less effective they are going to be dealing with what is important [and I am not talking about the BP executives here].

                        It strikes me that we tend to forget that President Obama is a still a young man, and simply does not bring to the job the same life experience, and maturity that comes with that, as some of the grizzled veterans that held that esteemed position before him. And it's starting to show...
                        He appears to be shrinking. And the question remains:

                        Would you buy a Toyota from this man?


                        • #27
                          Re: BP, its a nightmare!

                          I am somewhat stunned that you apparently believe that the Obummer, or others who have held the job, has anything to do with the actual policies put forth by the power structure in the United States.

                          Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
                          It strikes me that we tend to forget that President Obama is a still a young man, and simply does not bring to the job the same life experience, and maturity that comes with that, as some of the grizzled veterans that held that esteemed position before him. And it's starting to show...


                          • #28
                            Re: BP, its a nightmare!

                            Originally posted by don View Post

                            Would you buy a Toyota from this man?
                            With 0% APR for 60 months, yes!


                            • #29
                              Re: BP, its a nightmare!

                              Originally posted by ViC78 View Post
                              With 0% APR for 60 months, yes!
                              That's federal money!


                              • #30
                                Re: BP, its a nightmare!

                                Obama has a job to do but it isn't running the country.

                                Running the country
                                . What a hackneyed cliche that's become. Like most things repeated ad nauseum out of the mouths of the MSM's shills.

                                (Hint on Obama's real job: John Wayne was never on Iwo Jima! Or a trail drive. Nor was he a member of the Flying Tigers. )

                                And, like John, he's damn good at not really doing it.
                                Last edited by don; June 16, 2010, 02:31 PM.

