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jtabeb bait: one oz gold = good handgun

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  • jtabeb bait: one oz gold = good handgun

    Basically -- an ounce of gold has been equal to a first-rate handgun according to this.

  • #2
    Re: jtabeb bait: one oz gold = good handgun

    Originally posted by jpatter666 View Post

    Basically -- an ounce of gold has been equal to a first-rate handgun according to this.
    NO bait today.

    Everybody, please take time out an go say a prayer for the shooting victims of that asshole Army Maj. up at Ft. Hood, TX.

    Note to everyone. A "Good" Muslim does not go on a KILLING SPREE and shoot, kill and wound his fellow soldiers and his friends and people who trusted him, not to mention innocent civilians and family members.
    Not in my book, anyway.


    P.S. I don't normally curse someone and pray for their delivery to hell. THIS ******* ASSHOLE, would be the exception.


    • #3
      Re: jtabeb bait: one oz gold = good handgun

      Originally posted by jtabeb View Post
      NO bait today.

      Everybody, please take time out an go say a prayer for the shooting victims of that asshole Army Maj. up at Ft. Hood, TX.

      Note to everyone. A "Good" Muslim does not go on a KILLING SPREE and shoot, kill and wound his fellow soldiers and his friends and people who trusted him, not to mention innocent civilians and family members.
      Not in my book, anyway.


      P.S. I don't normally curse someone and pray for their delivery to hell. THIS ******* ASSHOLE, would be the exception.

      I gotta say the same thing and second what JT said, i honestly don't understand these idiots, it makes me furious.... A f'in moron who understands nothing about a religion he proclaims to follow.


      • #4
        Re: jtabeb bait: one oz gold = good handgun

        Perhaps a prayer also for the estimated 1.3 million "innocent civilians and family members" that we've killed in Iraq. The human beings who's lives are just as valuable as Americans, who's country we invaded, destroyed and pillaged, unprovoked.

        Would he have been such a ***** asshole if he shot 43 afghanis? Would he deserve to go to hell then?

        Perhaps the prospect of being deployed and having to participate in this hypocracy is what drove this psychiatrist to completely lose it.
        "It was believed afterward that the man was a lunatic, because there was no sense in what he said."
        -Mark Twain, The War Prayer


        • #5
          Re: jtabeb bait: one oz gold = good handgun

          Originally posted by tombat1913 View Post
          Perhaps a prayer also for the estimated 1.3 million "innocent civilians and family members" that we've killed in Iraq. The human beings who's lives are just as valuable as Americans, who's country we invaded, destroyed and pillaged, unprovoked.

          Would he have been such a ***** asshole if he shot 43 afghanis? Would he deserve to go to hell then?

          Perhaps the prospect of being deployed and having to participate in this hypocracy is what drove this psychiatrist to completely lose it.
          "It was believed afterward that the man was a lunatic, because there was no sense in what he said."
          -Mark Twain, The War Prayer
          Two wrongs don't make a right.


          • #6
            Re: jtabeb bait: one oz gold = good handgun

            Originally posted by jtabeb View Post
            Two wrongs don't make a right.
            Thats what my gramma said & what my momma said and thats what Im saying too.

            Its a simple saying but it really sort of encapsulates the western vs Muslim (eye for an eye) outlook doesn't it?

            Well, I guess my gramma really was a genius after all!


            • #7
              Re: jtabeb bait: one oz gold = good handgun

              Originally posted by tofu2u2 View Post
              Thats what my gramma said & what my momma said and thats what Im saying too.

              Its a simple saying but it really sort of encapsulates the western vs Muslim (eye for an eye) outlook doesn't it?

              Well, I guess my gramma really was a genius after all!

              I think you're misquoting something here.... I am an American born Muslim as well, and its not a "western" vs Muslim thing.... Bc, i am a "western" and a Muslim... Its a crazy nut vs sane person thing...

              Don't go casting wide nets and making the claim that one side is somehow always "righteous"...

              What this guy did was wrong, pure and simple.


              • #8
                Re: jtabeb bait: one oz gold = good handgun

                Who knows what to believe at this point. Hasan is being portrayed by family members as a disgruntled, used and abused employee that finally snapped and went postal.

                On the other hand the government and the Army are portraying this as Muslim vs USA.

                And it looks like this shooting spree in Orlando today was a disgruntled former employee. Lots of that going around these days?


                • #9
                  Re: jtabeb bait: one oz gold = good handgun

                  Originally posted by babbittd View Post
                  Who knows what to believe at this point. Hasan is being portrayed by family members as a disgruntled, used and abused employee that finally snapped and went postal.

                  On the other hand the government and the Army are portraying this as Muslim vs USA.

                  And it looks like this shooting spree in Orlando today was a disgruntled former employee. Lots of that going around these days?
                  I only make the distinction about religion bc, i find it kind of a double standard that any "muslim" does anything and suddenly all muslims are fanatics, nuts and all have the same point of view (not saying that is what tofu meant, just generalizing)...

                  But, you come to cases like Jeffery Dahmer or Ed Gein or Mcvay and no one mentions religion at that point, even though if you look through their case files you will find that their mothers' strict "religious" upbringing had a large part in making these men killers and psycho-paths at that.

                  But, to me for instance, i don't see Dahmer or Gein and suddenly think "heh, bible thumping zealot/nut".... I tend to think more, "heh, psycho-pathic killer nut"

                  Quite honestly, look at any major psycho-pathic serial killer within the last century and you would be hard pressed to find one where his religious upbringing didn't have something to do with it.... That doesnt mean that any follower of that faith is the same way, it just means that specific individual was f'ed up and some how wired wrong...

                  You take any belief too far one way or another and you will eventually come out the far side of nuts, regardless of whatever that belief is.....

                  But, i guess the names just stick out more After all, its not exactly John Smith..... ;)


                  • #10
                    Re: jtabeb bait: one oz gold = good handgun

                    It sounds like this guy possibly had mental issues well before he was scheduled to deploy to Iraq. The way I see it, there always are plenty of people "on the fence" mentally speaking. All they need is a nudge. Be it religion, or financial pressure, or some other stress that sends them over the edge. These people are looking for anything to explain to themselves why they feel crazy. It's a lot easier to blame infidels(or an unfair boss,etc) than face the fact you are fucked up.

