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Will HC 'reform' run up against the Constitution?

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  • Will HC 'reform' run up against the Constitution?

    Any bill of almost 2,000 pages that affects some 16%+ of the US economy,
    and that ultimately will NOT be read by our 'representatives' deserves to
    fail no matter what the intentions will be... If the Congressional Clowns
    actually pass it, I hope the Supremes have the sense to kill it off.

    Gibbs Says He Doesn’t Know if White House Has Reviewed Constitutionality of Forcing People to Buy Health Insurance
    Monday, November 02, 2009
    By Fred Lucas, Staff Writer

    ( - White House Spokesman Robert Gibbs said today that he does not know if White House lawyers have reviewed whether it is constitutional for the federal government to order individuals to buy health insurance and said that the White House is not seriously considering the concerns of people such as Sen. Orrin Hatch (R.-Utah) who believe the mandate is not constitutionally justified.

    This was the second time in two weeks that Gibbs had dismissed concerns that the Constitution does not give the federal government the power to force individuals to purchase items the government wants them to purchase.

    Hatch told last week that forcing people to buy health insurance cannot be justified under the Constitution’s Commerce Clause.

    “But here would be the first time where our government would demand that people buy something that they may or may not want,” Hatch told “And, you know, if that’s the case, then we didn’t need a ‘Cash for Clunkers,’ all we had to do is have the federal government say you all got to buy new cars, no matter how tough it is on you. You know, they could require you to buy anything. And that isn’t America. That’s not freedom. That’s not constitutionally sound. Now, there may be some gimmicky way that they can do this, but I can’t think of a gimmicky way that would be constitutionally justified.”

    Gibbs was asked by a reporter on Monday: “Have White House lawyers looked at this issue? Has this been examined in any way?”

    Gibbs responded: “Not that I know of. I don’t think it has gotten to the point where anybody questions the legitimacy of it.”

    The reporter followed up: “Well, Orrin Hatch questions the legitimacy of it.” Gibbs quipped, “Well, you should ask him.”

    The reporter asked, “Do you not feel there is any concern at all about whether it is constitutional for Congress to impose a mandate?”

    “No,” Gibbs said.

    Both House and Senate versions of the health care bill would mandate that individuals purchase health insurance.

    While the executive branch is apparently not reviewing the constitutionality of the proposal, a Congressional Research Service (CRS) report issued on July 24 looked at it and did not arrive at a definitive answer.

    “Despite the breadth of powers that have been exercised under the Commerce Clause, it is unclear whether the clause would provide a solid constitutional foundation for legislation containing a requirement to have health insurance,” the CRS report said. “Whether such a requirement would be constitutional under the Commerce Clause is perhaps the most challenging question posed by such a proposal, as it is a novel issue whether Congress may use this clause to require an individual to purchase a good or a service.”

    The CRS report also addressed one of the most frequently used arguments in favor of allowing a mandate.

    “Although the federal government provides health coverage for many individuals through federal programs such as Medicare, it has never required individuals to purchase health insurance. While a requirement to transfer money to a private party may arise in other contexts (e.g., automobile insurance), it has been noted that these provisions are based on exercising a privilege, like driving a car,” the report says.

    Mandates that drivers buy auto insurance are enacted on the state, not the federal level and are therefore not based on any interpretation of the Commerce Clause, which is a part of the federal Constitution and applies to federal laws.

    Former Justice Department Attorney David Rivkin was among the first to raise the issue of whether requiring people to buy a product is constitutional. He predicts if the health care bill is enacted, the question of the mandate will ultimately be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court, which he predicts would probably take up to four years.

    “This is a mandate that would apply to millions of Americans,” Rivkin, who served in both the Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations, told “A good number of them are going to run to district courts and start a lawsuit. It would eventually go to the Supreme Court. It would take several years. There will be lots and lots and lots of cases. And people will have standing. We’re not talking about taxpayer standing. We’re talking about a mandate that applies to them personally. It will take several years to get to the Supreme Court, probably at least four.”

    Rivkin believes if this is upheld, it would set a precedent to mandate the purchase of other products. :eek:

    “Not one person has emerged to tell me what would be the limiting principal for the purchase of health care. You can mandate the purchase of health club memberships,” Rivkin said. “You can mandate the coverage of mental wellness. You could mandate the purchase of new cars every couple of years. That sure would stimulate the automotive sector.”

    The non-partisan CRS analysis points to several U.S. Supreme Court precedents.

    The high court in United States vs. Lopez rules that prohibiting the possession of a firearm near a school zone is not justifiable under the Commerce Clause. Also, in the case of United States vs. Morrison, the high court determined that Congress did not have the authority to pass the Violence Against Women Act ruling that “gender-motivated crimes are not, in any sense of the phrase, economic activity,” and that expanding such regulation of a non-economic activity would enable federal regulation of almost any activity, including “family law and other areas of traditional state regulation.

  • #2
    Re: Will HC 'reform' run up against the Constitution?

    In most states owning and driving a car requires insurance. Driving is framed as a privilege, not a right, with potential fiscal liabilities.

    Health care is a privilege with...doesn't translate so well. Can no longer pass a driving test, you lose your health care ;)

    In California, following the '89 quake, insurance coverage was cut back dramatically on earthquake damage claims. The state intervened, mandating that some form of earthquake insurance be made available to property owners. They did not mandate coverage by those owners. (Does Florida mandate owners buy hurricane coverage?) Lender insurance requirements are another matter.

    From the beginning health care 'reform' was the desire of the health care industry to add 40,000,000 new members to their rolls, at government expense. The rest has been theater. Most have enjoyed the show. The industry's goal has nearly been reached. Can the Constitution stand in their way? :eek:


    • #3
      Re: Will HC 'reform' run up against the Constitution?

      1. The only reform republicans and blue-dog democrats will allow will be " have the taxpayer buy more of the existing, expensive, lousy private insurance", and the result will stink.

      2. There nothing unconstitutional about a national public highway system, a national public navy, a national public air traffic control system, or local public sewer systems. No person has any real practical choice about participating in these, and they are fully constitutional. You must pay for them, and you must use them. A public health system is no different (and if done well would be good, like interstate highways and the air traffic control system). I believe the words that cover it are "promote the general Welfare". The prinical that allows it is common sense.

      3. If you wish to stand on principal, like those who refuse to drink fluoridated water or home schoolers, well, you can just buy any other kind of health care you prefer, anywhere you wish. Sorry, you still have to pay your taxes like those other folks.
      Last edited by thriftyandboringinohio; November 03, 2009, 03:13 PM.


      • #4
        Re: Will HC 'reform' run up against the Constitution?

        Will HC 'reform' run up against the Constitution?



        • #5
          Re: Will HC 'reform' run up against the Constitution?

          Will HC 'reform' run up against the Constitution?



          • #6
            Re: Will HC 'reform' run up against the Constitution?

            it's completely unconstitutional to regulate health care of *individuals* since it is not in the enumerated rights/duties of the Federal government.

            There is no interstate commerce interest in the Feds telling *me* about how I can or cannot get medical treatment.

            But we are long past the constitution mattering at all, so who cares.


            • #7
              Re: Will HC 'reform' run up against the Constitution?

              Originally posted by grapejelly View Post
              it's completely unconstitutional to regulate health care of *individuals* since it is not in the enumerated rights/duties of the Federal government.

              There is no interstate commerce interest in the Feds telling *me* about how I can or cannot get medical treatment.

              But we are long past the constitution mattering at all, so who cares.
              I don't understand why the interstate commerce clause pertains to this discussion.:confused: And the feds have been regulating the health care of individuals for decades -doctors are issued licenses to pracatice, the FDA regulates medicines.....


              • #8
                Re: Will HC 'reform' run up against the Constitution?

                We can only hope so.

                Of course, the statists here just love their big guv daddy.
                Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho


                • #9
                  Re: Will HC 'reform' run up against the Constitution?

                  Originally posted by thriftyandboringinohio View Post
                  I don't understand why the interstate commerce clause pertains to this discussion.:confused: And the feds have been regulating the health care of individuals for decades -doctors are issued licenses to pracatice, the FDA regulates medicines.....
                  Right. Exactly.

                  The ONLY regulation that the Feds can exert on everyday transactions are those involved in interstate commerce.

                  And as you say, there is *no* interstate commerce interest here.


                  • #10
                    Re: Will HC 'reform' run up against the Constitution?

                    Originally posted by grapejelly View Post
                    But we are long past the constitution mattering at all, so who cares.
                    Those of us who are (nazi, communist, terrorist, whatever, ...) enemies of the state care, that's who.
                    Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                    • #11
                      Re: Will HC 'reform' run up against the Constitution?

                      Originally posted by grapejelly View Post
                      Right. Exactly.

                      The ONLY regulation that the Feds can exert on everyday transactions are those involved in interstate commerce.

                      And as you say, there is *no* interstate commerce interest here.
                      Actually, with regards to health insurance, a case can be made that the "state monopolies" or "state mandates" is a form of trade embargo enacted between and among the states, and therefore violates the interstate commerce clause. That is about the only thing the Constitution would realistically permit among the myriad of corrupt power-grab bills that "they" are trying to pass.


                      • #12
                        Re: Will HC 'reform' run up against the Constitution?

                        The Constitution long ago became something of a joke in terms of it's enforcement.


                        • #13
                          Re: Will HC 'reform' run up against the Constitution?

                          Originally posted by thriftyandboringinohio View Post
                          1. The only reform republicans and blue-dog democrats will allow will be " have the taxpayer buy more of the existing, expensive, lousy private insurance", and the result will stink.

                          2. There nothing unconstitutional about a national public highway system, a national public navy, a national public air traffic control system, or local public sewer systems. No person has any real practical choice about participating in these, and they are fully constitutional. You must pay for them, and you must use them. A public health system is no different (and if done well would be good, like interstate highways and the air traffic control system). I believe the words that cover it are "promote the general Welfare". The prinical that allows it is common sense.

                          3. If you wish to stand on principal, like those who refuse to drink fluoridated water or home schoolers, well, you can just buy any other kind of health care you prefer, anywhere you wish. Sorry, you still have to pay your taxes like those other folks.
                          Your number 2. items are paid for by taxes that the government collects. It is constitutional to levy and collect taxes. WTFDIK, but it seems a mandate to citizens to have to buy something might not survive a supreme court test.

                          What the bastards should do is nationalize the system and control prices and pay for the expense by taxation. For the last ten years my wife and I have paid 17% of what we have spent totally per year (~48K/yr) into health care expenses including insurances which comprised 13.1% of the 17%, and between us there was one illness that required much more than average expenses/year. Personally, I would have preferred to have paid that into taxes if there were a single payer system, i.e. a serious national health plan. At some point this country is going to have to raise taxes unless the powers of prayer in some way prevents our facing the reality of US profligacy.
                          Jim 69 y/o

                          "...Texans...the lowest form of white man there is." Robert Duvall, as Al Sieber, in "Geronimo." (see "Location" for examples.)

                          Dedicated to the idea that all people deserve a chance for a healthy productive life. B&M Gates Fdn.

                          Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement. Unknown.

