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metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

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  • #31
    Re: metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

    Originally posted by thedanimal View Post
    Fred, let me be the first to say kudos on the moderator decision. I have long wondered why iTulip did not follow the lead of most internet forums and have some volunteer/participant moderators. I have acted as one on other sites and I think it is a highly effective model if properly implemented.
    Are you volunteering, he asked hopefully?


    • #32
      Re: metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

      Originally posted by FRED View Post
      We are having a conversation with Metalman to change his title to "iTulip Pitbull" as JK requested and at the same time expand his role to "moderator."
      I was the one who first suggested "iTulip Pitbull" for Metalman.
      I wrote . . . .
      How about "iTulip Pitbull"?

      That removes the possessive connotation ("EJ's") and confers independence, yet still characterizes his communication style (which I like, for the most part).
      Metalman . . . brand new on the job, and already an inaccuracy has slipped by you ;)
      Boycott Big Banks • Vote Out Incumbents


      • #33
        Re: metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

        Originally posted by FRED View Post
        Are you volunteering, he asked hopefully?
        Fred, while I would be happy to volunteer and indeed honored to do so, in my experience people with a longer track record than my own in posting would be better suited to the task. The level of participation by a moderator is sometimes correlated to the respect they are given when they need to moderate.


        • #34
          Re: metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

          Originally posted by FRED View Post
          p.s. Metalman has been asked to cut out the puerile humor.
          i wouldn't want to do anything to inhibit metalman [if that is even theoretically possible].


          • #35
            Re: metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

            The only thing interesting in this thread was Metal's posting of '"No One Saw it Coming": Understanding Financial Crisis Through Accounting Models.'

            I've spent the afternoon reading the report and following the references within it. This is another important piece of the puzzle that I would not have found but for metal's posting.

            I hope it is not your collective intentions to run MM off, as was apparently done to Lukster. Metal provides a valuable service to this site. I don't always agree with him, but he is very helpful and no doubt spends a considerable amount of his personal time contributing to these pages; I for one, appreciate his input.


            • #36
              Re: metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

              Originally posted by dummass View Post
              The only thing interesting in this thread was Metal's posting of '"No One Saw it Coming": Understanding Financial Crisis Through Accounting Models.'

              I've spent the afternoon reading the report and following the references within it. This is another important piece of the puzzle that I would not have found but for metal's posting.

              I hope it is not your collective intentions to run MM off, as was apparently done to Lukster. Metal provides a valuable service to this site. I don't always agree with him, but he is very helpful and no doubt spends a considerable amount of his personal time contributing to these pages; I for one, appreciate his input.
              umm.. i'm the one who originally posted it, not mm. and it's not my intention to run mm off. not at all. my intention was to smoke out his relationship to management, since he posted a NEW graph in another thread, copyright


              • #37
                Re: metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

                Puerile humor never hurt anyone - and for my $200/year MM is damn funny more often than not.

                He also really understands the iTulip message and has either hired a platoon of Gnomes to index everything ever posted here, or has an encyclopedic memory.

                IMO a great choice to help keep the forums worth the $$.


                • #38
                  Re: metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

                  Originally posted by jk View Post
                  umm.. i'm the one who originally posted it, not mm. and it's not my intention to run mm off. not at all. my intention was to smoke out his relationship to management, since he posted a NEW graph in another thread, copyright
                  For the record JK, this isn't the first time I've got my facts wrong. A complete misread on the verbal banter, on my part, as well.

                  The "No One Saw it Coming"... post helped me to tie in EJ's last article. Thanks.

                  And congratulations to Metal on your promotion.


                  • #39
                    Re: metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

                    Originally posted by dummass View Post

                    And congratulations to Metal on your promotion.

                    If this doesn't bring Lukester back nothing will. Except a maybe a DOW 15,000:p


                    • #40
                      Re: metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

                      Originally posted by jk View Post
                      i tried to send this by pm to fred, but his storage is full.

                      thomas henry huxley [aldous' or fred's grandfather] was known as darwin's bulldog. i don't think "chief cynic" is an accurate appelation for metalman, and propose he be rechristened "ej's bulldog."
                      I think "bulldog" was a style metal used and mostly abandoned over a year ago. New members and guests who did not have, or take, the time to read the body of iTulip knowledge before weighing in here were routinely thrashed. I suspect that more direct, blatantly aggressive, style had been displayed well before I arrived on the scene so some still think of metal as the bulldog.

                      I've commented and complimented metal a couple of times at his transformation over the last year. There are few slaps across the face to sometimes dumb and basic questions from new members or guests who are lost in this complex sea of ideas.

                      Here's my takeaway. Metal is the iTulip meme. But he's also the itulip coach. For any of you who've played competitive sport you'll understand that role but on iTulip, the roles are reversed. EJ is the coach but his nature is to be consultive so the assistant coach has to be in your face when you screw up a play.

                      Meme is a term I'd want to take someone into the alley for calling me so I'd chose iTulip coach. Bulldogs might be tough but not one of them could kick your ass half as well as a good coach. And if you really want to be on the team, you'll try harder and think more clearly before the next play.

                      iTulip Coach.


                      • #41
                        Re: metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

                        Originally posted by santafe2 View Post
                        I think "bulldog" was a style metal used and mostly abandoned over a year ago. New members and guests who did not have, or take, the time to read the body of iTulip knowledge before weighing in here were routinely thrashed. I suspect that more direct, blatantly aggressive, style had been displayed well before I arrived on the scene so some still think of metal as the bulldog.

                        I've commented and complimented metal a couple of times at his transformation over the last year. There are few slaps across the face to sometimes dumb and basic questions from new members or guests who are lost in this complex sea of ideas.

                        Here's my takeaway. Metal is the iTulip meme. But he's also the itulip coach. For any of you who've played competitive sport you'll understand that role but on iTulip, the roles are reversed. EJ is the coach but his nature is to be consultive so the assistant coach has to be in your face when you screw up a play.

                        Meme is a term I'd want to take someone into the alley for calling me so I'd chose iTulip coach. Bulldogs might be tough but not one of them could kick your ass half as well as a good coach. And if you really want to be on the team, you'll try harder and think more clearly before the next play.

                        iTulip Coach.
                        default behavior #1 for all humanity... to not give a shit.

                        default behavior #2... to give a shit but for personal gain... today.

                        there's more in one comment from one member of this fine group than all the posts of any of those so-called 'gurus' out there on those other sites. and there are 1000s of posts/comments here!

                        search on jk or grg or ash or any of dozens. it'll keep you up all night!

                        i don't feel entitled to one word of it. none of it.

                        this place is unique.... i fear it may vanish like the wind...

                        maybe that's my own insecurity... but i feel protective.

                        from the bottom of my heart... thx for noticing.


                        • #42
                          Re: metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

                          Originally posted by FRED View Post
                          We are having a conversation with Metalman to change his title to "iTulip Pitbull" as JK requested and at the same time expand his role to "moderator."

                          Principles of the new iTulip moderator role:

                          The purpose of the iTulip forums is to discuss, argue, and refine the ideas that Eric Janszen develops, and to discuss events in the context of iTulip concepts, as well as to discuss ideas developed by other analysis in the context of the ideas that EJ has developed.

                          An example of constructive thread is Where are we on the iTulip hyperinflation checklist?

                          That does not mean that every single thread has to involve iTulip concepts. This is fine.

                          What we are trying to avoid is wasting time and money in discredited ideas, or going back over problems that we have already solved.

                          EJ has not spent half a million of dollars and 11 years collecting an audience so that outsiders can address the iTulip community with their own ideas or other analyists' ideas independent of iTulip concepts.

                          In his new role, Metalman will engage members who systematically ignore iTulip concepts and/or consistently do not reference iTulip material when bringing the ideas of other analysts or their own into the forums. These members through a pattern of behavior are demonstrating that they really want to do is develop their own audience for their own ideas. That's fine. Metalman will encourage them to start their own site where they can develop an audience for their own ideas, at their own expense.

                          Criticism of the ideas presented by EJ is encouraged, heckling is not. Criticism is constructive, heckling is disrespectful. Metalman will clue in the 1% of members who on occasion fail to comprehend the difference. If they persist, they will find themselves on the grey list with another member who is still there, able to read but not post until they develop an understanding of the difference between arguing and heckling.

                          Finally, Metalman will punt the occasional troll. They are not hard to identify: they ignore iTulip ideas, never reference iTulip material, are consistently critical, are never supportive, and frequently misrepresent or distort iTulip positions. One hundred percent of them either work for or have some other relationship with iTulip's competition. Metalman will ban them.

                          All of the above is common sense. We are glad to have Metalman's help to make it happen. Anyone other members who is interested in helping out as a moderator, please let me know. Thanks!

                          p.s. Metalman has been asked to cut out the puerile humor.
                          May I suggest a sticky rules thread.
                          It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.


                          • #43
                            Re: metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

                            I agree with your sentiment completely, Metal; have become a twice-a-day reader here; and have learned to listen much more than to speak.

                            But if you start going all misty on us here we're going to have to submit a motion to take away that title of "Chief Cynic". ;)


                            • #44
                              Re: metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

                              Originally posted by metalman View Post
                              default behavior #1 for all humanity... to not give a shit.

                              default behavior #2... to give a shit but for personal gain... today.

                              there's more in one comment from one member of this fine group than all the posts of any of those so-called 'gurus' out there on those other sites. and there are 1000s of posts/comments here!

                              search on jk or grg or ash or any of dozens. it'll keep you up all night!

                              i don't feel entitled to one word of it. none of it.

                              this place is unique.... i fear it may vanish like the wind...

                              maybe that's my own insecurity... but i feel protective.

                              from the bottom of my heart... thx for noticing.
                              Today was perfect for MM. Gold looks right. All the other pieces seem to be falling into place as well. His quick links to past predictions were just right.

                              I think instead of bulldog, which may no longer be necessary. The appelation should be "Loyal Saint Bernard"

