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Motivate the Department of Justice re: Financial Fraud

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  • Motivate the Department of Justice re: Financial Fraud

    Denninger --
    Marcy Kaptur (D-OH), among others, sent a letter to Eric Holder, US Attorney General, in which she said:
    If both global and domestic confidence in the integrity of the U.S. financial system is to be regained, there must be confidence that criminal acts will be vigorously pursued and perpetrators punished.

    While the SEC lacks the authority to act beyond civil actions, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has the power to file criminal actions against those who commit financial fraud. We ask assurance from you that the U.S. Department of Justice is closely looking at this case and similar cases to further investigate and prosecute the criminals involved in this, and other financially fraudulent acts. .....


    Email, write and/or call the Department of Justice.
    Tell them you want investigation and prosecution of Goldman Sachs and other perpetrators of financial fraud.


    Phone: 202-353-1555

    Write: Eric Holder, US Attorney General
    U.S. Department of Justice
    950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
    Washington, DC 20530-0001
    Sample letter:

    Dear Attorney General Holder,

    Please investigate and prosecute Goldman Sachs and other perpetrators of Financial Fraud.

    How is it that one segment of society — Wall Street and the Bankers — earns billions in profits, while the American People are losing pensions, retirement savings, jobs and homes. Something is wrong with our system . . . .

    The current economic crisis that led to massive unemployment and other hardships was caused by fraud in the home mortgage industry, along with financial fraud by Wall Street and the Banks. As America’s “Top Cop”, it is your duty — and I hope your passion — to go after these criminals and punish them so that this tragic disaster which has befallen the American People will never occur again.

    Thank you for you efforts . . . .
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