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I'm not dead yet! Metalman's desperate real estate seller's guide

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  • #16
    Re: I'm not dead yet! Metalman's desperate real estate seller's guide

    Originally posted by LargoWinch View Post
    10 Things Your Real Estate Broker Won’t Say

    1. “Your open house is really just a networking party for me.”

    2. “My fees are negotiable.”

    3. “Think you’ve had no offers? Actually, there’ve been several.”

    4. “I’m not obligated to keep my mouth shut for you.”

    5. “Sometimes I forget whose side I’m on.”

    6. “I know zilch about zoning.”

    7. “I won’t let termites—or pesky inspectors—kill a deal.”

    8. “I sometimes forget I’m not a lawyer.”

    9. “My website is a dead end.”

    10. “You can probably do this without me.”

    (from this article)

    1. Most agents don't like to do open houses.

    2. Yes. To a limit. Competitive compensation for cooperating agents is essential.

    3. Never happens.

    4. Some agents are not as good as others with regards to their fiduciary duties.

    5. See 4.

    6. Same applies. Some know alot. Some know little.

    7. You would be surprised how often inspectors scare first time buyers with their language.

    8. Some agents know alot about real estate law. Some know a little.

    9. See 8

    10. Some can, and do. Some can't and try. Some can't and don't try.

    I like when a seller picks your brain for the value of their house. Market conditions. Improvements that should be done. All associated closing costs. Recommended contractors, lawyers etc. Then go ahead and try to sell on their own. Thanks for the help.

    The bottom line is PRICE. If the price is too high it wont sell. If the condition of the property is marginal, the price needs to reflect this. If the location is bad, the price needs to reflect this. Price is the MOST important factor. Any agent that tells you different is either lying or wrong.

    Real estate should be done on a pay for services basis. That would eliminate alot of the problems. What is considered a conflict of interests, would disappear under a pay for services system.

    Btw: Do you think a home inspector who needs a little more business will trash a house to a buyer, so the deal dies. Hope the buyer goes under contract again and hires the inspector?
    Last edited by cjppjc; July 09, 2009, 08:33 AM.


    • #17
      Re: I'm not dead yet! Metalman's desperate real estate seller's guide

      are you a Real Estate agent cjppjc? :eek:

      if so, note that my post was a feeble attempt at humor w/out any thing against RE agents (the real culprit are CBs, but that is besides the point).


      • #18
        Re: I'm not dead yet! Metalman's desperate real estate seller's guide

        Originally posted by LargoWinch View Post
        are you a Real Estate agent cjppjc? :eek:

        if so, note that my post was a feeble attempt at humor w/out any thing against RE agents (the real culprit are CBs, but that is besides the point).


        I just grow a little tired of the constant attacks on real estate agents. I know MANY MANY MANY agents who do so much good in their communities. Food drives, toy drives, letter writing campains to soldiers stationed out of the country. Blood drives. Meals on Wheels. In smaller towns and suburbs you will see alot of the time local fundraisers are done by real estate companies.

        As with any profession, their are good ones and bad ones. Most people get stressed out during the process. It tends to leave a bad taste in their mouth if they feel somehow things could have gone better. That leads to negitive feeling about the people involved in the transaction.

        In a relationship with a seller or buyer, I know MANY MANY MANY agents who go well beyond what would be considered their job.


        • #19
          Re: I'm not dead yet! Metalman's desperate real estate seller's guide

          Originally posted by cjppjc View Post

          I just grow a little tired of the constant attacks on real estate agents. I know MANY MANY MANY agents who do so much good in their communities. Food drives, toy drives, letter writing campains to soldiers stationed out of the country. Blood drives. Meals on Wheels. In smaller towns and suburbs you will see alot of the time local fundraisers are done by real estate companies.

          As with any profession, their are good ones and bad ones. Most people get stressed out during the process. It tends to leave a bad taste in their mouth if they feel somehow things could have gone better. That leads to negitive feeling about the people involved in the transaction.

          In a relationship with a seller or buyer, I know MANY MANY MANY agents who go well beyond what would be considered their job.
          The idea of this forum is to provide an outlet for members whose hostility might otherwise spill over into the legit forums. So far it's been a successful experiment in forum decorum management. Readers may find material posted here in Rant and Rave is often quite offensive.


          • #20
            Re: I'm not dead yet! Metalman's desperate real estate seller's guide

            Originally posted by LargoWinch View Post
            metalman, someone somewhere is looking for such salesmanship:

            A to do "guide" is always a first but important step to convince potential buyers about your outstanding qualifications and incredible talent at "investeeng"...

            (BTW, may you R.I.P. Mr. Mays)
            Better look out Billy, you got some serious competition...



            • #21
              Re: I'm not dead yet! Metalman's desperate real estate seller's guide

              Originally posted by FRED View Post
              Readers may find material posted here in Rant and Rave is often quite offensive.
              I know I do. That's why it's my first stop when I visit iTulip.


              • #22
                Re: I'm not dead yet! Metalman's desperate real estate seller's guide

                Originally posted by cjppjc View Post

                In a relationship with a seller or buyer, I know MANY MANY MANY agents who go well beyond what would be considered their job.
                I agree entirely cjppjc.

                I actually find most RE agents quite outgoing and funny.

                Case in point here!

                The good news is that now I know someone to go to when I decide to sell my gold to buy a retirement property in the warm U.S. and A. ! ;)

                PS: My feeble morning attempt at humor has been deleted.


                • #23
                  Re: I'm not dead yet! Metalman's desperate real estate seller's guide

                  Thanks Finster,

                  I can now "stop having a boring life!"...


                  Having said that, I take your Tequila and raise you with a Scotch (I take my cues from Market Watch...;)):


                  • #24
                    Re: I'm not dead yet! Metalman's desperate real estate seller's guide

                    Originally posted by cjppjc View Post
                    1. Most agents don't like to do open houses.

                    2. Yes. To a limit. Competitive compensation for cooperating agents is essential.

                    3. Never happens.

                    4. Some agents are not as good as others with regards to their fiduciary duties.

                    5. See 4.

                    6. Same applies. Some know alot. Some know little.

                    7. You would be surprised how often inspectors scare first time buyers with their language.

                    8. Some agents know alot about real estate law. Some know a little.

                    9. See 8

                    10. Some can, and do. Some can't and try. Some can't and don't try.

                    I like when a seller picks your brain for the value of their house. Market conditions. Improvements that should be done. All associated closing costs. Recommended contractors, lawyers etc. Then go ahead and try to sell on their own. Thanks for the help.

                    The bottom line is PRICE. If the price is too high it wont sell. If the condition of the property is marginal, the price needs to reflect this. If the location is bad, the price needs to reflect this. Price is the MOST important factor. Any agent that tells you different is either lying or wrong.

                    Real estate should be done on a pay for services basis. That would eliminate alot of the problems. What is considered a conflict of interests, would disappear under a pay for services system.

                    Btw: Do you think a home inspector who needs a little more business will trash a house to a buyer, so the deal dies. Hope the buyer goes under contract again and hires the inspector?
                    Agree with everything above! Especially the part about inspectors being deal killers. I know some great RE agents and a lot of not so great agents. If you find a good one hang onto him/her.

                    I do electrical repairs on homes and deal with inspection reports all the time. Truly amazing some times how these inspectors nit pick only to miss glaring problems. I mean they miss major safety issues. Especially with electrical stuff they scare the crap out of first time buyers. I recently had one that gigged the house for stuff like "loose wall plate" yet failed to mention the electrical panel door had a hole you could stick your fist through or that the AC wire had been spliced outside with no protection from the elements.

                    They'll mention code violations, implying the house is a POS, but fail to mention that the home was up to code at the time it was built. Building codes constantly change:rolleyes:. I've seen reports that warned of "Aluminum wiring!" when the only aluminum wire was the main service cable, which is almost always aluminum in homes! Duh!

                    Last week I saw a contract almost fall through because of a bath fan vent . It was a total non issue.

                    There are some really good inspectors, but few and far between. Most are mediocre at best. Most lack real world experience, which is critical. Better than nothing, but I'd personally never rely 100% on one. An out of work home builder would probably make a better inspector. They've had to learn to comply with the codes for years.

                    Just some advice: If you get an inspection report with a lot of electrical issues, pay a little more to have it checked out by an electrician. Vast majority of home inspectors simply don't know enough to do a good job on electrical. The good inspectors I know will recommend this if they suspect more serious issues.


                    • #25
                      Re: I'm not dead yet! Metalman's desperate real estate seller's guide

                      Originally posted by ronin View Post
                      Since you broached the subject of religion, I wanted to pass along some book titles that I've enjoyed over the last few years. I wish you well on your quest.
                      1) Jesus Among Other Gods: The Absolute Claims of the Christian Message by Ravi Zacharias
                      2) Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis
                      3) The Case for Faith: A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity by Lee Strobel
                      4) The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel
                      5) The Case for a Creator by Lee Strobel
                      I agree, all great reads!

