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  • Dickipedia

    Can you sell your soul more than this man?

    From Dickipedia - A Wiki of Dicks

  • #2
    Re: Dickipedia

    (Hosted by Jerry Lewis, of course)

    Dancing With The Soulless
    (Many of the contestants are already rhythm-light....)

    American Idol
    (As is, needs no alteration...)


    • #3
      Re: Dickipedia


      • #4
        Re: Dickipedia

        Originally posted by Jay
        A more informed understanding of Gary Coleman's past might change part of your view of him:


        • #5
          Re: Dickipedia

          Originally posted by c1ue View Post
          A more informed understanding of Gary Coleman's past might change part of your view of him:

          You seriously want to dibble over Gary Coleman?!


          • #6
            Re: Dickipedia

            Resquiat in Pacem Gary Coleman


            • #7
              Re: Dickipedia

              Originally posted by Jay
              You seriously want to dibble over Gary Coleman?!
              Merely pointing out that Gary Coleman is fundamentally different than say, Paris Hilton.

              Mr. Coleman is a medical tragedy whose effects were used by the media.

              Certainly CashCall is not a reputable institution, but then again it is equally doubtful that Mr. Coleman did that job out of simple greed or even basic need as have others like Mr. "Can't Touch This"


              • #8
                Re: Dickipedia

                Have to agree with c1ue here. Gary Coleman appears to me to just be doing the best he could with the hand that was dealt to him. It appears that the Hollywood crowd really turned there back on him and actually made him a punch line through no fault of his own and then I see on some show like Inside Edition that they have the balls to title their story on him "Death of a Legend".


                • #9
                  Re: Dickipedia

                  Originally posted by Atlas View Post
                  Have to agree with c1ue here. Gary Coleman appears to me to just be doing the best he could with the hand that was dealt to him. It appears that the Hollywood crowd really turned there back on him and actually made him a punch line through no fault of his own and then I see on some show like Inside Edition that they have the balls to title their story on him "Death of a Legend".
                  this is why i rarely turn on the tv. coleman was a hero for anyone who struggled with disabilities, but the media used him as a joke. the guys who died on the bp oil rig were heros but the media paints them as careless bafoons.

                  the media doesn't give a shit about people. it's a meat grinder... runs on human flesh.


                  • #10
                    Re: Dickipedia

                    Gary Coleman ended up on CashCall. I'm sure he didn't find it a soulful experience. Any other interpretation of my post is your own.


                    • #11
                      Re: Dickipedia

                      Originally posted by Jay
                      Gary Coleman ended up on CashCall. I'm sure he didn't find it a soulful experience. Any other interpretation of my post is your own.
                      No one is saying that Coleman is a paragon of virtue.

                      But he was clearly someone with tremendous medical issues - which in turn translates into tremendous financial need.

                      There is a huge difference between literally doing something for survival vs. doing something out of greed, laziness, fame-seeking, etc etc.

                      Just think what type of pre-existing conditions Mr. Coleman had and its impact on his insurance premiums.

