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Facist American Government seizing your files on your PC?

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  • Facist American Government seizing your files on your PC?


    not a big fan of Beck but, step by step, day by day - this is happening


  • #2
    Re: Facist American Government seizing your files on your PC?

    What do you say to that?
    Over to the technophiles to tell you the truth.
    You have a mobile Phone - yes - while ever it is switched on you can be traced to within a 3m2 radius (its called Telephony Ping triangulation) however the verticle axis is a problem - "Cellphone"- your in a cell and as you move so does the cell position.
    You have a computer -while it is connected to the internet you may be monitored. Wi-fi is a mobile tracking devise and is the same as a cell phone. Have you ever been woken by Microsoft updates at 3.oo am turning on your computer?
    I thought most people knew this.
    If you fear for your privacy, you can disable this if you understand DOS. In Vista you can tick a box that denies access to other computers. The big problem is in the code. They can "untick" you at whim,with an 'override control'.
    Conspiracy - no not at all - DOS is the Department Of State

    I'm old now but I learnt on punch card computers. Trying to get your screen "white on black" is very hard. Even if you search for how the codes work through the internet you will find mostly "Opps the link appears to be broken" or "website not found" You need to keep the code C:\> sequencing alive only then you have the keys to all the secrets and be able to shut out prying eyes. As well as get lots of stuff for free
    I am awaiting "7" but I will bet a slab of Bud that it ends here. Disclaimer: I am not a Hacker just inquisitive.

    Go on open on your computer (search in a new tab) c:\ then you will open a rabbit hole of what they access
    P.S just tried it myself - yes I'm being tracked 37 files up loaded in the last 3 hours by the "quick brown fox" and try as I might I can't access the son of a bitch.

    BOOTMGR image is corrupt. The system cannot boot. BOOTMGR image is corrupt. The system cannot boot. The Windows Boot Manager is incompatible with this system.
    No physical memory is available at the location required for the Windows Boot
    Manager. The system can not continue.
    BOOTMGR image is corrupt. The system cannot boot. The file is possibly corrupt. The file header checksum does not match the computed checksum.
    Boot Parameters size (0x%lx) is too big
    BTAPENT ‚ B " @ €
    TRAP %lx
    DEBUG TRAP ================== DOUBLE FAULT ================================

    ===== STACK SEGMENT OVERRUN or NOT PRESENT FAULT ===============

    ============== GENERAL PROTECTION FAULT ========================

    =================== PAGE FAULT =================================

    ** At linear address %lx
    ===================== EXCEPTION ================================
    N a m e M i c r o s o f t C o r p o r a t i o n B
    F i l e D e s c r i p t i o n B o o t M a n a g e r t * F i l e V e r s i o n 6 . 0 . 6 0 0 1 . 1 8 0 0 0 ( l o n g h o r n _ r t m . 0 8 0 1 1 8 - 1 8 4 0 ) 8 I n t e r n a l N a m e b o o t m g r . e x e € . L e g a l C o p y r i g h t © M i c r o s o f t C o r p o r a t i o n . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . @ O r i g i n a l F i l e n a m e b o o t m g r . e x e j % P r o d u c t N a m e M i c r o s o f t ® W i n d o w s ® O p e r a t i n g S y s t e m B P r o d u c t V e r s i o n 6 . 0 . 6 0 0 1 . 1 8 0 0 0 D V a r F i l e I n f o $ T r a n s l a t i o n ° This program cannot be run i n DOS mo€de.

    LIKE Hell say the Thunder (Yes I deleted everything on every attached page of the search, after all it contained my whole computer)
    Last edited by thunderdownunder; July 31, 2009, 10:03 PM.


    • #3
      Re: Facist American Government seizing your files on your PC?

      Originally posted by thunderdownunder View Post
      I'm old now but I learnt on punch card computers. Trying to get your screen "white on black" is very hard. Even if you search for how the codes work through the internet you will find mostly "Opps the link appears to be broken" or "website not found" You need to keep the code C:\> sequencing alive only then you have the keys to all the secrets and be able to shut out prying eyes. As well as get lots of stuff for free
      I am awaiting "7" but I will bet a slab of Bud that it ends here. Disclaimer: I am not a Hacker just inquisitive.
      If you're interested in running a reasonably secure environment, I wouldn't recommend DOS (Disk Operating System, not Dept of State ;)). That ancient operating system has no memory protection or security to speak of at all.

      I'd recommend a Linux or BSD system. That's what I am running. They are as user friendly as Windows, except (1) they don't run some specific apps that some people have to run sometimes, such as Quicken, Taxcut or TurboTax, and most of the good games, and (2) they don't crash nearly as often.

      Apple's OSX is pretty good for security too, based on a BSD kernel and a much less popular target for security problems than Windows.

      If you really like the plain old command line, Linux will come up that way for you as well, while continuing to provide a vastly more secure environment than DOS.
      Most folks are good; a few aren't.


      • #4
        Re: Facist American Government seizing your files on your PC?

        Originally posted by audrey_girl View Post
        not a big fan of Beck but, step by step, day by day - this is happening
        Don't overreact. We have great dangers, but this is just harmless arrogant legal stupidity.

        For one thing, that arrogant "All your computer [ne base] are belong to us" agreement apparently only shows up for car dealers during their submissions. Ordinary people, even those trying to benefit from the "Cars for Clunkers" program, never see this.

        The warning that Beck was alarmed by shows up on the Login site for car dealers to receive CARS payments, where the web page states:
        This application provides access to the DoT CARS system. When logged on to the CARS system, your computer is considered a Federal computer system and is the property of the United States Government. It is for authorized use only. Users (authorized or unauthorized) have no explicit or implicit expectation of privacy.

        Any or all uses of this system and all files on this system may be intercepted, monitored, recorded, copied, audited, inspected, and disclosed to authorized CARS, DoT, and law enforcement personnel, as well as authorized officials of other agencies, both domestic and foreign. By using this system, the user consents to such interception, monitoring, recording, copying, auditing, inspection, and disclosure at the discretion CARS or the DoT personnel.

        Unauthorized or improper use of this system may result in administrative disciplinary action and civil and criminal penalties.

        Unauthorized attempts to defeat or circumvent security features, to use the system for other than intended purposes, to deny service to authorized users, to access, obtain, alter, damage, or destroy information, or otherwise to interfere with the system or its operation are prohibited. Evidence of such acts may be disclosed to law enforcement authorities and result in criminal prosecution under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 (Public Law 99-474) and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-294), (18 U.S.C. 1030), or other applicable criminal laws.
        For another thing, there is nearly zero correlation between the visible arrogance of such stated disclaimers and what "they" (be that the government or the thieves) actually do. If you are running a computer system so insecure that the government can get to any of your computer files, then so can some evil hacker. You can rest assured that neither of these parties, if they are really up to no good, are going to announce their presence with such a screen.

        You should, as always, strive to keep your computer reasonably secure so that it is difficult for undesired outsiders, of any stripe or flag, to infiltrate.
        Most folks are good; a few aren't.


        • #5
          Re: Facist American Government seizing your files on your PC?

          Originally posted by thunderdownunder View Post
          What do you say to that?
          Over to the technophiles to tell you the truth.
          You have a mobile Phone - yes - while ever it is switched on you can be traced to within a 3m2 radius (its called Telephony Ping triangulation) however the verticle axis is a problem - "Cellphone"- your in a cell and as you move so does the cell position.
          Don't forget to take the batteries out


          • #6
            Re: Facist American Government seizing your files on your PC?

            News: "Link to a news story by a credible source plus member commentary."

            Moved to Rant and Rave.


            • #7
              Re: Facist American Government seizing your files on your PC?

              Glenn Beck and the Government’s Fictional Plot To Hijack Your Computer

              Earlier this week Fox News host Glenn Beckdid a segment on the Government’s “Cash for Clunkers” program in which he “exposed” the plans of wicked, crazy, frightening people to [seize] all of your personal and private information.

              as usual for faux news... and asshat glen beck... the story is bogus.


              • #8
                Re: Facist American Government seizing your files on your PC?

                Originally posted by metalman View Post
                Glenn Beck and the Government’s Fictional Plot To Hijack Your Computer

                Earlier this week Fox News host Glenn Beckdid a segment on the Government’s “Cash for Clunkers” program in which he “exposed” the plans of wicked, crazy, frightening people to [seize] all of your personal and private information.

                as usual for faux news... and asshat glen beck... the story is bogus.
                Good find. Thank you. Most stories by Beck smell funny, but this one was more stinky more than his average.


                • #9
                  Re: Facist American Government seizing your files on your PC?

                  "Plot To Hijack Your Computer"

                  Most people's computers are more at risk of being hijacked by the North Korean guvm'nt (who needs zombies for the popular and entertaining DOS attacks on clueless western guvm'nt sites) . . .

                  not to forget the world-wide criminal organisations working professionally 24-7 to find exposed credit card info or any other cracks in the western banking system where money might leak or be sucked out.
                  Justice is the cornerstone of the world


                  • #10
                    Re: Facist American Government seizing your files on your PC?

                    Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
                    Don't overreact. We have great dangers, but this is just harmless arrogant legal stupidity.

                    If you are running a computer system so insecure that the government can get to any of your computer files, then...
                    ...somehow the government IT guy figured out where to put the punchcards into his macbook.

                    Most 40k/year government IT specialists can barely reinstall XP fast enough to keep up with the next spyware download that makes the wonderfully configured Dell Core2Duo with a 500GB hard drive and 128MB RAM crash again.

                    Seriously - the cash for clunkers program is not employing cybersecurity experts to steal sales logs from GM - hell, if they wanted that information, they could probably just ask for it at the next board meeting.


                    • #11
                      Re: Facist American Government seizing your files on your PC?

                      Originally posted by dcarrigg View Post
                      ...somehow the government IT guy figured out where to put the punchcards into his macbook.
                      Good point.

                      Some of the car dealers (the ones who had to agree to this draconian "all your data belong to us" statement) probably aren't running very secure PC's either.
                      Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                      • #12
                        Re: Facist American Government seizing your files on your PC?

                        My wife has a theory that the world would be a better place if scientists could invent a way to broadcast sterilization rays along with WWF transmissions.

                        I think I'd add Glen Beck to her list, and Hannity, O'Rielly and such other chumps who enrich themselves by undermining the rational debate necessary to support a democracy.

