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Goodbye, Mr Roberts

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  • Re: Goodbye, Mr Roberts

    Originally posted by Ghent12 View Post

    In fact, go to a regular type of engineering forum (not vested interest ones like AE911truth or NIST if they have ones) and see how far you get with Chandler's analysis.
    This might actually be a very constructive idea.


    • Re: Goodbye, Mr Roberts

      Originally posted by cjppjc View Post
      This might actually be a very constructive idea.
      I recommend Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth. They are a group of engineers and architects with relevant expertise and experience who are interested in finding the truth of this particular matter.

      If you have baseless slanderous objections to Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (they're just a bunch of wild conspiracy theorist anti-government Truthers -- we all know that!) then ... how can I say this politely ... I don't want to hear them.

      If you know of any competent engineering analysis from someone with credentials and a reputation in the field to defend who has disagreed with Chandler's published and reviewed work, I invite you to bring it forth. So far I have not seen a single rebuttal of Chandler's work by a named professional with relevant expertise and a reputation to maintain.

      It is absurd that you presume Chandler's work to be wrong until I can find some engineering group local to me (doing what, perhaps discussing the bridge overpass going in down the road from me?) to review and vouch for Chandler's work. You are welcome to be absurd, of course, but I will not join you.
      Most folks are good; a few aren't.


      • Re: Goodbye, Mr Roberts

        Baseless, slanderous objections to AE911Truth? They are openly practicing intellectual dishonesty.

        Example: their headline will read something like this, "AE911Truth forces 24,000 engineers to confront the truth!" when in reality they get something like 2 new signatures.

        Their numbers are padded beyond all recognition. Go ahead and count the number of structural engineers that have signed. Count 'em. Be very generous with credentials (for instance, include degree-holders from diploma mills, but not TAs).

        Here's a post from someone who has done a more thorough job investigating this "Truth-seeking" group than I care to: link.

        Your statement, "they are a group of engineers and architects with relevant expertise and experience who are interested in finding the truth of this particular matter," indicates that you still have absolutely no clue as to what you are talking about...

        It's okay though. There are only two possible reasons why you would refuse to go to an actual impartial forum and ask for confirmation of the Chandler 'analysis': 1) you would be ridiculed heavily, and 2) you might actually start to doubt your messiah, David Chandler the High School Teacher, should any of that forum's members decide to donate some time to enlighten you.

        The likelihood of them doing a "frame-by-frame" analysis or whatever thoroughness you seek is remote, however, for at least two reasons. 1) They likely see no reason to doubt any given version of "the official story" because Chandler's flaws are extremely easy to spot, and 2) they will probably believe you to be a lost cause, as most "Truthers" tend to be.

        "Why aren't there any competent engineering analyses from someone with credentials and a reputation in the field who have disagreed with Harry Potter and the relevant publications on magic from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?"

        "Why aren't there any competent historical analyses from someone with credentials and a reputation in the field who have disagreed with J.R.R. Tolkein's historical documentaries on the land of Middle Earth, including his studies on the Elvish language?"

        You choose fantasy over reality. That's your choice. Please, however, stop insisting that fantasy is reality. Up is not down. Red is not blue. Tens of thousands of tons of silent, fireproof, ultra-powerful, flashless, super-secret, ultra-hightech, nano-scale thermite did not cause or accelerate the collapse of any known building.

        EDIT -- Actually, one caveat. I cannot 100% disprove the possibility of everything you're saying, much in the same way I cannot 100% disprove the theory that aliens built the pyramids or any number of other things. As c1ue often points out, all I can really say is that your version of events is extraordinarily unlikely, and "the official story" is far and away more plausible.
        Last edited by Ghent12; April 20, 2010, 06:06 PM. Reason: caveat

