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Paging Bart

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  • Paging Bart

    Ambrose Evan-Pritchards on collapsing money supply:

  • #2
    Re: Paging Bart

    Originally posted by oddlots View Post
    Ambrose Evan-Pritchards on collapsing money supply:
    this, and more, will be the kindling for stoking the fire of an eventual "money bomb" drop -- potentially in the TRILLIONS and maybe coordinated wiht the EU -- in an attempt to re-start the dying patient yet again. All asset classes, except perhaps housing, will ramp up at that point. It will be the final hurrah.


    • #3
      Wasn't this from two years ago?

      Originally posted by oddlots View Post
      Ambrose Evan-Pritchards on collapsing money supply:
      The byline is from 2008?
      By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
      Published: 12:01AM BST 11 Jul 2008

      Is your point that the monetarists were right?


      • #4
        Re: Paging Bart

        Originally posted by doom&gloom View Post
        this, and more, will be the kindling for stoking the fire of an eventual "money bomb" drop -- potentially in the TRILLIONS and maybe coordinated wiht the EU -- in an attempt to re-start the dying patient yet again. All asset classes, except perhaps housing, will ramp up at that point. It will be the final hurrah.
        This will not be the final hurrah. It will only be final in the chain of failed attempts to properly "control" the financial system. The usual observation they-can-print-money-but-don't-know-where-it-goes will be finally proven wrong. After the printing presses fail to revive the economy (again), the gov't will take direct control of the economy. Printing money is by no means the last bullet in their gun.


        • #5
          Re: Wasn't this from two years ago?

          Whoooops. Sorry all. I swear I clicked through to that from Naked Capitalism this morning but can't find the link. I think it's been removed.

          There's clearly a conspiracy to make me look stupid.

          Yes I know, I know... it doesn't require a conspiracy to make me look stupid...


          • #6
            Re: Wasn't this from two years ago?

            You're funny and clearly not stupid have a good day oddlots


            • #7
              Re: Wasn't this from two years ago?

              There was a different AEP article from a couple weeks back talking about M3 dipping downward in the US. I don't think such a comprehensive set of monetary and credit indicators are presently contracting as in 2008, but AEP did make note of the M3 trend recently.


              • #8
                Re: Wasn't this from two years ago?

                Yep, I covered the state and history of M3 shrinking in a recent chart posted at M3 shrinking and recessions/depressions .

                M3 certainly isn't the be-all and end-all of money supply and inflation/deflation forecasting but its track record is very clear when it goes below zero growth... and also how well it correlates with corrected CPI.

                Whether its been planned or not, my expected scenario for some time has been another deflation scare followed by another even looser monetary & fiscal policy... i.e., another stagflation roll... aka, another ka-poom.

