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Hijacking of threads from unpaid area into the paid area.

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  • Hijacking of threads from unpaid area into the paid area.


    I have a bone to pick. Recently, the thread on shenanigans in the gold market was shifted from the unpaid area to the paid area. I have been told, that this is because Eric has commented in that thread, and he prefers his comments to be in the paid area.

    If and when that happens, I would request that instead of shifting the thread from the unpaid area to the paid area, create a duplicate thread in the paid area, and let there be two forks of that thread.

    Make a note in the unpaid thread that Eric has commented on this in the paid area, and that a duplicate thread now exists there



  • #2
    Re: Hijacking of threads from unpaid area into the paid area.

    I do think, that the topic of market manipulation by market makers is something that Eric needs to address to ALL the members of the Itulip fraternity, and not just to the paid membership. In other words, I think he needs to take a public position on this issue.


    • #3
      Re: Hijacking of threads from unpaid area into the paid area.

      perhaps the ITulip admins are a bit busy reeling from what's happened in the past 2 years, and even though they predicted many of the unconventional actions by the Fed, perhaps they are confounded by what's going on and unable to admit to themselves (and us) their inability to forecast going forward. They've been wrong about the equity markets for the past year, now it appears that FIRE is not dead after all, and another bubble in fact has begun. Liquidity has to go somewhere; what is so hard about that (OK maybe I''m oversimplifying, but I don't think so; economics is not contrary to myth, "rocket science"). Make money free and animal spirits will spend and speculate... it is really that simple.

      I and others have here have posed the question several times as to why, with the cost of money at 0% (which its been for 15 months and likely to continue for at least another year) how could not a bubble happen, and why is it not reflected in the equity markets, but those questions have been ignored or summarily dismissed ... or maybe they have been answered in the paid area ... fair enough)

      Wrong on Obama, Wrong on Equity markets post crash of 08-09, and Wrong on FIRE going the way of the Dodo bird. Hey, we all make mistakes; no harm, no foul; this reader appreciates the honest, "hey we just don't know" anymore, but hey, I suppose that doesn't inspire confidence and sell subscriptions.

      Thanks iTullip for helping me avoid the crash of 2008 and for educating me on macroeconomics.


      • #4
        Re: Hijacking of threads from unpaid area into the paid area.

        The idea that gold somehow has a special "cabal" manipulating is truly asinine.

        The "manipulation" of gold is no different than that of CRE: fiscal and monetary policy.

        The rest is a bunch of crap touted by goldbugs who want to sell you relics to keep in your basement.

        If you really are a gold-bull, get some NadaGold stock . They ought to break even at $1300/oz.


        • #5
          Re: Hijacking of threads from unpaid area into the paid area.


          If you go the index level of the forums you will see the following for News:
          News (631 Viewing)
          Link to a news story by a credible source plus member commentary. News stories posted here by iTulip Select Subscribers will be moved to the Select area.
          This policy was created in response to requests by paid subscribers.

          Can't make everyone happy, I guess.


          • #6
            Re: Hijacking of threads from unpaid area into the paid area.

            Originally posted by FRED View Post
            Link to a news story by a credible source plus member commentary. News stories posted here by iTulip Select Subscribers will be moved to the Select area.
            This policy was created in response to requests by paid subscribers.
            Am I to take this at face value? ALL threads in the News segment started by "Itulip Select Members" WILL be moved to the select area?

            I do not see this happening.

            The Clueless Rebellion

            Afghan Marksmen

            NY Fed's Special Warehouse Bank

            Here we go...Health Care 'Reform' passes

            First sacrificial cow in the muni market? Harrisburg, PA (state capitol) in danger of default

            Looting Main Street-Matt Taibbi

            Das Reich

            Tower of Babel Indeed

            We finally have a solution to budget deficit

            Greece Plans to Sell Global Dollar Bond

            Yes Virginia...It's a Bubble...

            Artiste Marines

            What ever happend to $2000/oz gold?

            Bill Black – to rob a country, own a bank

            Tavakoli: How to Corner the Gold Market

            Mainlining With Bernie

            One step forward, 2 steps back: Government to go Sallie Direct

            Building the New Normal

            US wakes up, Peak Everything, and Transition Towns

            And that is just the first page of the News section in the "Open Forums"

            However, if the operating word was not WILL, but rather MAY, then the question arises as to what is the criteria for doing so.


            • #7
              Re: Hijacking of threads from unpaid area into the paid area.

              Originally posted by Rajiv View Post

              However, if the operating word was not WILL, but rather MAY, then the question arises as to what is the criteria for doing so.
              My personal experience Rajiv, is that the operating word is may and that the criteria for doing so, is if EJ provides input on a "news" thread, then it will likely be moved to the Select Area.

              Case in point from one of the most visited thread on iTulip (I do not care btw): What is Going on with Natural Gas?


              • #8
                Re: Hijacking of threads from unpaid area into the paid area.

                why would you take the right away from a subscriber to post on public forum. if subscribers want to keep it to themselves the can post in subscriber section. surely they can handle that responsibility. thought you guys were libertarians. maybe just put the profit seeking a little higher up the priority scale.


                • #9
                  Re: Hijacking of threads from unpaid area into the paid area.

                  Yes -- but see my original post about forking the thread instead of moving it - In that context FRED's reply made no sense -- I was merely pointing out the logical inconsistency of what he/she said!


                  • #10
                    Re: Hijacking of threads from unpaid area into the paid area.

                    Originally posted by marvenger View Post
                    why would you take the right away from a subscriber to post on public forum. if subscribers want to keep it to themselves the can post in subscriber section. surely they can handle that responsibility. thought you guys were libertarians. maybe just put the profit seeking a little higher up the priority scale.
                    old topic is old. if you're heavy on this i can dig around & find the thread where we all vented until fred put the kibosh on it... management fiat.

                    free market libertarians in search of profits? oh, the horror!

                    least half of the 'free market libertarians' i know are in it for the 'free'... as in gov't services for free, free stolen movies, music, etc... and f&ck the guys who work to make them.


                    • #11
                      Re: Hijacking of threads from unpaid area into the paid area.

                      I think the forking method is probably a good compromise -- could even get a few more paid subscribers that way -- in my case, the paid subscription is more or less dependent on the "state of the economy" as the management of Itulip well know.


                      • #12
                        Re: Hijacking of threads from unpaid area into the paid area.

                        Originally posted by Rajiv View Post
                        Yes -- but see my original post about forking the thread instead of moving it - In that context FRED's reply made no sense -- I was merely pointing out the logical inconsistency of what he/she said!
                        Got it now Rajiv. Point noted.


                        • #13
                          Re: Hijacking of threads from unpaid area into the paid area.

                          I don't kbow what you guys were venting about. if you were worried about adding your opinions to a thread and this becoming public knowledge then I think Rajiv's idea to take a copy of thread and move it subscriber is ok. But to take information away that was originally intended for public is too much and could be used as a ploy by itulip to drum up more subscriber business.


                          • #14
                            Re: Hijacking of threads from unpaid area into the paid area.

                            Originally posted by Rajiv View Post
                            Yes -- but see my original post about forking the thread instead of moving it - In that context FRED's reply made no sense -- I was merely pointing out the logical inconsistency of what he/she said!
                            hijacking = moving, no?


                            • #15
                              Re: Hijacking of threads from unpaid area into the paid area.

                              Originally posted by marvenger View Post
                              I don't kbow what you guys were venting about. if you were worried about adding your opinions to a thread and this becoming public knowledge then I think Rajiv's idea to take a copy of thread and move it subscriber is ok. But to take information away that was originally intended for public is too much and could be used as a ploy by itulip to drum up more subscriber business.
                              agree with this. can that be done? great feature idea.

