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The Canadian Government is too big for my favorite Canadian microbusiness

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  • The Canadian Government is too big for my favorite Canadian microbusiness


    from the google cache, because the website is now down:
    Help Super-Grow Survive!

    Please Click Here And Email The Agriculture Department!
    Super-Grow has been operating since 2004 and has been importing small lots of supplies an estimated 40 times with very little problems and has continued to grow and attract world-wide customers. Sadly, since January 22, 2010 Super-Grow has been threatened with government action that will force it to shut down. I received a telephone call from a government employee advising me that his department is charged with working with Customs Canada; that they had made an estimated 40 consecutive mistakes in letting in the products (really, that many?) and that I was now required to get very expensive licenses and permits that cost more than the products I sell. This is obviously a ridiculous situation than can only result in shutting down my small business. You can help by writing to the Ministry of Agriculture.
    why will this business be missed?
    Why pay more for plant products? When you buy most liquid plant products you are paying mostly for the water, the container and shipping the water. Is a small bottle of water really worth all that money? One well-known plant growth product costs $14.95 for an 8 ounce bottle whose active ingredient is Gibberellic Acid. How much real GA3 is in the bottle? Less than 0.4 grams, at a cost of $39.49 a gram! At Super-grow 5 grams of 20% GA3 costs only $6.30 and contains 1 gram of real GA3 ... you save over 80% shopping at Super-Grow