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Fox News: Fifteen minutes of hate or how I learned to want to bomb and invade Iran

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  • Fox News: Fifteen minutes of hate or how I learned to want to bomb and invade Iran,2933,571669,00.html

    Friday, November 6 at 10 p.m. ET

    "On the Record" host Greta Van Susteren hosts "Fox News Reporting: Americans Held Hostage in Iran" on Fox News Channel. This hour-long exclusive Fox News documentary commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Iranian hostage crisis.

    a preview:

  • #2
    Re: Fox News: Fifteen minutes of hate or how I learned to want to bomb and invade Iran

    Originally posted by babbittd View Post,2933,571669,00.html

    Friday, November 6 at 10 p.m. ET

    "On the Record" host Greta Van Susteren hosts "Fox News Reporting: Americans Held Hostage in Iran" on Fox News Channel. This hour-long exclusive Fox News documentary commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Iranian hostage crisis.

    a preview:
    You have to warm the audience up. You need to give them a refresher.


    • #3
      Re: Fox News: Fifteen minutes of hate or how I learned to want to bomb and invade Iran

      You got it, goadam. In 1917, when the US, contrary to Wilson's campaign promises (Wilson was an honest-to-god liberal democrat- hot to trot on foreign adventures), entered the Great War, all the Rape-of-Belgium propaganda was dusted off and replayed in America. The Tommies had long forgotten that rubbish in the trenches of Flanders.

      Christmas eve and the German soldiers were singing Carols,and after a while the Brittish joined in singing in English, for the first time in four months there was hope in the air.

      Day light came on Christmas morning, the soldiers from both trenches lay aside their arms got out of the trenches and walked into no man's land, about half way between the trenches, they shook hands and exchanged cigarettes and chocolate whilst wishing each other a merry Christmas,

      a soccer ball was produced and both sides played soccer this went on for a while,slowly both sides dispersed back to their own respective trenches.

      the next day the shelling started again and the war was back on. The miracle of peace and goodwill to all men never meant so much as it did on Christmas day 1914.


      • #4
        Re: Fox News: Fifteen minutes of hate or how I learned to want to bomb and invade Iran

        Stop yer commie liberal whining, the lot of you.

        Everyone knows there was no history in the Middle East until bad things started happening to the USA.


        • #5
          Re: Fox News: Fifteen minutes of hate or how I learned to want to bomb and invade Iran

          Weird I know Greta and her husband John "The Master of Disaster" 60 min piece, doesn't seem like her.
          Last edited by rabot10; November 07, 2009, 03:42 PM.


          • #6
            Re: Fox News: Fifteen minutes of hate or how I learned to want to bomb and invade Iran

            Originally posted by don View Post
            You got it, goadam. In 1917, when the US, contrary to Wilson's campaign promises (Wilson was an honest-to-god liberal democrat- hot to trot on foreign adventures), entered the Great War, all the Rape-of-Belgium propaganda was dusted off and replayed in America. The Tommies had long forgotten that rubbish in the trenches of Flanders.

            Christmas eve and the German soldiers were singing Carols,and after a while the Brittish joined in singing in English, for the first time in four months there was hope in the air.

            Day light came on Christmas morning, the soldiers from both trenches lay aside their arms got out of the trenches and walked into no man's land, about half way between the trenches, they shook hands and exchanged cigarettes and chocolate whilst wishing each other a merry Christmas,

            a soccer ball was produced and both sides played soccer this went on for a while,slowly both sides dispersed back to their own respective trenches.

            the next day the shelling started again and the war was back on. The miracle of peace and goodwill to all men never meant so much as it did on Christmas day 1914.
            Uh, Don, the photograph in your post is from 1939 when German and Russian troops met at the agreed upon demarcation line after Hitler and Stalin's agreement on the joint rape of Poland.

            And while propaganda is used by every side in any war, the British attempted to stay out of World War I, but told the Imperial German Government in no uncertain terms that if they violated the neutrality of Belgium it would mean war with the British Empire.

            Wilhelm, arrogant megalomaniac that he was, ignored the warning and invaded Belgium in order to easily attack France.
            It cost him the war because the British blockade cut him off from his colonies and eventually strangled the German economy.


            • #7
              Re: Fox News: Fifteen minutes of hate or how I learned to want to bomb and invade Iran

              Originally posted by Raz View Post
              Uh, Don, the photograph in your post is from 1939 when German and Russian troops met at the agreed upon demarcation line after Hitler and Stalin's agreement on the joint rape of Poland.

              And while propaganda is used by every side in any war, the British attempted to stay out of World War I, but told the Imperial German Government in no uncertain terms that if they violated the neutrality of Belgium it would mean war with the British Empire.

              Wilhelm, arrogant megalomaniac that he was, ignored the warning and invaded Belgium in order to easily attack France.
              It cost him the war because the British blockade cut him off from his colonies and eventually strangled the German economy.
              Damn, Raz, you ferreted out my inadvertent propaganda! (Sincerely, thanks Raz) On the prelude to the war, it seems Tuchman got it about right. An excellent general history.


              • #8
                Re: Fox News: Fifteen minutes of hate or how I learned to want to bomb and invade Iran

                Originally posted by don View Post
                Damn, Raz, you ferreted out my inadvertent propaganda! (Sincerely, thanks Raz) On the prelude to the war, it seems Tuchman got it about right. An excellent general history.
                Barbara Tuchman was one of the very best historians. I love her work.

                Have you read Stillwell and the American Experience in China? Awesome book. You can't realize what an arrogant ass LBJ really was without reading it.


                • #9
                  Re: Fox News: Fifteen minutes of hate or how I learned to want to bomb and invade Iran

                  Originally posted by Raz View Post
                  Barbara Tuchman was one of the very best historians. I love her work.

                  Have you read Stillwell and the American Experience in China? Awesome book. You can't realize what an arrogant ass LBJ really was without reading it.
                  Huh? I'm surprised that "Stilwell and the American Experience in China, 1911-45" has much to do with LBJ. Are you pretty sure about that? I haven't actually seen the book, so I'm just guessing.
                  Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                  • #10
                    Re: Fox News: Fifteen minutes of hate or how I learned to want to bomb and invade Iran

                    Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
                    Huh? I'm surprised that "Stilwell and the American Experience in China, 1911-45" has much to do with LBJ. Are you pretty sure about that? I haven't actually seen the book, so I'm just guessing.
                    Very indirectly.

                    LBJ was one of the most egotistical, power-inflated of American presidents. I've listened to the tapes of him browbeating McNamara in February 1964 over his reluctance to advise Kennedy to step up deployment of troops to Vietnam. Johnson told him that "I want to see us kick hell outa them". (Ho Chi Minh, Giap, the VC, etc.) Now to be fair, the Domino Theory was still in vogue.

                    But had he read Stillwell's letters to Marshall and Truman he would have had a better understanding of the corruption and near cowardice of the Nationalst military and the high regard that most of the Chinese and Cochins had for the Communists (they at least fed them, didn't rob them, and would truly fight the Japanese).
                    Korea was a different situation: Syngman Ree had a strong government and the North Koreans were monsters in their treatment of civilians below the 38th Parallel. That and the terrain made the difference, but I suppose Johnson thought we could actually win a guerrilla war.

                    Perhaps it wouldn't have mattered to LBJ because he thought the United States could do anything. Just run up the Stars & Stripes, kick a few asses, then send in Coca~Cola and we'd have 'em all behaving like good Americans in no time at all. :rolleyes:

