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iTulip, land of conspiracies?

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  • iTulip, land of conspiracies?

    As I was going through my morning routine, I clicked on the new posts link and much to my surprise, the top three posts all dealt with some form of conspiracy theory. From PM manipulation, to 911 conspiracies, to anti-science climate change conspiracies. So what's going on here?

    Is iTulip becoming more representative of the general public, or is this an internet phenomena that eventually infiltrates every open website? I in no way would want to see iTulip censor any content, but I do wish there was a way to quickly filter through some of this content in order to get to the financial and economic content that makes iTulip worth reading. Then again, maybe this is a non problem.
    it's getting out of hand, something should be done.
    It's a sign of the times, just live with it.
    Nothings changed, it's always been like this.
    You're a member of a group trying to control the internet!

  • #2
    Re: iTulip, land of conspiracies?

    always been like this... but the conspiracy types have been posting more often of late.

    i'd like fred to move more conspiracy threads here & faster.


    • #3
      Re: iTulip, land of conspiracies?

      We have plants who are out to ruin the site....


      • #4
        Re: iTulip, land of conspiracies?

        Originally posted by Jay View Post
        We have plants who are out to ruin the site....
        Your comment is ironic in that it suggests another conspiracy theory here




        • #5
          Re: iTulip, land of conspiracies?

          We also have people who miss the obvious.:eek:


          • #6
            Re: iTulip, land of conspiracies?

            Occasional I link an iTulip money forum to a fellow investor and have been surprised on occasion by an attitude of "conspiracy theorist". Many Americanos still believe the Feds and Washington have our interests at heart. Always a surprise.


            • #7
              Re: iTulip, land of conspiracies?

              The mentality required to think independently sadly often also fosters consipracy theory type thinking.
              What is needed is both independent thinking AND a top-notch bullshit detector.
              It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.


              • #8
                Re: iTulip, land of conspiracies?

                Originally posted by flintlock View Post
                We also have people who miss the obvious.:eek:
                LOL, flintlock.

                On one hand, I am drawn to the idea of some sort of voluntary filtering, like having the ability to ignore certain threads and/or forums when you click the New Posts button. Maybe there could be a New Econ Posts button that omits Rant & Rave, ILMMJN, Climate Change, and some others.

                On the other hand, it's not that hard just to scan past the BS, the same way I do with spam e-mail. I have my junk filter turned off because it's easier to delete spam than to be constantly wondering if a good message got caught in the filter.

                BTW, the poll choices are kind of funny. All assume that iTulip is full of conspiracy theories. The only question is whether something should be done about it or not.



                • #9
                  Re: iTulip, land of conspiracies?

                  Originally posted by jimmygu3 View Post

                  BTW, the poll choices are kind of funny. All assume that iTulip is full of conspiracy theories. The only question is whether something should be done about it or not.
                  Indeed jimmy, and that is why I picked the last choice!


                  • #10
                    Re: iTulip, land of conspiracies?

                    When a normal, functioning automobile is being operated comfortably within its design limits, then one can usefully study the flows of energy and power and their various transformations from gas tank to drive wheel. Changes in gear or gas pedal position or head wind or the slope of the road will have their expected affect.

                    Such analysis fails when the engine blows, the gas runs out, you hit a tree, an IED blows you sky high, or a number of other possible disasters I could amuse myself listing.

                    We label as "conspiracy theories" that out of the box thinking to which we (for the moment at least) do not give any credence. So far I've found that label to be rather useless in discerning what is true or not.
                    Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                    • #11
                      Re: iTulip, land of conspiracies?

                      Originally posted by cindykimlisa View Post
                      Your comment is ironic in that it suggests another conspiracy theory here


                      Thank you very much, I'll be here all week...

                      ...unless I'm abducted that is.

