Not sure about the rest of you, but the iTulip forum skin needs some tweaks for usability.
So for anyone who uses Firefox, you can install an add-on called "Greasemonkey" that allows you to run custom Javascript to do all kinds of neat things.
In this case, I have used some code found here: here that will make iTulip look like this.
#1 - Download and Install (and use) Firefox.
#2 - Install the Greasemonkey add-on for Firefox that can be found here:
#3 - After restarting Firefox, click the following: "Tools" -> "Greasemonkey" -> "New User Script"
New User Script Dialog Box:
Name: iTulip
Namespace: (can leave blank)
Included Pages: http://*itulip*forums/*
Excluded Pages: (can leave blank)
Click 'OK'
#4 - Click "Tools" -> "Greasemonkey" -> "Manage User Scripts"
- Check the "Enabled" button
- Click the "Edit" button and if this is the first time you have used Greasemonkey you will have to choose an editor. For windows users, you can try: C:/Program Files/Windows NT/Accessories/wordpad.exe and that should work just fine. (You may need to double check your Windows version for the exact location of WordPad).
#5 - In the editor window in WordPad, paste the following script.
#6 Click "Save" (Ctrl+S) in WordPad and then hit the close button.
#7 Read iTulip with ease and less eye strain trying to figure out where posts/threads end and begin.
#8 ...
#9 Profit??
NOTE: I have not thoroughly tested this, so it may or may not break your browser (however, it is only simple CSS overrides, so it shouldnt do too much damage). It may make the site seem 'slow' but you'll spend less time trying to figure out the layout than you will waiting on it to load. You can play around with the colors if you are comfortable with CSS to customize it however you would like. Some more savvy iTulipers may be able to come up with a more elegant solution, but for now, this makes my iTulip viewing experience 100x better.
So for anyone who uses Firefox, you can install an add-on called "Greasemonkey" that allows you to run custom Javascript to do all kinds of neat things.
In this case, I have used some code found here: here that will make iTulip look like this.
#1 - Download and Install (and use) Firefox.
#2 - Install the Greasemonkey add-on for Firefox that can be found here:
#3 - After restarting Firefox, click the following: "Tools" -> "Greasemonkey" -> "New User Script"
New User Script Dialog Box:
Name: iTulip
Namespace: (can leave blank)
Included Pages: http://*itulip*forums/*
Excluded Pages: (can leave blank)
Click 'OK'
#4 - Click "Tools" -> "Greasemonkey" -> "Manage User Scripts"
- Check the "Enabled" button
- Click the "Edit" button and if this is the first time you have used Greasemonkey you will have to choose an editor. For windows users, you can try: C:/Program Files/Windows NT/Accessories/wordpad.exe and that should work just fine. (You may need to double check your Windows version for the exact location of WordPad).
#5 - In the editor window in WordPad, paste the following script.
function changecss(theClass,element,value) { var cssRules; var added = false; for (var S = 0; S < document.styleSheets.length; S++){ if (document.styleSheets[S]['rules']) { cssRules = 'rules'; } else if (document.styleSheets[S]['cssRules']) { cssRules = 'cssRules'; } else { //no rules found... browser unknown } for (var R = 0; R < document.styleSheets[S][cssRules].length; R++) { if (document.styleSheets[S][cssRules][R].selectorText == theClass) { if(document.styleSheets[S][cssRules][R].style[element]){ document.styleSheets[S][cssRules][R].style[element] = value; added=true; break; } } } if(!added){ if(document.styleSheets[S].insertRule){ document.styleSheets[S].insertRule(theClass+' { '+element+': '+value+'; }',document.styleSheets[S][cssRules].length); } else if (document.styleSheets[S].addRule) { document.styleSheets[S].addRule(theClass,element+': '+value+';'); } } } } function fixitulip(){ changecss('html', 'background-color', '#99ff99 !important'); changecss('.body_wrapper', 'background-color', '#99FF99 !important'); changecss('.postrow', 'background-color', '#F1F5E9 !important'); changecss('.poston', 'background-color', 'red !important'); changecss('.postoff', 'background-color', '#F1F5E9 !important'); changecss('.bbcode_code', 'background-color', '#d3d3d3 !important'); } fixitulip();
#7 Read iTulip with ease and less eye strain trying to figure out where posts/threads end and begin.
#8 ...
#9 Profit??
NOTE: I have not thoroughly tested this, so it may or may not break your browser (however, it is only simple CSS overrides, so it shouldnt do too much damage). It may make the site seem 'slow' but you'll spend less time trying to figure out the layout than you will waiting on it to load. You can play around with the colors if you are comfortable with CSS to customize it however you would like. Some more savvy iTulipers may be able to come up with a more elegant solution, but for now, this makes my iTulip viewing experience 100x better.