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the reichstag is burning

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  • the reichstag is burning


  • #2
    Re: the reichstag is burning

    Recently we had the 70th anniversary of the start of WWII

    And they had one old man talk about how he immediately signed up for the SS after hearing the Gleiwitz story, he said he didn't know it was a lie.
    Fortunately for him and his mother he was rejected by the SS.

    It just reminded me of the reaction by people in the US

    Fallen ex-NFL star Pat Tillman's first mission in Iraq was the wildly hyped rescue of Jessica Lynch - an operation the elite Army Ranger blasted as a PR stunt, a new book says.

    "Do not mistake me - I wish everyone in trouble to be rescued, but sending this many folks for a single low ranking soldier screams of media blitz," Tillman wrote in a journal entry revealed in a new book documenting his friendly fire death.

    Lynch's case was one of the war's most glaring examples of Pentagon propaganda: She was abducted without anyone firing a shot, but she was said to be captured in a heroic gun battle.

    Tillman's saga is equally galling.

    The Pentagon initially claimed Tillman, 27, was a hero who died from enemy gunfire in 2004 while trying to save a group of ambushed soldiers in Afghanistan. Only after Tillman's furious family demanded probes into his death did it emerge that he was killed by one of his own.

    Tillman left the Arizona Cardinals to join the Army with his brother after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. He was always skeptical of being used as a tool of the government, according to Jon Krakauer's "Where Men Win Glory: The Odyssey of Pat Tillman."


    Blitzkrieg September 1, 1939: a new kind of warfare engulfs Poland

    Treachery, lies and murder -- those were the hallmarks of Adolf Hitler's launching of World War II. The German Wehrmacht had its orders to invade Poland at dawn of Sept. 1, 1939, but the first killings actually occurred the night before near a border town called Gleiwitz. There German SS troops took twelve prisoners from the Oranienburg concentration camp outside Berlin, ordered them to dress in Polish army uniforms, then injected them with poison and shot them. The twelve "Polish casualties" were dumped in a forest near the village of Hochlinde to be exhibited later to the foreign press.

    The SS killers took along one more Oranienburg prisoner when they burst in on the Gleiwitz radio station, knocking a Mozart symphony off the air and firing pistols in all directions. The intruders shouted in Polish over the open microphones that they and their comrades were invading Germany. Then they ran off, leaving the corpse of the prisoner as one more "Polish casualty."

    At 10 a.m. the next day in Berlin, in the ornate Kroll Opera, where the Reichstag had met ever since a mysterious outbreak of arson gutted its traditional headquarters in 1933, Chancellor Hitler arrived wearing the "sacred coat" of the German infantryman and used the crudely faked fracas in Gleiwitz to justify his invasion of Poland. "For the first time Polish regular soldiers fired on our own territory," he told the brown-shirted deputies. "Since 5:45 a.m. we have been returning the fire, and from now on bombs will be met with bombs."

    It was a grotesque misstatement of the ugly reality. Five months earlier, the secret plan known as Operation White had declared, "The task of the Wehrmacht is to destroy the Polish armed forces. To this end, a surprise attack is to be aimed at and prepared . . . any time from Sept. 1, 1939, onward." If anything more was needed, it was the neutralization of Poland's other big neighbor, Soviet Russia, and Hitler had achieved that just the previous week by suddenly concluding a treaty of cooperation with his supposed archenemy Joseph Stalin. And so, at the appointed hour of 4:45 a.m. (Poland time), Hitler struck all along the 1,750-mile Polish frontier. The catastrophic war of revenge that he alone wanted was now his to command.,8816,958453,00.html


    • #3
      Re: the reichstag is burning

      Originally posted by audrey_girl View Post

      "Truther" nonsense.
      Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho


      • #4
        Re: the reichstag is burning

        Originally posted by Master Shake View Post

        "Truther" nonsense.
        MS, some of the questions around the events of 9/11 have been left unanswered. Why would it be nonsense to look for answers?


        • #5
          Re: the reichstag is burning

          He just made the War with Iran un-ann-void-able.



          • #6
            Re: the reichstag is burning

            FYI, see this Dr. Steven Jones's classic:

            Why Indeed Did the World Trade Center Buildings Completely Collapse?


            • #7
              Re: the reichstag is burning

              Yes, Bush and company lied.

              No, that does not mean 9/11 was a conspiracy.

              Moved to rant and rave. Anyone who posts any more of this crap to News will lose the privilege.
              Last edited by FRED; September 12, 2009, 09:37 PM.


              • #8
                Re: the reichstag is burning

                What would happen if someone posted the telegraph article by Subhajit Banerjee on this topic which also has the same video ?


                • #9
                  Re: the reichstag is burning

                  Originally posted by D-Mack View Post
                  What would happen if someone posted the telegraph article by Subhajit Banerjee on this topic which also has the same video ?
                  Somebody would post a link to The Smothers Brothers Show with Grace Slick singing "White Rabbit."

                  Smoke a banana.



                  • #10
                    Re: the reichstag is burning

                    Originally posted by Thailandnotes View Post
                    Somebody would post a link to The Smothers Brothers Show with Grace Slick singing "White Rabbit."

                    Smoke a banana.

                    good one!

                    charlie sheen =


                    • #11
                      Re: the reichstag is burning

                      Originally posted by Thailandnotes View Post
                      Somebody would post a link to The Smothers Brothers Show with Grace Slick singing "White Rabbit."

                      Smoke a banana.


                      Is this a Platoon reference?

                      I have only seen the Woodstock performance by Jefferson Airplane, she looks different with plain hair


                      • #12
                        Re: the reichstag is burning

                        Originally posted by FRED View Post

                        Yes, Bush and companies lied.

                        No, that does not mean 9/11 was a conspiracy.

                        Moved to rant and rave. Anyone who posts any more of this crap to News will lose the privilege.

                        I'm not going to push this point or anything, and it's entirely your choice, and arguably a reasonable choice, to discourage discussion on iTulip of what happened on 9/11, however I am now very certain, for a number of separate and independent reasons, that it was a controlled demolition, using some tons of thermite and other planted explosives, not those two airplanes, that took down World Trade Center Buildings 1, 2 and 7.

                        I don't claim to know who did it or how or why or any of that stuff. On those matters I can only speculate, which would serve little purpose in this present context.

                        However just my certain conclusion that those three buildings came down as a result of a controlled demolition, not as a result of being hit by those two aircraft, has changed my whole perspective.

                        In the long run, one cannot successfully analyze the economy or determine what is safe for one self or family or wealth unless one understands the limits of the game in which we're participating.

                        I encourage you to examine the collapse of those three buildings for yourself sometime.

                        Best of luck to you and your family, and thanks again for this fine website.
                        Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                        • #13
                          Re: the reichstag is burning

                          Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post

                          I'm not going to push this point or anything, and it's entirely your choice, and arguably a reasonable choice, to discourage discussion on iTulip of what happened on 9/11, however I am now very certain, for a number of separate and independent reasons, that it was a controlled demolition, using some tons of thermite and other planted explosives, not those two airplanes, that took down World Trade Center Buildings 1, 2 and 7.

                          I don't claim to know who did it or how or why or any of that stuff. On those matters I can only speculate, which would serve little purpose in this present context.

                          However just my certain conclusion that those three buildings came down as a result of a controlled demolition, not as a result of being hit by those two aircraft, has changed my whole perspective.

                          In the long run, one cannot successfully analyze the economy or determine what is safe for one self or family or wealth unless one understands the limits of the game in which we're participating.

                          I encourage you to examine the collapse of those three buildings for yourself sometime.

                          Best of luck to you and your family, and thanks again for this fine website.

                          I've asked this question before. Why does a demolition need to be done. Isn't the airplane enough to get the American people mad. I mean if I take you out to the desert and cut off all your limbs, do I still need to shoot you?


                          • #14
                            Re: the reichstag is burning

                            Originally posted by cjppjc View Post
                            I've asked this question before. Why does a demolition need to be done. Isn't the airplane enough to get the American people mad. I mean if I take you out to the desert and cut off all your limbs, do I still need to shoot you?
                            If the demolition (that I contend occurred) had been caused by other elements of some Islamic terrorists, and if the evidence for such a demolition had been considered openly, as was the evidence for hijacked planes hitting two of the buildings, then I'd agree with you.

                            I an certain that Islamic terrorists did not orchestrate those three demolitions, but it takes more detailed analysis of the demolition than I can do here to demonstrate that. It should be quite obvious to all of us that evidence of a demolition is not welcome in many forums or media. Therefore I conclude that someone else orchestrated those demolitions and for some reason (at which I can only speculate) the wealth of clear and compelling evidence of such a demolition is being kept from common public view.

                            But again, this is not a good forum for discussing this. Skyson presented a link to a good paper above. More has been learned since that paper was written. As I did with FRED, I encourage you to examine the collapse of those three buildings for yourself sometime.

                            First study what actually happened in the collapse of those three buildings, the steel, the concrete, the timing and extent of the explosions, the large steel beams being shot out the sides at high speed, the speed and shape of the collapses, the U.S. military thermite found in extensive amounts, the molten metal months later still in the pit, the diagonally sheared steel beams with molten edges, the pulverization into fine dust and small pieces of almost all the steel and concrete in those buildings, and so forth.

                            First just examine the crime scene evidence yourself. There is much available.

                            Then when you have determined to your own satisfaction what actually took place, it will be time to consider who and why and all that stuff.

                            (Aside to FRED/EJ: If at anytime you consider my comments on this unhelpful to the purpose of iTulip, feel free to remove them or ask me to cease.This is likely my last post on this matter for now anyway. I only ask that if you make such a choice, you tell me. This is your site, not mine, and this is clearly a radioactive topic.)
                            Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                            • #15
                              Re: the reichstag is burning

                              Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
                              If the demolition (that I contend occurred) had been caused by other elements of some Islamic terrorists, and if the evidence for such a demolition had been considered openly, as was the evidence for hijacked planes hitting two of the buildings, then I'd agree with you.

                              I an certain that Islamic terrorists did not orchestrate those three demolitions, but it takes more detailed analysis of the demolition than I can do here to demonstrate that. It should be quite obvious to all of us that evidence of a demolition is not welcome in many forums or media. Therefore I conclude that someone else orchestrated those demolitions and for some reason (at which I can only speculate) the wealth of clear and compelling evidence of such a demolition is being kept from common public view.

                              But again, this is not a good forum for discussing this. Skyson presented a link to a good paper above. More has been learned since that paper was written. As I did with FRED, I encourage you to examine the collapse of those three buildings for yourself sometime.

                              First study what actually happened in the collapse of those three buildings, the steel, the concrete, the timing and extent of the explosions, the large steel beams being shot out the sides at high speed, the speed and shape of the collapses, the U.S. military thermite found in extensive amounts, the molten metal months later still in the pit, the diagonally sheared steel beams with molten edges, the pulverization into fine dust and small pieces of almost all the steel and concrete in those buildings, and so forth.

                              First just examine the crime scene evidence yourself. There is much available.

                              Then when you have determined to your own satisfaction what actually took place, it will be time to consider who and why and all that stuff.

                              (Aside to FRED/EJ: If at anytime you consider my comments on this unhelpful to the purpose of iTulip, feel free to remove them or ask me to cease.This is likely my last post on this matter for now anyway. I only ask that if you make such a choice, you tell me. This is your site, not mine, and this is clearly a radioactive topic.)
                              go on...

                              (this is rant & rave)

