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Reposted comment from Birinyi thread. Head's up!

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  • Reposted comment from Birinyi thread. Head's up!

    Live thread here:


    Changed - to engage Fred's attention a little better here on the "complaint" thingy.

    Fred - Your editorial discretion as to what constitutes real news on the News page seems quite broad. Also, setting high vetting, or admission requirements of other analysts being quotable, can be read two ways - On the one hand you get your stringent standards, but on the other hand it also sets up a hefty moat around the iTulip theme.

    That can be interpreted in some cases as iTulip not considering it's core themes open to challenge within it's forum pages, when that is in the form of a simple divergent analyst call. This is certainly your prerogative. But it's not set against a backdrop of perfection. I've noted in minor ways' iTulip can fudge at least a few details on occasion.

    EJ said a while back he was only $40 off on his bottom in gold call. But it actually bottomed at $681, not $740, while EJ called it at $780. I think he then referred more than once to the bottom for the gold price as being "only $40 off" his call.

    Now there's lots of superb stuff here at iTulip, and this is a trivially small point, but maybe with iTulip being just a thin hair less than flawless, that is enough of a hair-thin discrepancy to allow a "second-rater" like Birinyi a modest season ticket in the iTulip news forums? I understand meanwhile, that he is disqualified because his past record contains an unsatisfactory number of errors?

    I remember iTulip adopting the Peak Oil story, which it had been totally oblivious about in early 2007. I managed to get you interested enough about it to check the story out. You took a second look, and adopted it. I remember being a bit bemused afterwards that I never obtained so much as a two word acknowledgement in any post.

    Well I also certainly understand that the inclusion of Peak Cheap Oil the iTulip accepted themes was only achieved after some wrangling about it. Meanwhile, iTulip has been just a hint reluctant to tip it's hat to some other analysts out there who may be "generic" as opposed to practicing economists, and this may in a certain light also be regarded as a "cutting off at the knees" of all the rest of the analysts voices.

    And it also bears noting that it still is a little early in the year to be pronouncing Birinyi completely deluded on this question. As for the news pages being kept free of marginal content, there are all sorts of quotes more tenuous than Birinyi on the news pages. Nothing pejorative to that at all - it's just the regular iTulip conversations routinely discussing all sorts of minor topics anyway.

    I'll note however that all of the everyday posting in forums, with lots of comments wandering into hundreds of secondary topics, don't seem to meet nearly the same stringent guidelines for "admission" to "viable news discussion" as the occasional analyst like Birinyi does! Perhaps the stringency applied in his case therefore, is not entirely unaffected by his having a diametrically contrary market view?

    I am wondering if the assertion "we are open to challenge" offers a bit of latitude for implementation. Maybe if Birinyi's posted article had been about some other more neutral market topic, it would have been permitted to remain? And setting such a high bar to entry for quotable other analysts, also works pretty efficiently as an "idea" or "thesis" moat.

    It's not impossible that the markets go net-up from here. Birinyi is not a "total loss" as an analyst, and Biggs even a good deal better. Some others seem to migrate to this view each month now. I got a hint of this thesis six months ago, and mentioned it here a few times. I get the generalized impression that this "the market can rise" notion has not gotten the most cordial reception here.

    Arguably, iTulip's view about 2009 / 2010 turning into a "rising inflationary environment", actually overlaps with Birinyi's and Barton Bigg's own suggestions as rising consumer inflation is not incompatible with some sharp moves up in the equities. But you seem to assert "categorically" that in all inflationary environments sustained and significant stock moves "can't ever happen".

    Here's Barton Biggs on why stocks are going to rally hard. My 0.02 cents: iTulip really need to be a little less high handed with how they dispose of dissenting opinions:'% 20Recovery%20in%20Stocks&clipSRC=mms://

    I am going to re-post this as a new thread in "Rant & Rave" to make sure enough people get a chance to read this comment.
    Last edited by Contemptuous; May 22, 2009, 10:04 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Reposted comment from Birinyi thread. Head's up!

    Originally posted by Lukester View Post
    and so no one misses my brilliant comments over there...

    thinking more along the lines fred's talked about... like a bar/restaurant...


    'this place is great. i like the people who come here... they are knowledgeable and treat each other with respect, even when they argue, and make careful, thoughtful, and concise arguments... the proprietors really know what they're doing, the food and service are great. that said, now that i am familiar with the way the place works, may i suggest x, y, z to improve it...'


    'this place sucks. the people who come here are morons... i know more than any and all of them do... about everything... like oil and etns. even if they've been in the industry 10 or 40 years... i once read an article about it on so know much more than they ever will... and i'll enlighten them every day... argue with anyone for the sake of arguing, and insult others whenever possible... i can't be bothered to learn how things work around here. who cares? i'm bigger than this place. the proprietors are morons, too. they have no idea what they're talking about. they are always wrong. i am always right. whine, whine, whine, bitch, bitch, bitch,... (2435 words here)... blah, blah, blah...'


    • #3
      Re: Reposted comment from Birinyi thread. Head's up!

      Read this, and understand what you now need to do.

      Originally posted by Lukester View Post

      Metalman - it is actually your rather wooden, and constant caricaturing which is pernicious, and ultimately "useless". You have done more damage to my expressed views via endless other examples of the below caricaturing than the entire rest of this community. I already asked you to put a cork in the endless self appointed iTulip policeman schtick, and you seemed to accept the suggestion ... for about a week. I guess the urge to shine that way is just to big for you to keep bottled up, eh?

      I've had a bellyful of it buddy. Knock it off. I am === T. I . R . E . D === of reading your caricatures. You understand? Your caricature below, is not any description of the content and original inquiry posed on this thread. This thread suggested that ITULIP MAY GET THE BEAR MARKET CONTINUATION CALL WRONG. It is TOO EARLY for you to pass any judgment on the merit of this call. You HAVE TO WAIT until the end of 2009, and trying to suffocate this thread with calls for it's outright erasure meanwhile, are OUT OF LINE.

      Posting "concerned comments" like the one below, which purport to be an intelligent response to this thread's original iTulip skeptical inquiry, is BS. Fresh, steaming Metalman tripe. Cork it. It is flatulent.

      Originally Posted by metalman
      'this place sucks. the people who come here are morons... i know more than any and all of them do... about everything... like oil and etns. even if they've been in the industry 10 or 40 years... i once read an article about it on so know much more than they ever will... and i'll enlighten them every day... argue with anyone for the sake of arguing, and insult others whenever possible... i can't be bothered to learn how things work around here. who cares? i'm bigger than this place. the proprietors are morons, too. they have no idea what they're talking about. they are always wrong. i am always right. whine, whine, whine, bitch, bitch, bitch,... (2435 words here)... blah, blah, blah...'

      Last edited by Contemptuous; May 22, 2009, 09:15 PM.


      • #4
        Re: Reposted comment from Birinyi thread. Head's up!

        Originally posted by Lukester View Post
        Read this, and understand what you now need to do.
        posted this over here...

        what say you?

        good luke call... nov. 2007
        Nah. Dollar's gonna gap up and catch all the wrong-way charlies' on a bad bet. You'll all be bunkered down for inflation but deflation's gonna deliver an almighty wallop instead. Treasuries will soar. :rolleyes:

        not so good luke call mar. 2008...

        Barton Bggs thinks we've seen important lows in the markets. FWIW here's the interview.

        I'm also getting this read from a guy I follow - Robert McHugh of Mainline Investors. He thinks we've already past the confirmation of a "complex multimonth rally", although he is intensely bearish for the sequel to that. Biggs is more cautious, suggesting a short sharp rally has yet to play out. Of course EJ does not buy any of this but then EJ does not have anything remotely resembling a trader about him (to the credit of his sober "sit tight and do little or nothing" investing style).

        you make this comment 'ej does not buy any of this' on the very thread where ej calls for a post crash 'first bounce' in a bear market...

        Debt Deflation Bear Market: First Bounce

        you ignore the whole point of the thread... no new bull market but a bear market rally.

        since then?

        looks like a bounce so far... or is it the start of a bull market?

        at what point do we determine ej's 'first bounce' theory correct and your 'new bull market' theory wrong?
        bull market

        Definition: A prolonged period in which investment prices rise faster than their historical average. Bull markets can happen as a result of an economic recovery, an economic boom, or investor psychology. The longest and most famous bull market is the one that began in the early 1990s in which the U.S. equity markets grew at their fastest pace ever. opposite of bear market.

        how about this... if the S&P isn't back over 2000 by end of 2009 OR the S&P breaks below mar. 2008 lows, we call the bull market theory wrong and the first bounce theory right. ok?


        • #5
          Re: Reposted comment from Birinyi thread. Head's up!

          i see you don't want to get boxed into a forecast with a definition and a time frame. ok, then i'll do it unilaterally... if the S&P isn't back over 2000 by end of the year OR the S&P breaks below mar. 2008 lows before then, your bull market theory was wrong and the first bounce theory right.


          • #6
            Re: Reposted comment from Birinyi thread. Head's up!

            I do think you deserve some credit lukester. As I recall you were the first to question the itulip thesis in terms of oil. No, not the whole peak oil thing, I don't recall the details on that one, but over the last few months we've discussed and probably you with others what the affect of Poom would have on both the commodity producing countries and commodity related stocks.

            You were the first one around here talking about oil producing nations, companies, etc. directly benefiting from inflation in the USA via the dollar.


            • #7
              Re: Reposted comment from Birinyi thread. Head's up!

              Originally posted by babbittd View Post
              I do think you deserve some credit lukester. As I recall you were the first to question the itulip thesis in terms of oil. No, not the whole peak oil thing, I don't recall the details on that one, but over the last few months we've discussed and probably you with others what the affect of Poom would have on both the commodity producing countries and commodity related stocks.

              You were the first one around here talking about oil producing nations, companies, etc. directly benefiting from inflation in the USA via the dollar.
              agree with that. did itulip miss the oil boat?


              • #8
                Re: Reposted comment from Birinyi thread. Head's up!

                No - it WAS the "whole peak oil thing". This topic was *totally off iTulip's radar* when I joined in April 2007. One of their select members was TET, (he had a segment in the reserved forum pages, with Bart, Finster & Sapiens. TET was all about "abiogenetic oil" welling up from the earth, and in response to his posts on that, iTulip was NON-COMMITTAL. Lots of iTulip members were ON BOARD with TET, that the entire peak oil story was a big fraud, by the big oil companies, or some such nonsense. 60% or more of the iTulip opinion was solidly against peak oil, in April of 2007!

                We had a long palaver about it, lots of heated opinionating got flung around, while EJ posted plenty of personal comments insisting the entire issue was a "non-event propagated by doomers". I told iTulip that they were "missing a very big story completely". My arguments with EJ and with TET, and a few others, provoked (prodded is almost more like it) iTulip editors to checking this story out "with their contacts". It was fully confirmed, and the entire Peak Cheap Oil theme got elaborated and included in short order.

                Best I can recall, Metalman was on the sidelines of that discussion without much resembling a firm idea of his own whether Peak Cheap Oil was real or not. iTulip wound up with an entire Peak Cheap Oil PLANK in their PLATFORM, as a result of those arguments - where none existed before. Largely as a result of me getting in their face about it. That was then. This is now. Now we have iTulip sounding snooty about which analysts out there are "sufficiently well versed on the macro issues" to offer generic citing within the NEWS pages. You don't seem to remember all of these details Babbittd.

                With respect, "I think you deserve some credit Lukester" is a bland wishy washy endorsement which leaves me un-enthusiastic. Please permit me to decline this endorsement here therefore. I think I'll wing it without the partial endorsements on the record.

                There are other themes that have been built into the macro view here I think, which have been assimilated along the way from all sorts of surprising sources ... And I wonder whether all of their sources have all been frankly and appropriately acknowledged. Here's an example: while the Peak Oil topic was being introduced to iTulip, we got some blistering excoriations from EJ, and numerous other posters here, about the "caliber of the contributors" at the Oil Drum, yet barely a year later on, several of these were regularly cited here, as their authors and / or charts became permissible for posting here.

                But this seems to have occurred sans ever a conciliatory official word of rehabilitation for the Oil Drum website and group itself ...

                I find the rather succinct explanations as to why Birinyi is moved to rant and rave, a little too pat.

                Originally posted by babbittd View Post
                I do think you deserve some credit lukester. As I recall you were the first to question the itulip thesis in terms of oil. No, not the whole peak oil thing, I don't recall the details on that one, but over the last few months we've discussed and probably you with others what the affect of Poom would have on both the commodity producing countries and commodity related stocks.

                You were the first one around here talking about oil producing nations, companies, etc. directly benefiting from inflation in the USA via the dollar.
                Last edited by Contemptuous; May 22, 2009, 10:05 PM.


                • #9
                  Re: Reposted comment from Birinyi thread. Head's up!

                  duplicate post


                  • #10
                    Re: Reposted comment from Birinyi thread. Head's up!

                    Originally posted by Lukester View Post
                    No - it WAS the "whole peak oil thing". This topic was *totally off iTulip's radar* when I joined in April 2007. One of their select members was TET, (he had a segment in the reserved forum pages, with Bart, Finster & Sapiens. TET was all about "abiogenetic oil" welling up from the earth, and in response to his posts on that, iTulip was NON-COMMITTAL. Lots of iTulip members were ON BOARD with TET, that the entire peak oil story was a big fraud, by the big oil companies, or some such nonsense. 60% or more of the iTulip opinion was solidly against peak oil, in April of 2007!

                    We had a long palaver about it, lots of heated opinionating got flung around, while EJ posted plenty of personal comments insisting the entire issue was a "non-event propagated by doomers". I told iTulip that they were "missing a very big story completely". My arguments with EJ and with TET, and a few others, provoked (prodded is almost more like it) iTulip editors to checking this story out "with their contacts". It was fully confirmed, and the entire Peak Cheap Oil theme got elaborated and included in short order.

                    Best I can recall, Metalman was on the sidelines of that discussion without much resembling a firm idea of his own whether Peak Cheap Oil was real or not. iTulip wound up with an entire Peak Cheap Oil PLANK in their PLATFORM, as a result of those arguments - where none existed before. Largely as a result of me getting in their face about it. That was then. This is now. Now we have iTulip sounding snooty about which analysts out there are "sufficiently well versed on the macro issues" to offer generic citing within the NEWS pages. You don't seem to remember all of these details Babbittd.

                    With respect, "I think you deserve some credit Lukester" is a bland wishy washy endorsement which leaves me un-enthusiastic. Please permit me to decline this endorsement here therefore. I think I'll wing it without the partial endorsements on the record.

                    There are other themes that have been built into the macro view here I think, which have been assimilated along the way from all sorts of surprising sources ... And I wonder whether all of their sources have all been frankly and appropriately acknowledged. Here's an example: while the Peak Oil topic was being introduced to iTulip, we got some blistering excoriations from EJ, and numerous other posters here, about the "caliber of the contributors" at the Oil Drum, yet barely a year later on, several of these were regularly cited here, as their authors and / or charts became permissible for posting here.

                    But this seems to have occurred sans ever a conciliatory official word of rehabilitation for the Oil Drum website and group itself ...

                    I find the rather succinct explanations as to why Birinyi is moved to rant and rave, a little too pat.
                    okey dokey.


                    • #11
                      Re: Reposted comment from Birinyi thread. Head's up!

                      Originally posted by Lukester View Post
                      Live thread here:



                      Changed - to engage Fred's attention a little better here on the "complaint" thingy.

                      Fred - Your editorial discretion as to what constitutes real news on the News page seems quite broad. Also, setting high vetting, or admission requirements of other analysts being quotable, can be read two ways - On the one hand you get your stringent standards, but on the other hand it also sets up a hefty moat around the iTulip theme.

                      That can be interpreted in some cases as iTulip not considering it's core themes open to challenge within it's forum pages, when that is in the form of a simple divergent analyst call. This is certainly your prerogative. But it's not set against a backdrop of perfection. I've noted in minor ways' iTulip can fudge at least a few details on occasion.

                      EJ said a while back he was only $40 off on his bottom in gold call. But it actually bottomed at $681, not $740, while EJ called it at $780. I think he then referred more than once to the bottom for the gold price as being "only $40 off" his call.

                      Now there's lots of superb stuff here at iTulip, and this is a trivially small point, but maybe with iTulip being just a thin hair less than flawless, that is enough of a hair-thin discrepancy to allow a "second-rater" like Birinyi a modest season ticket in the iTulip news forums? I understand meanwhile, that he is disqualified because his past record contains an unsatisfactory number of errors?

                      I remember iTulip adopting the Peak Oil story, which it had been totally oblivious about in early 2007. I managed to get you interested enough about it to check the story out. You took a second look, and adopted it. I remember being a bit bemused afterwards that I never obtained so much as a two word acknowledgement in any post.

                      Well I also certainly understand that the inclusion of Peak Cheap Oil the iTulip accepted themes was only achieved after some wrangling about it. Meanwhile, iTulip has been just a hint reluctant to tip it's hat to some other analysts out there who may be "generic" as opposed to practicing economists, and this may in a certain light also be regarded as a "cutting off at the knees" of all the rest of the analysts voices.

                      And it also bears noting that it still is a little early in the year to be pronouncing Birinyi completely deluded on this question. As for the news pages being kept free of marginal content, there are all sorts of quotes more tenuous than Birinyi on the news pages. Nothing pejorative to that at all - it's just the regular iTulip conversations routinely discussing all sorts of minor topics anyway.

                      I'll note however that all of the everyday posting in forums, with lots of comments wandering into hundreds of secondary topics, don't seem to meet nearly the same stringent guidelines for "admission" to "viable news discussion" as the occasional analyst like Birinyi does! Perhaps the stringency applied in his case therefore, is not entirely unaffected by his having a diametrically contrary market view?

                      I am wondering if the assertion "we are open to challenge" offers a bit of latitude for implementation. Maybe if Birinyi's posted article had been about some other more neutral market topic, it would have been permitted to remain? And setting such a high bar to entry for quotable other analysts, also works pretty efficiently as an "idea" or "thesis" moat.

                      It's not impossible that the markets go net-up from here. Birinyi is not a "total loss" as an analyst, and Biggs even a good deal better. Some others seem to migrate to this view each month now. I got a hint of this thesis six months ago, and mentioned it here a few times. I get the generalized impression that this "the market can rise" notion has not gotten the most cordial reception here.

                      Arguably, iTulip's view about 2009 / 2010 turning into a "rising inflationary environment", actually overlaps with Birinyi's and Barton Bigg's own suggestions as rising consumer inflation is not incompatible with some sharp moves up in the equities. But you seem to assert "categorically" that in all inflationary environments sustained and significant stock moves "can't ever happen".

                      Here's Barton Biggs on why stocks are going to rally hard. My 0.02 cents: iTulip really need to be a little less high handed with how they dispose of dissenting opinions:

            '% 20Recovery%20in%20Stocks&clipSRC=mms://

                      I am going to re-post this as a new thread in "Rant & Rave" to make sure enough people get a chance to read this comment.
                      You mean like "no Oil bubble, it's a supply constrained price rise" or "no deflation, disinflation then lot's of inflation"?

                      Those kind of calls?;)

                      I feel your pain bro.


                      • #12
                        Re: Reposted comment from Birinyi thread. Head's up!

                        Originally posted by jtabeb View Post
                        You mean like "no Oil bubble, it's a supply constrained price rise" or "no deflation, disinflation then lot's of inflation"?

                        Those kind of calls?;)

                        I feel your pain bro.
                        nice re-write of history, boys.

                        'no oil bubble' was 'hey, look. every commodity is up. stop staring at oil alone. there's something else going on here... not oil'.

                        here's the layman's definition of a bubble... 'it went up 'too much' in price, and i don't own any of it'.

                        here bubbles are made by gov't. no gov't, no bubble. other sites use the dummy's definition above. not wanting to see itulip dumbed down to the level of other sites, i'll keep reminding you guys that a bubble is not when the price of something goes up a lot. by that definition, gold's been a bubble since 2006. if you didn't own any from 2001 to 2006 it was... damn price kept rising. so they called it a bubble... if you recall, ej responded... What Gold Bubble?

                        'no deflation, disinflation then lot's of inflation'

                        so far proven correct. disinflation did not turn into a deflation spiral. ej says it's over. we shall see. sure it appears to be over, looking at prices of oil, gold, silver, etc. if ppi inflation appears in Q4 09 to q1 2010 as ej forecasts then 'no deflation, disinflation then lot's of inflation' was 100% correct, too. don't hold your breath waiting for mishmash to admit he was wrong though.


                        • #13
                          Re: Reposted comment from Birinyi thread. Head's up!

                          Originally posted by metalman View Post

                          'no deflation, disinflation then lot's of inflation'

                          so far proven correct. disinflation did not turn into a deflation spiral. ej says it's over. we shall see. sure it appears to be over, looking at prices of oil, gold, silver, etc. if ppi inflation appears in Q4 09 to q1 2010 as ej forecasts then 'no deflation, disinflation then lot's of inflation' was 100% correct, too. don't hold your breath waiting for mishmash to admit he was wrong though.
                          [emphasis added]
                          the fly in this ointment is that if deflation/disinflation is really over, and inflation is due to show up via commodities, why are you and i and grg55 and, most tellingly, ej keeping our powder dry to buy commodities at a better price?


                          • #14
                            Re: Reposted comment from Birinyi thread. Head's up!

                            Originally posted by metalman View Post
                            nice re-write of history, boys.

                            'no oil bubble' was 'hey, look. every commodity is up. stop staring at oil alone. there's something else going on here... not oil'.

                            here's the layman's definition of a bubble... 'it went up 'too much' in price, and i don't own any of it'.

                            here bubbles are made by gov't. no gov't, no bubble. other sites use the dummy's definition above. not wanting to see itulip dumbed down to the level of other sites, i'll keep reminding you guys that a bubble is not when the price of something goes up a lot. by that definition, gold's been a bubble since 2006. if you didn't own any from 2001 to 2006 it was... damn price kept rising. so they called it a bubble... if you recall, ej responded... What Gold Bubble?

                            'no deflation, disinflation then lot's of inflation'

                            so far proven correct. disinflation did not turn into a deflation spiral. ej says it's over. we shall see. sure it appears to be over, looking at prices of oil, gold, silver, etc. if ppi inflation appears in Q4 09 to q1 2010 as ej forecasts then 'no deflation, disinflation then lot's of inflation' was 100% correct, too. don't hold your breath waiting for mishmash to admit he was wrong though.
                            Dude, shut-up. No "re-writes". I am not going to WASTE MY TIME AGAIN going though the same arguments we went through when we we origionaly discussing these issues. (the beauty of this site is that I can stand on MY record as archived). LOOK IT UP.

                            Oil was indeedy a bubble (check out my counter top ten reasons why oil is not a bubble). I countered EVERY SINGLE POINT (look it up). BTW price action in oil (massive fall, followed by rebound, followed by soon to be decline is exactly the same as the nasdaq).

                            BTW, NO deflation? I think FINSTER has a FDI chart that proves your statement incorrect my friend.

                            Saying 2+2=5, no matter how many times, does not make it correct, so stop doing it okay?


                            • #15
                              Re: Reposted comment from Birinyi thread. Head's up!

                              Originally posted by jtabeb View Post
                              Dude, shut-up. No "re-writes". I am not going to WASTE MY TIME AGAIN going though the same arguments we went through when we we origionaly discussing these issues. (the beauty of this site is that I can stand on MY record as archived). LOOK IT UP.

                              Oil was indeedy a bubble (check out my counter top ten reasons why oil is not a bubble). I countered EVERY SINGLE POINT (look it up). BTW price action in oil (massive fall, followed by rebound, followed by soon to be decline is exactly the same as the nasdaq).

                              BTW, NO deflation? I think FINSTER has a FDI chart that proves your statement incorrect my friend.

                              Saying 2+2=5, no matter how many times, does not make it correct, so stop doing it okay?
                              'dude, shut up'?

                              the question was settled in your own mind, but not mine.

                              if this was a bubble...

                              then so was this...

                              calling one a bubble and not the other is silly.

                              if you believed the deflation story, you bet on oil to $20. but if you understood ka-poom theory... no deflation spiral, you'd never have fallen for that crapola.

                              pay attention.

                              BTW, NO deflation? I think FINSTER has a FDI chart that proves your statement incorrect my friend.
                              dude, the fdi is 90% dollar weighted & as ej explained in Deflation fare thee well...

                              'Post bubble disinflation: dollar rises, inflation falls, but not for long. The latest disinflation has ended. Now comes inflation. But what kind? The kind produced by the kind of re-inflation the government is pursuing.'

                              'Misguided deflation spiral believers misread the impulse of investors’ reptilian brains, and the carefully carved by the Fed yield curve, and a short-term spike in the dollar all together as confirmation of a deflation spiral. They extrapolated a few months’ data to decades of slow growth and low inflation as Japan experienced from 1992 until today, and will continue to suffer until, eventually, the yen collapses.'

                              deflation spiral? where? there's a word for that call... WRONG.

                              there was no deflation spiral.

                              a short deflation, sure... itulip calls it disinflation.

                              geez, it's like playing friggin deflation whack-a-mole....

