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The Austin Texas Bombing Is A HUGE Image Blow To The "Tea Party" Right

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  • #61
    Re: The Austin Texas Bombing Is A HUGE Image Blow To The "Tea Party" Right

    It is a huge stretch to equate a nutter boomer who was probably off his meds, could still afford to maintain and hangar an airplane despite his tax problems, and tried to burn his family alive with the tea party people.

    I guess the MSM will do whatever they can to boost their ratings these days.



    • #62
      Re: The Austin Texas Bombing Is A HUGE Image Blow To The "Tea Party" Right

      Originally posted by Chris Coles View Post
      The great strength of iTulip is the wide range of discussion, by individuals from all over the planet, on every conceivable subject. Yes, sometimes the threads get more off line than one would expect. But the more you keep in touch with this site, the more you will learn to respect the freedom to be able, without fear or favour to speak your mind. You are respected for your point of view BigBagel. That is by far the most important aspect of being a part of the iTulip community.
      Well put

      Also, think of how boring this site would be if everyone had the same opinion.


      • #63
        Re: The Austin Texas Bombing Is A HUGE Image Blow To The "Tea Party" Right

        Originally posted by radon View Post
        I'm sorry for your loss.

        This explains your position.

        My position was that clearly he was willing to die to draw attention to his plight and maybe affect some positive policy change. If there was a sense of duty to help those like him and make the US a better country then I think a case can be made that his actions are patriotic. Labeling him as a coward and a nutcase doesn't refute that.

        I tend to form opinions by writing, reading responses, and looking for additional information. I didn't really have a firm position beforehand, but I do find it less helpful when everyone has the same position. After I read the note I was surprised that people came out to brand him a nut without making an attempt to understand what motivated him to commit suicide in such a manner. Everyone seems to assume that he couldn't possibly have legitimate grievances and that those in power to address them are somehow accountable for their decisions.

        So I decided to take a starting position contrary to yours. I was hoping to foster some interesting debate on the matter since this is different than what we are used to reading about in the news. He was not an Islamic radical. He was a chubby guy from Texas. Will there be any impact on policies? What about the war on terror? It's difficult to dehumanize someone that is familiar to you. Are there political ramifications? Will this still be on the news next week?

        I admit that I underestimated how polarizing this subject would be. I apologize if my position on the matter upset you. It would be a shame for you to leave the forum because of it, and I really hope it is not on my account.


        Tell me how you think this is different than the college professor who shot and killed three professors in Alabama because they denied her tenure.

        She didn't like their response so she killed some people.

        The plane guy had the same response: he didn't like what some people said so he tried to kill some people in their organization.

        I cannot qualify either of those people as being patriotic. I think they are both nut cases.



        • #64
          Re: The Austin Texas Bombing Is A HUGE Image Blow To The "Tea Party" Right

          Originally posted by DToM67 View Post
          Whiner? snivelling? coward?

          Folks prefer to brand this fellow (who appeared to have much to give) rather than ask why someone who undeniably believed in bettering his self/contributing to society should become so despondent & broken?

          If what Joe wrote holds any truth, then Joe took greater responsibility for his lot than most folks do. He acted, educating himself. He attempted to effect change through political process, spending $ and time. Joe's final acts, while selfish, disturbed, horrific and destructive were hardly cowardly.

          Call him a terrorist, murderer or whatever, it doesn't make his complaints wimpy, nor his acts cowardly. Cowards don't act... They tend to talk about what they would do/should've done (if they only had the balls).

          Clearly its much easier to write the Joes of the World off as a whack nut-jobs... Requires no questions about the state of the nation, nor introspection.
          Man you are just as nutty as Joe if you think this is about anything other than Joe. He didn't like the system and neither do I. Jo Killed people and I don't.

          Everything you said about Joe could also be true about the plane guys at 9/11 and about McVey who blew up the Federal building. The unibomber had his own solutions - I'm sure he did a lot of research and he didn't like the system so he blew people up. The issue is about these criminals and they are nut cases!



          • #65
            Re: The Austin Texas Bombing Is A HUGE Image Blow To The "Tea Party" Right

            Originally posted by radon View Post
            Suppose he is an air force pilot. He is not a murderer because his actions are sanctioned by the state. They are not cowardly because he doesn't have to kill himself to reach his objectives. I suspect the villages that are bombed in Iraq and Afghanistan have a different opinion.

            I disagree with the characterization of sniveling or whining. He spent a good part of his life whining to politicians and others to try and catch a break. In his note his is done whining. It struck me as lucid and angry, but I didn't get any sense of self pity from it.

            That guy could be any former small business owner who has been continually marginalized because of red tape. The icing on the cake for him was when the IRS came for the last bit of his life savings.

            I like your air force guy concept. But you missed the point. Suppose for example you have an air force guy who does not like how his mortgage is being foreclosed on so he flies a plane into a branch bank and kills all the people who were involved with his loan and a few customers. Would that be patriotic?




            • #66
              Re: The Austin Texas Bombing Is A HUGE Image Blow To The "Tea Party" Right

              Originally posted by cindykimlisa View Post
              Man you are just as nutty as Joe if you think this is about anything other than Joe. He didn't like the system and neither do I. Jo Killed people and I don't.

              Everything you said about Joe could also be true about the plane guys at 9/11 and about McVey who blew up the Federal building. The unibomber had his own solutions - I'm sure he did a lot of research and he didn't like the system so he blew people up. The issue is about these criminals and they are nut cases!

              Typical. Ad hominem argument (attack the man).

              Attempt to justify your position or the actions of one or a group, by calling names... Terrorist, Islamo-fascist, Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative. Who cares about actual facts:rolleyes:

              This, cindykimlisa, is the REAL problem in this country today.

              Don't address the issues/ask the difficult questions... and thusly avoid logic, meaningful analysis, discussion or debate. .

              Is it any wonder those that feel marginalized, impotent and voiceless become willing to make statements with violence?


              • #67
                Re: The Austin Texas Bombing Is A HUGE Image Blow To The "Tea Party" Right

                Originally posted by DToM67 View Post
                Typical. Ad hominem argument (attack the man).

                Attempt to justify your position or the actions of one or a group, by calling names... Terrorist, Islamo-fascist, Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Conservative. Who cares about actual facts:rolleyes:

                This, cindykimlisa, is the REAL problem in this country today.

                Don't address the issues/ask the difficult questions... and thusly avoid logic, meaningful analysis, discussion or debate. .

                Is it any wonder those that feel marginalized, impotent and voiceless become willing to make statements with violence?
                B.S. If you think it's OK to crash a plane into a public building because you have a gripe you're a nut. I've read that this nut's gripe was he was getting grief from the IRS over claiming his residence as a church. I think churches should pay taxes along with everyone else but I won't be crashing a plane into anything over the issue.


                • #68
                  Re: The Austin Texas Bombing Is A HUGE Image Blow To The "Tea Party" Right

                  Originally posted by BigBagel View Post
                  B.S. If you think it's OK to crash a plane into a public building because you have a gripe you're a nut. I've read that this nut's gripe was he was getting grief from the IRS over claiming his residence as a church. I think churches should pay taxes along with everyone else but I won't be crashing a plane into anything over the issue.
                  I second that! There is no way to justify what this man did.


                  • #69
                    Re: The Austin Texas Bombing Is A HUGE Image Blow To The "Tea Party" Right

                    Ditto. I re-read that guy's "manifesto". If everyone that had a beef with the IRS crashed a plane we'd have no planes left.

                    Now if he wanted to crash a plane into the FED.........


                    • #70
                      Re: The Austin Texas Bombing Is A HUGE Image Blow To The "Tea Party" Right

                      Originally posted by BigBagel View Post
                      B.S. If you think it's OK to crash a plane into a public building because you have a gripe you're a nut. I've read that this nut's gripe was he was getting grief from the IRS over claiming his residence as a church. I think churches should pay taxes along with everyone else but I won't be crashing a plane into anything over the issue.
                      What has any of your rant got to do with what I said?

                      Did you read me saying I agreed with his manifesto? No. Nor did I suggest that you or anyone else should crash planes into buildings.

                      Look up "Straw Man" and logical fallacy
                      Last edited by DToM67; February 20, 2010, 06:15 PM. Reason: clarity of point, spelling


                      • #71
                        Re: The Austin Texas Bombing Is A HUGE Image Blow To The "Tea Party" Right

                        Interesting position. How did you feel about cruse missiles into buildings in Iraq or our continuing air strikes into Afghanistan and Pakistan? A black and white world it is not.


                        • #72
                          Re: The Austin Texas Bombing Is A HUGE Image Blow To The "Tea Party" Right

                          Originally posted by sunskyfan View Post
                          Interesting position. How did you feel about cruse missiles into buildings in Iraq or our continuing air strikes into Afghanistan and Pakistan? A black and white world it is not.
                          Might I ask to whom are you directing this question? The lack of quote(s) makes it unclear.


                          • #73
                            Re: The Austin Texas Bombing Is A HUGE Image Blow To The "Tea Party" Right

                            Originally posted by wayiwalk View Post
                            Agreed - Ghandi's methods come to mind.
                            Yeah, he certainly succeeded in bring peace and prosperity to India.


                            • #74
                              Re: The Austin Texas Bombing Is A HUGE Image Blow To The "Tea Party" Right

                              Originally posted by roxtar View Post
                              I think the only solution to these problems is to disobey in large numbers. It's worked many times throughout history. They can't lock up or kill us all.
                              I have this argument all the time with people close to me about there being a political solution to these types of problems. Participation in this system at any level is nothing short of an exercise in futility. The system has gotten too big, and those that are in the system are looking after the interests of no one other than themselves. The idea that this is "your/my government" is to me, just silly. It seems that Joe Stack learned that lesson. Unfortunately he did the wrong thing. I don't for a minute disagree with his reasoning. He should have just given the IRS the middle finger and gone on the lam.... Enough people do that and that will effect some change.

                              If this sort of thing keeps up I think we're well on our way to a night of the long knives sooner or later here in America.

                              The Methods of Nonviolent Action
                              (from Gene Sharp, The Methods of Nonviolent Action, Boston 1973)

                              FORMAL STATEMENTS

                              Public speeches
                              Letters of opposition or support
                              Declarations by organizations and institutions
                              Signed public declarations
                              Declarations of indictment and intention
                              Group or mass petitions
                              COMMUNICATIONS WITH A WIDER AUDIENCE

                              Slogans, caricatures, and symbols
                              Banners, posters, and displayed communications
                              Leaflets, pamphlets, and books
                              Newspapers and journals
                              Records, radio, and television
                              Skywriting and earthwriting
                              GROUP REPRESENTATIONS

                              Mock awards
                              Group lobbying
                              Mock elections
                              SYMBOLIC PUBLIC ACTS

                              Displays of flags and symbolic colours
                              Wearing of symbols
                              Prayer and worship
                              Delivering symbolic objects
                              Protest disrobings
                              Destruction of own property
                              Symbolic lights
                              Displays of portraits
                              Paint as protest
                              New signs and names
                              Symbolic sounds
                              Symbolic reclamations
                              Rude gestures
                              PRESSURES ON INDIVIDUALS

                              “Haunting” officials
                              Taunting officials
                              DRAMA AND MUSIC

                              Humourous skits and pranks
                              Performances of plays and music

                              Religious processions
                              HONOURING THE DEAD

                              Political mourning
                              Mock funerals
                              Demonstrative funerals
                              Homage at burial places
                              PUBLIC ASSEMBLIES

                              Assemblies of protest or support
                              Protest meetings
                              Camouflaged meetings of protest
                              WITHDRAWAL AND RENUNCIATION

                              Renouncing honours
                              Turning one’s back
                              THE METHODS OF SOCIAL NONCOOPERATION

                              OSTRACISM OF PERSONS

                              Social boycott
                              Selective social boycott
                              Lysistratic nonaction

                              Suspension of social and sports activities
                              Boycott of social affairs
                              Student strike
                              Social disobedience
                              Withdrawal from social institutions
                              WITHDRAWAL FROM THE SOCIAL SYSTEM

                              Total personal noncooperation
                              “Flight” of workers
                              Collective disappearance
                              Protest emigration (hijrat)

                              ACTION BY CONSUMERS

                              Consumers’ boycott
                              Nonconsumption of boycotted goods
                              Policy of austerity
                              Rent withholding
                              Refusal to rent
                              National consumers’ boycott
                              International consumers’ boycott
                              ACTION BY WORKERS AND PRODUCERS

                              Workers’ boycott
                              Producers’ boycott
                              ACTION BY MIDDLEMEN

                              Suppliers’ and handlers’ boycott
                              ACTION BY OWNERS AND MANAGEMENT

                              Traders’ boycott
                              Refusal to let or sell property
                              Refusal of industrial assistance
                              Merchants’ “general strike”
                              ACTION BY HOLDERS OF FINANCIAL RESOURCES

                              Withdrawal of bank deposits
                              Refusal to pay fees, dues, and assessments
                              Refusal to pay debts or interest
                              Severance of funds and credit
                              Revenue refusal
                              Refusal of a government’s money
                              ACTION BY GOVERNMENTS

                              Domestic embargo
                              Blacklisting of traders
                              International sellers’ embargo
                              International buyers’ embargo
                              International trade embargo

                              Protest strike
                              Quickie walkout (lightning strike)
                              AGRICULTURAL STRIKES

                              Peasant strike
                              100. Farm workers’ strike
                              STRIKES BY SPECIAL GROUPS

                              Refusal of impressed labour
                              Prisoners’ strike
                              Craft strike
                              Professional strike
                              ORDINARY INDUSTRIAL STRIKES

                              Establishment strike
                              Industry strike
                              Sympathy strike
                              RESTRICTED STRIKES

                              Detailed strike
                              Bumper strike
                              Slowdown strike
                              Working-to-rule strike
                              Reporting “sick” (sick-in)
                              Strike by resignation
                              Limited strike
                              Selective strike
                              MULTI-INDUSTRY STRIKES

                              Generalised strike
                              General strike

                              Economic shutdown

                              REJECTION OF AUTHORITY

                              Withholding or withdrawal of allegiance
                              Refusal of public support
                              Literature and speeches advocating resistance

                              Boycott of legislative bodies
                              Boycott of elections
                              Boycott of government employment and positions
                              Boycott of government departments, agencies, and other bodies
                              Withdrawal from governmental educational institutions
                              Boycott of government-supported institutions
                              Refusal of assistance to enforcement agents
                              Removal of own signs and placemarks
                              Refusal to accept appointed officials
                              Refusal to dissolve existing institutions
                              CITIZENS’ ALTERNATIVES TO OBEDIENCE

                              Reluctant and slow compliance
                              Nonobedience in absence of direct supervision
                              Popular nonobedience
                              Disguised disobedience
                              Refusal of an assemblage or meeting to disperse
                              Noncooperation with conscription and deportation
                              Hiding, escape, and false identities
                              Civil disobedience of “illegitimate” laws
                              ACTION BY GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL

                              Selective refusal of assistance by government aides
                              Blocking of lines of command and information
                              Stalling and obstruction
                              General administrative noncooperation
                              Judicial noncooperation
                              Deliberate inefficiency and selective noncooperation by enforcement agents
                              DOMESTIC GOVERNMENTAL ACTION

                              Quasi-legal evasions and delays
                              Noncooperation by constituent governmental units
                              INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENTAL ACTION

                              Changes in diplomatic and other representation
                              Delay and cancellation of diplomatic events
                              Withholding of diplomatic recognition
                              Severance of diplomatic relations
                              Withdrawal from international organisations
                              Refusal of membership in international bodies
                              Expulsion from international organisations

                              Self-exposure to the elements
                              The fast
                              Fast of moral pressure
                              Hunger strike
                              Satyagrahic fast
                              Reverse trial
                              Nonviolent harassment
                              PHYSICAL INTERVENTION

                              Nonviolent raids
                              Nonviolent air raids
                              Nonviolent invasion
                              Nonviolent interjection
                              Nonviolent obstruction
                              Nonviolent occupation
                              SOCIAL INTERVENTION

                              Establishing new social patterns
                              Overloading of facilities
                              Guerrilla theatre
                              Alternative social institutions
                              Alternative communication system
                              ECONOMIC INTERVENTION

                              Reverse strike
                              Stay-in strike
                              Nonviolent land seizure
                              Defiance of blockades
                              Politically motivated counterfeiting
                              Preclusive purchasing
                              Seizure of assets
                              Selective patronage
                              Alternative markets
                              Alternative transportation systems
                              Alternative economic institutions
                              POLITICAL INTERVENTION

                              Overloading of administrative systems
                              Disclosing identities of secret agents
                              Seeking imprisonment
                              Civil disobedience of “neutral” laws
                              Work-on without collaboration
                              Dual sovereignty and parallel government


                              • #75
                                Re: The Austin Texas Bombing Is A HUGE Image Blow To The "Tea Party" Right

                                It was in response to cindykimlisa ...

