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metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

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  • metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

    i tried to send this by pm to fred, but his storage is full.

    thomas henry huxley [aldous' or fred's grandfather] was known as darwin's bulldog. i don't think "chief cynic" is an accurate appelation for metalman, and propose he be rechristened "ej's bulldog."

  • #2
    Re: metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

    Originally posted by jk View Post
    i tried to send this by pm to fred, but his storage is full.

    thomas henry huxley [aldous' or fred's grandfather] was known as darwin's bulldog. i don't think "chief cynic" is an accurate appelation for metalman, and propose he be rechristened "ej's bulldog."
    Been thinking along those lines for a while now myself. Bringing back old itulip posts to help people remember what has been discussed before is great. Crying plagiarism over anything and anyone with theories, graphs, etc. that in even the most vague and remote way might possibly be construed as similar to or influenced by itulip is unbecoming. Sure there are obvious rip-offs, but it's as if there is no possible way that anyone besides itulip (and maybe two or three other "kosher" economists) could arrive at some, or even many, of the same conclusions independently. Add to this the constant cries of "itulip was first", with the implication that if someone wasn't the first to publish a theory or observation, their entire body of work is therefore completely worthless. I say we need all the kazoos we can get to join in.


    • #3
      Re: metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

      thomas huxley is a renowned figure, and being "darwin's bulldog" was not a bad thing to be - proselytizing forcefully for a new and useful theory. but there is a humorous spin to the appelation.;)


      • #4
        Re: metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

        Originally posted by jk View Post
        thomas huxley is a renowned figure, and being "darwin's bulldog" was not a bad thing to be - proselytizing forcefully for a new and useful theory. but there is a humorous spin to the appelation.;)
        Oh wait, I was supposed to say something funny instead of critical? Oops. Of course, whatever I might have come up with, metalman would dig out a post from 2006 where it was said the first time.


        • #5
          Re: metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

          Originally posted by zoog View Post
          Been thinking along those lines for a while now myself. Bringing back old itulip posts to help people remember what has been discussed before is great. Crying plagiarism over anything and anyone with theories, graphs, etc. that in even the most vague and remote way might possibly be construed as similar to or influenced by itulip is unbecoming. Sure there are obvious rip-offs, but it's as if there is no possible way that anyone besides itulip (and maybe two or three other "kosher" economists) could arrive at some, or even many, of the same conclusions independently. Add to this the constant cries of "itulip was first", with the implication that if someone wasn't the first to publish a theory or observation, their entire body of work is therefore completely worthless. I say we need all the kazoos we can get to join in.
          zoog... i accept your criticism and won't cry 'plagiarism' no more... with one proviso...

          re your 'there is no possible way that anyone besides itulip (and maybe two or three other "kosher" economists) could arrive at some, or even many, of the same conclusions independently' they can... if they show the work & have a method proven out by events over 10+ years. else, they are either lucky or are plagiarists. if they do not show they work and do not have a method that produces replicable results, i'll call them what they are... lucky or plagiarists. from jk's thread "who saw it coming": ej gets a mention...
          "Only analysts were included who provide some account on how they arrived at their conclusions. Second, the analysts included went beyond predicting a real estate crisis, also making the link to real-sector recessionary implications, including an analytical account of those links. Third, the actual prediction must have been made by the analyst and available in the public domain, rather than being asserted by others. Finally, the prediction had to have some timing attached to it."

          On the basis of Bezemer's four selection criteria, he found only a dozen analysts qualified, includes Janszen's forecast in 2006 and 2007:

          "In distinguishing the lucky shots from insightful predictions, the randomness of guesses is a feature to be exploited. Random guesses are supported by all sorts of reasoning (if at all), and will have little theory in common. Conversely, for a set of correct predictions to attain ex post credibility, it is additionally required that they are supported by a common theoretical framework."

          In Bezemer's study, he "looks to identify a set of predictions which are not only ex post correct but also rest on a common theoretical understanding. This will help identify the elements of a valid analytical approach to financial stability, and get into focus the contrast with conventional models."
          the lucky and the rip-off artists do just fine in this world... few hold them to the standard set above. i do... and will.


          • #6
            Re: metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

            If Metalman is EJ's bulldog, does that make JK the cat? ;)


            • #7
              Re: metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

              Originally posted by c1ue View Post
              If Metalman is EJ's bulldog, does that make JK the cat? ;)
              We can't know.

              And 'bulldog' is sooo 19th century. May I suggest EJ's Pitbull?


              • #8
                Re: metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

                Originally posted by c1ue View Post
                If Metalman is EJ's bulldog, does that make JK the cat? ;)

                Originally posted by wdcrob
                And 'bulldog' is sooo 19th century. May I suggest EJ's Pitbull?
                accepted. i hereby petition fred to change metalman's sobriquet to "ej's pitbull"!


                • #9
                  Re: metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

                  Originally posted by jk View Post

                  accepted. i hereby petition fred to change metalman's sobriquet to "ej's pitbull"!
                  if defending itulip is all i did i might accept the new title... but that is not true. for me to accept 'itulip pitbull' by the same token you'd have to agree to change your title to 'amnesiac' in light of occasions when you forget where you read 'it' first.


                  • #10
                    Re: metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

                    Originally posted by metalman View Post
                    if defending itulip is all i did i might accept the new title... but that is not true. for me to accept 'itulip pitbull' by the same token you'd have to agree to change your title to 'amnesiac' in light of occasions when you forget where you read 'it' first.
                    now, now, metalman. i think i give ej credit where it is due. much more often i leave provenance unmentioned, since most of the time i'm not interested in it. i AM interested in it enough to know it's smart to stick around here, and to recommend itulip to many correspondents.

                    huxley - "darwin's bulldog"- was an estimable man, a scientist in his own right, and fred's avatar's grandfather. and i think "ej's pitbull" in fact captures a lot of what you do, reminding us of where ideas came from and, more important, providing links so newcomers, especially, as well as those wishing a refresher, can efficiently find the right posts to read. and doing it - at times at least - fiercely.


                    • #11
                      Re: metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

                      Methinks metalman protesteth primarily because PitBull and his avatar pic share a certain heaviness of jaw if not necessarily erudition.

                      But it can be secondary or tertiary title no?

                      I can be the Counter-Contrarian Doomer or some such...


                      • #12
                        Re: metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

                        Originally posted by jk View Post

                        accepted. i hereby petition fred to change metalman's sobriquet to "ej's pitbull"!
                        How about "iTulip Pitbull"?

                        That removes the possessive connotation ("EJ's") and confers independence, yet still characterizes his communication style (which I like, for the most part).
                        Boycott Big Banks • Vote Out Incumbents


                        • #13
                          Re: metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

                          Originally posted by raja View Post
                          How about "iTulip Pitbull"?

                          That removes the possessive connotation ("EJ's") and confers independence, yet still characterizes his communication style (which I like, for the most part).
                          The most appropriate name for metalman was that put forth by the late and great Lukester: METAL-FATIGUE Nothing else has or will come close to that.
                          Jim 69 y/o

                          "...Texans...the lowest form of white man there is." Robert Duvall, as Al Sieber, in "Geronimo." (see "Location" for examples.)

                          Dedicated to the idea that all people deserve a chance for a healthy productive life. B&M Gates Fdn.

                          Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement. Unknown.


                          • #14
                            Re: metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

                            Originally posted by Jim Nickerson View Post
                            The most appropriate name for metalman was that put forth by the late and great Lukester: METAL-FATIGUE Nothing else has or will come close to that.
                            you mean 'pukester' don't you, jim?


                            • #15
                              Re: metalman's appelation should be "ej's bulldog"

                              Originally posted by metalman View Post
                              No, we're talking about you, metal-fatigue. I wrote Lukester above, and I meant Lukester. "pukester" on my part was an ill attempt to hassle him at those times which no doubt you fully documented--what a waste of your time. It still stands tallest that the best name for you will be metal-fatigue, and let no man forget.
                              Last edited by Jim Nickerson; July 16, 2009, 10:59 PM.
                              Jim 69 y/o

                              "...Texans...the lowest form of white man there is." Robert Duvall, as Al Sieber, in "Geronimo." (see "Location" for examples.)

                              Dedicated to the idea that all people deserve a chance for a healthy productive life. B&M Gates Fdn.

                              Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement. Unknown.

