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my favorite gun web site

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  • my favorite gun web site

    i'll just leave this here...

    I’m an African American male in my mid twenties, and I grew up in a suburb of Chicago, IL. I recently moved to Iowa for my first post-lawschool job. I’m an Attorney at Law, who holds a Bachelor of science degree, and who is now pursuing a Master of Science degree part-time. Jessie Jackson certainly does not speak for me. I am a registered Democrat, although I would likely vote Libertarian if there were a viable Libertarian candidate who wasn’t really a socially conservative Republican in disguise. I currently work as a lawyer, but have worked for software firms before beginning my career in the legal field. I am law abiding, peaceable, and generally a soft spoken person. I own multiple firearms, including my favorites which are pump action shotguns. I enjoy firearms, but they are not my primary hobby. I grew up in a family that was ardently opposed to guns, and it was not until I was about 22 years old that I really began to think about guns rights as a good things. If you want to read my opinions on abortion, gay rights, and other social issues, you can go here (spoiler alert: I’m quite liberally minded and support all of our basic rights, even those that I don’t personally exercise).
    In short, I don’t fit the inaccurate stereotype of gun owners that is portrayed with depressing regularity. Neither do these gun owners, or countless others. I have also found that the gun owners I have met in Chicago area or Iowa gun stores and shooting ranges are just as racially tolerant as any other people, despite that anti-gun-owner stereotype too.
    If you wish to contact me, you my email address can be found here. Please note that I do not provide online legal advice, for the reasons discussed here.
    For those who are interested in my non-gun-related political views, opinions, and random commentary see my other website

  • #2
    Re: my favorite gun web site

    You are bored and looking for a fight.


    • #3
      Re: my favorite gun web site

      Originally posted by goadam1 View Post
      You are bored and looking for a fight.

      a fiscally conservative black social liberal democrat lawyer who likes guns?

      let's rumble!


      • #4
        Re: my favorite gun web site

        Originally posted by metalman View Post
        a fiscally conservative black social liberal democrat lawyer who likes guns?

        let's rumble!

        Yeah, independent thought on individual issues separate from ideology is crazy town.

        FWIW "fight club" gets better and better with time.

