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Max Keiser Video, MUST Watch!

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  • Max Keiser Video, MUST Watch!

  • #2
    Re: Max Keiser Video, MUST Watch!

    Thanks Mike.

    As I've said numerous times, a global fiat currency is what the oligarch-government cartel really need to control the economies and populations of the world and usher in unlimited reflation/deflation power. Pump and Dump to rapidly transfer wealth and increase its concentration amongst the oligarch class. The USA will resist but ultimately acquiece.

    What comes next is a UN resolution banning person gold ownership in member states, instituting legal tender laws for the global currency (Globar?), and requiring all member states to store their gold at a central facility (Switzerland?).


    • #3
      Re: Max Keiser Video, MUST Watch!

      I think "They" have lost control, if "They" had any sense they agree a time table where bit by bit the $ was reduced as a % of the barrel. Sadly History shows us that "They" NEVER do the senseable thing!



      • #4
        Re: Max Keiser Video, MUST Watch!

        With China's recent push to have it's population get into PM's, how would a banning of personal ownership work?


        • #5
          Re: Max Keiser Video, MUST Watch!

          Max Keiser is just a hyperbole. One day he says Inflation then he says deflation, now back to Inflation.

          Where is Symbols - $#* when we need him ? At least we can hear some conspiracy theory. Also FDI is approaching 0.45, the apprx turning point foretold by Symbols.


          • #6
            Re: Max Keiser Video, MUST Watch!

            There is no way the UN can ban ownership of gold...that sounds like some PrisonPlanet b.s. to me


            • #7
              Re: Max Keiser Video, MUST Watch!

              Mike I love Max and I hope he is correct on his call.


              • #8
                Re: Max Keiser Video, MUST Watch!

                I'll take PrisonPlanet/Infowars any day over CNN/MSNBC/FOX, etc....


                • #9
                  Re: Max Keiser Video, MUST Watch!

                  So the United States is committing "genocide" in the Middle East, and the Wall Street bankstters "engineered" a "phony failure" so the Asian savers and Central Banks would bail them out? Pu-l-e-a-s-e !!!:rolleyes:

                  This is one of the biggest crocks I've ever heard - unless you get to redefine genocide.

                  Do you really take Keiser seriously? :confused:


                  • #10
                    Re: Max Keiser Video, MUST Watch!

                    Raz, I agree with you on his delivery and embellishment but that doesn't mean his central point is wrong...lots of things I called crazy for the last 20 years are turning out to be true AT THEIR CORE...not necessarily with all of the fear mongering or political embellishments added on but their is usually a grain of truth to things like this. genocide?....that's a stretch.

