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Oil puts the world on tilt .. scary stuff

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  • #31
    Re: Oil puts the world on tilt .. scary stuff

    Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
    Reminds me of the story of Charles Lindbergh and the fly in the cockpit of the Spirit of St Louis on his way across the Atlantic to win the Orteig Prize...does the weight of the airplane and its contents [that the wings of the airplane have to carry] increase if the fly is not airborne? ;)
    is the fly wearing an anti-gravity pack? or was that einstein in an elevator?


    • #32
      Re: Oil puts the world on tilt .. scary stuff

      Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
      I can't believe the stuff that gets discussed around here sometimes...

      Okay, the mass of the Earth is estimated at 5.97 x 10^21 tonnes.
      [Source: International Astronomical Union and the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics]

      The highest estimate, of which I am aware, of the total amount of oil extracted from the earth over the entire history of the industry is 136 billion tonnes.
      [Source: Jones et al. Total amounts of oil produced over the history of the industry. International Journal of Oil Gas and Coal Technology, Vol 2, No. 2, 2009]

      So that means that all the oil extracted represents approximately 0.0000000023 percent of the mass of the earth.

      That would seem more like a top with a tiny scratch in the paint, not a chunk taken out of it. Bet it would spin just fine...:p
      There's nothing like facts to spoil a great theory :eek: ;)

      Now we can go back to worrying about real threats, such as errant astroids, cow farts and the Financial Elite . . . .
      Boycott Big Banks • Vote Out Incumbents


      • #33
        Re: Oil puts the world on tilt .. scary stuff

        Originally posted by raja View Post
        There's nothing like facts to spoil a great theory :eek: ;)

        Now we can go back to worrying about real threats, such as errant astroids, cow farts and the Financial Elite . . . .
        ...and those incumbent politicians...


        • #34
          Re: Oil puts the world on tilt .. scary stuff

          I think that theory is true. Every night when I leave the bar I can feel the ground wobbling a bit.


          • #35
            Re: Oil puts the world on tilt .. scary stuff

            Originally posted by flintlock View Post
            I think that theory is true. Every night when I leave the bar I can feel the ground wobbling a bit.
            If the earth really is wobbling - and flintlock's testimony is more than sufficient evidence to convince me - I think we can blame it on all the illegal immigrants that have flocked to the USA, thus disrupting the natural balance of things...


            • #36
              Re: Oil puts the world on tilt .. scary stuff

              Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
              If the earth really is wobbling - and flintlock's testimony is more than sufficient evidence to convince me - I think we can blame it on all the illegal immigrants that have flocked to the USA, thus disrupting the natural balance of things...
              I couldn't agree more, GRG55.
              But there is another factor -- perhaps more important -- that I think you are overlooking . . . .

              I believe the wobbliness of the Earth -- without a doubt proven by flinlock's convincing experience -- is due to the massive amount of goods imported into the US from China. All this stuff from overseas has loaded down the United States, putting the whole globe off balance. The problem is exacerbated by gold buying in wealthy countries, especially the US, further shifting the planet's natural weight distribution (as you know, gold is very heavy). I recently learned that jtabeb's stash alone has created abnormally high readings on Stanford's Earth-Wobble indicator. :eek: ;)

              Now, enough of this silliness . . . let's get back to serious stuff, like trashing the Financial Elite.
              Boycott Big Banks • Vote Out Incumbents


              • #37
                Re: Oil puts the world on tilt .. scary stuff

                Originally posted by raja View Post
                I believe the wobbliness of the Earth -- without a doubt proven by flinlock's convincing experience -- is due to the massive amount of goods imported into the US from China.
                Nah - it's the internet. Everything's online these days, didn't you notice?

                The predominance of the internet in the Northern hemisphere sucks in electrons, unbalancing the ionosphere and causing global warming.
                Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                • #38
                  Re: Oil puts the world on tilt .. scary stuff

                  Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
                  Nah - it's the internet. Everything's online these days, didn't you notice?

                  The predominance of the internet in the Northern hemisphere sucks in electrons, unbalancing the ionosphere and causing global warming.
                  I *knew* there was a reason for all the snow DC has gotten!

                  [at one point nearly 50% of internet traffic routed through here...not sure what it is now, but likely still high]

