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Prediction: Bankers will reveal bonus amounts using Haiti news coverage as cover

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  • Prediction: Bankers will reveal bonus amounts using Haiti news coverage as cover

    I am going to predict that the bankers will reveal their bonus amounts while the MSM reports on the haiti earthquakes. While everyone is concerned with Haiti, the bankers release the numbers and the Haiti earthquake divert attention to itself making banker bonuses a back story issue.

    Many times these natural disasters take a few days to see the massive magnitude of destruction, right now we are just seeing the tip of the ice berg. At the peak point of reporting the MSM is focused on the disaster and only the disaster. This gives bankers and governments the opportune time to release information without the public being aware of it.

    any thoughts?

  • #2
    Re: Prediction: Bankers will reveal bonus amounts using Haiti news coverage as cover

    Seems like a good idea. However, I would couch it with bigger announcements like

    "GS Donates Millions to earthquake relief"

    and then on page 12

    "GS Bonuses smaller than expected"

    ...only 20 billion in bonuses this year... leads the fight to loan Haitians all the money they need... backstopped by government .. lucrative rebuilding contracts... haitian defaults expected to result in huge derivative gains ...


    • #3
      Re: Prediction: Bankers will reveal bonus amounts using Haiti news coverage as cover

      Originally posted by chr5648 View Post
      I am going to predict that the bankers will reveal their bonus amounts while the MSM reports on the haiti earthquakes. While everyone is concerned with Haiti, the bankers release the numbers and the Haiti earthquake divert attention to itself making banker bonuses a back story issue.

      Many times these natural disasters take a few days to see the massive magnitude of destruction, right now we are just seeing the tip of the ice berg. At the peak point of reporting the MSM is focused on the disaster and only the disaster. This gives bankers and governments the opportune time to release information without the public being aware of it.

      any thoughts?
      The earthquake wasn't predictable. I doubt the banksters leave anything to chance ;)

      I think the bankers, and this Administration, are going to use the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission as another public diversion tactic to make it appear, once again, that the government is "doing something".

      Unless and until we see a 2010 version of Ferdinand Pecora appear [don't get you expections up :rolleyes:], this commission, which has no obligation to provide recommendations and isn't due to report to Congress until December 15 of this year [will anybody still be in D.C. that close to the holidays?], is just more of the same.

      From Ritholtz's Big Picture blog [which is taking on definite iTulip like characteristics when it comes to stuff like the pic below... ]:

      Last edited by GRG55; January 14, 2010, 08:43 AM.


      • #4
        Re: Prediction: Bankers will reveal bonus amounts using Haiti news coverage as cover

        Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
        The earthquake wasn't predictable. I doubt the banksters leave anything to chance ;)
        Of course, they were supposed to release the data sometime this month, I would not be surprised if if it was hurried up and released soon.

        Geithner used the Christmas holiday 24-25th to release info that would on a regular day, cause political commotion, look how nicely it was all swept under the rug.

        This type of behavior is pathological, consistent, and predictable. Its how you control crowds and populations, and this behavior is blind to political affiliation, ALL politicians do it, and now since GS is part of the .gov they may too.


        • #5
          Re: Prediction: Bankers will reveal bonus amounts using Haiti news coverage as cover

          Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
          The earthquake wasn't predictable. I doubt the banksters leave anything to chance ;)

          I think the bankers, and this Administration, are going to use the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission as another public diversion tactic to make it appear, once again, that the government is "doing something".

          Unless and until we see a 2010 version of Ferdinand Pecora appear [don't get you expections up :rolleyes:], this commission, which has no obligation to provide recommendations and isn't due to report to Congress until December 15 of this year [will anybody still be in D.C. that close to the holidays?], is just more of the same.

          From Ritholtz's Big Picture blog [which is taking on definite iTulip like characteristics when it comes to stuff like the pic below... ]:

          Where is the DC sniper when you need him?


          • #6
            Re: Prediction: Bankers will reveal bonus amounts using Haiti news coverage as cover

            Originally posted by flintlock View Post
            Where is the DC sniper when you need him?
            he's with allah and the 69 former virgins

