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Laszlo Birinyi calls it - new bull market running 3+ years - Jeez, I suggested it 6 months ago!

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  • #76
    Re: Laszlo Birinyi calls it - new bull market running 3+ years - Jeez, I suggested it 6 months ago!

    WDCRob - If you have been following the caricatured quotes of what I have suggested yes I've been portrayed as having made all sorts of calls "explicit to the day" apparently.

    People like Metalman love to take what I suggest and routinely caricature the time windows this way and that (he claimed it was going to happen next week! And other such nonsense), so nothing matches. Lots of other suppositions go on to become "facts" in your mind, after the caricaturists have finished repeating them, like that I "lurch from newsletter to newsletter, while I've actually steadily maintained **four** for the past three years. Are you making this observation through your hat?

    I got really fed up with the constant braying donkey Metalman misquotes of my main suggestions, and a few weeks back I collected in one post in a neat bullet list, all of my main suggestions about where we are and where I think we are going. I will try to dig it up and forward it to you for reference. Read it, and watch for confirmation or non confirmation **from that list alone** because I have a couple of people here who very enthusiastically engage in misquoting and caricaturing everything I say.

    In fact WDCRob, I'm getting ******* sick and tired of that.

    OK, I will reiterate this for you, and now you can make a note of it, without the archly caricaturing Metalman misquotes (that guy has done more to systematically and mischeviously misrepresent my suggestions than anyone).

    My main suggestions, for the past *8 months or longer* has been that

    A) the markets would bottom going into the March-April-May 2009 time period, and the economic situation in the US would appear remarkably more stabilized thereafter, and that we would see from there a steady and strong rise in the stock markets.

    B) I also have suggested that after this spring, gold and the PM's would enter into a long cyclically weak period lasting a year and a half to two years. I have further suggested, that the USD would remain paradoxically quite strong going forward, and that it would ultimately sharply outstrip the EURO.

    C) I have suggested that in 2011-2012 gold and silver begin to blast off, but not "right now" like all the helplessly goldbuggy people keep saying.

    D) I have suggested that in the US, the nominal bottom in housing prices will materialize in 2009.

    E) I have suggested that the USD will remain suprisingly strong, over as much as the next couple of years. I suggest also that at some point the EURO will descend to less than 80. US cents.

    F) I have suggested that with a year's hindsight from now, we will clearly see that March 2009 marked THE LOW - in fact, that it has marked out a 60 year low, with a comparable last low in 1948-1949.

    G) I have suggested that a year, or 18 months from now, we can look back and see the bottom was in, and the trajectory going forward will describe another parabolic bull run in the US stock indexes.

    H) I've suggested per David Bensimon, that the oil price would collapse in 2008 then soar well past $100 going into 2010, then collapse again, only to rise very sharply to over $300 by the mid teens of this next decade. Please bear with me on this one, I have not checked the old posts and need to re-check those numbers and the calendar periods marked.

    These suggestions are extremely clear, very unambiguous, very audacious (means risky - for me to make!!). There is very little "fudge" here at all.


    NOW. Please listen to what I am saying here and reflect on it. When the USD is rising smartly, and the markets are rising smartly, people here shut up about how "wrong and specious" I am on these calls. Then when the markets begin to sag ominously you guys begin to get all restless and fidgety and you smell blood and sally out with the foxhunt calls and the hunt dogs, insisting that this all "proves" that my suggestions have been completely specious.

    But the point lost in all the hullabaloo, and the copious Metalman caricatures of my above suggestions, is that these are not trends that prove out in one week or the next week, or even the week after that. The markets gyrate very hard - we went from an environment a few weeks ago, of the markets and the USD soaring, while gold was plunging, and then just **a few weeks later** where the markets are looking ominously soft, the dollar is plunging, and gold is soaring.

    Meantime, I am watching you guys, and every time we get one of those abrupt shifts in the weekly markets, people like Metalman start running around in noisy agitation braying "See? I told you! Lukester's suggestions are all wet, because exactly the opposite is happening!!".

    This is NONSENSE. You can't discern any damn thing at all getting swayed violently from one extreme to the other like this. For you guys, every week's gyrations in the markets is "rock solid proof" of whatever trend that week is pointing in. You are getting led around by the nose with these market drection changes, and your emotional reaction to market ups and downs convinces you every month that "a new macro trend is emerging which totally disproves what Luke suggested".

    Regarding Bensimon's calls on oil: It's certainly possible that Bensimon messed up his dates - but the larger point is the harshly spastic, violently up and down calls that he's made for the oil price action - to unfold in three distinct steps - but these calls have a **multi-year** timeline. You can't look at the price of oil every other week and say "see! Oil's not doing what Bensimon said, so he's an idiot!". To do that repeatedly is just puerile. You have to **wait** at least a couple of years, before you can clearly see the approximate correctness (or not) of his macro call.

    The calls above are not just really clear and unambiguous - you may also consent to notice, that none of them "predicts" something that is going to occur "next week" or "next month". Got it?? So when you read all the denunciations of how specious my suggestions have been, look at the calendar, look at the calendar timeline of the above suggestions, and note that you still have a **couple of years** to wait for the broad outline of these things to prove out.

    I'm really sick and tired of the myopic, week to week "verifications" which some of you so called hard-boiled skeptics (more like agitated people merely getting emotionally upset every time the markets take a savage swing) are employing here. They appear to me just plain stupid. Like you can't understand that anyone making a "prediction" about what's going to happen next week is an idiot. No serious forecasting goes that short. The serious suggestions are macro calls, that run for years, and take years to develop and ascertain.

    Lastly, please really careful note of this, if you can get past the flatulence of Metalman's constant attempts to paint me with ridicule - In November of last year, I started posting multiple comments stating that March - April would be the turn window of note to watch. I stated categorically that "we would see a significant and remarkable transformation from there going forwards, and that in retrospect this would mark the lows". We are there now.

    We have just passed that time period. Here is a chance for you to carefully track one of my larger suggestions to see if it turned out in hindsight to have any merit. I'm going to dig up a full DOZEN of my posts stretching back across the past six months clearly and explicitly calling for this point # F), as well as the other various explicit points, and I will post them below, for your inspection this weekend.

    Now WAIT. Just WAIT and WATCH, to see how this one suggestion works out, by the end of 2009. If I turn out completely vindicated, then please have the good grace and honesty to come back to this post and acknowledge it to me explicitly. I am quite confident of my general outlook on this point, and I expect to be fully vindicated on this question. My question rather is whether people like Metalman will have the honesty to step forward and acknowledge ANY of the above forecasts if they materialise.

    I think forecast number F) is on track to pan out no problem. But you guys need to abandon the puerile, every-other-week updates on the speciousness of Lukester suggestions and give it until the end of 2009 to recognize point # F was right the f234k on the money!!

    You wrote: "You just carry on with a full-throated defense of whatever shiny new analysis caught your eye that day"

    You guys are giving me a real headache. But it is not of the serious questions variety. It is of the specious questions variety.


    Originally posted by WDCRob View Post
    Luke, I think the issue here is that you lurch from newsletter to newsletter and analyst to analyst with nothing to moor you to an idea a theory or anything remotely consistent.

    And you have been flat out, on-the-record WRONG many times in the past couple years, but never seem to approach your next prognostication with any humility or recognition of the fact. Especially with regard to your accuracy vs iTulip's positions - which to my mind have overall been shockingly good so far (particularly when you look beyond the specifics to the underlying themes).

    You just carry on with a full-throated defense of whatever shiny new analysis caught your eye that day - like the one above - as if nothing had come before.
    Last edited by Contemptuous; May 22, 2009, 03:19 PM.


    • #77
      Re: Laszlo Birinyi calls it - new bull market running 3+ years - Jeez, I suggested it 6 months ago!

      Metalman - it is actually your rather wooden, and constant caricaturing which is pernicious, and ultimately "useless". You have done more damage to my expressed views via endless other examples of the below caricaturing than the entire rest of this community. I already asked you to put a cork in the endless self appointed iTulip policeman schtick, and you seemed to accept the suggestion ... for about a week. I guess the urge to shine that way is just to big for you to keep bottled up, eh?

      I've had a bellyful of it buddy. Knock it off. I am === T. I . R . E . D === of reading your caricatures. You understand? Your caricature below, is not any description of the content and original inquiry posed on this thread. This thread suggested that ITULIP MAY GET THE BEAR MARKET CONTINUATION CALL WRONG. It is TOO EARLY for you to pass any judgment on the merit of this call. You HAVE TO WAIT until the end of 2009, and trying to suffocate this thread with calls for it's outright erasure meanwhile, are OUT OF LINE.

      Posting "concerned comments" like the one below in response to this thread's original iTulip skeptical inquiry, is BS. Fresh, steaming Metalman tripe. Cork it. It is flatulent.

      Originally posted by metalman View Post
      'this place sucks. the people who come here are morons... i know more than any and all of them do... about everything... like oil and etns. even if they've been in the industry 10 or 40 years... i once read an article about it on so know much more than they ever will... and i'll enlighten them every day... argue with anyone for the sake of arguing, and insult others whenever possible... i can't be bothered to learn how things work around here. who cares? i'm bigger than this place. the proprietors are morons, too. they have no idea what they're talking about. they are always wrong. i am always right. whine, whine, whine, bitch, bitch, bitch,... (2435 words here)... blah, blah, blah...'
      Last edited by Contemptuous; May 22, 2009, 03:32 PM.


      • #78
        Re: Laszlo Birinyi calls it - new bull market running 3+ years - Jeez, I suggested it 6 months ago!

        Originally posted by Lukester View Post
        Dude - where do you get the idea that I am confusing a nominally rising DOW with a DOW rising in real inflation adjusted dollars? Maybe if you could get past the assumption that the person you are discussing this with is plug-stupid, we could get past this large pothole in the road we seem to be sitting in. Alarum, alarum! iTulip "standing axioms" are being impugned! Time to call out the Swiss Guard to "defend" the Papacy!
        I'm not assuming, I'm simply taking you at your word. You triumphally broadcast a prediction of a nominal 88% index gain. Sorry if you think that's "plug-stupid", but you're the one who did it, not me.

        If you intend to prove that nominal value predictions are useful, please do. If you want to back up your claim that you are smarter than everyone else, the floor is yours. And if you'd prefer to save face by making wild accusations, calling everyone else brainwashed and stupid, and refusing to respond to direct requests for clarity, that's your prerogative too.


        • #79
          Re: Laszlo Birinyi calls it - new bull market running 3+ years - Jeez, I suggested it 6 months ago!

          Ah, bite-sized chunks I can digest!

          Originally posted by Lukester View Post
          A) the markets would bottom going into the March-April-May 2009 time period, and the economic situation in the US would appear remarkably more stabilized thereafter, and that we would see from there a steady and strong rise in the stock markets.
          I disagree, but am prepared to entertain the possibility I am wrong in nominal terms. I think economic disintegration has barely begun. Businesses will liquidate. We have the falling tax receipts / high inflation killing business / broke consumer / high unemployment stuff to play out yet.

          B) I also have suggested that after this spring, gold and the PM's would enter into a long cyclically weak period lasting a year and a half to two years. I have further suggested, that the USD would remain paradoxically quite strong going forward, and that it would ultimately sharply outstrip the EURO.
          Disagree. We had our weak period (30% retracement). I think it's now off to the races. The reflation and the Trashury bond collapse is imminent.

          C) I have suggested that in 2011-2012 gold and silver begin to blast off, but not "right now" like all the helplessly goldbuggy people keep saying.
          See above.

          D) I have suggested that in the US, the nominal bottom in housing prices will materialize in 2009.
          Quite possible. Still wouldn't buy yet though, personally.

          E) I have suggested that the USD will remain suprisingly strong, over as much as the next couple of years. I suggest also that at some point the EURO will descend to less than 80. US cents.
          Vs other currencies, quite possible. It will buy jack though.

          F) I have suggested that with a year's hindsight from now, we will clearly see that March 2009 marked THE LOW - in fact, that it has marked out a 60 year low, with a comparable last low in 1948-1949.
          Possible, but see above. Nice clear prediction though.

          G) I have suggested that a year, or 18 months from now, we can look back and see the bottom was in, and the trajectory going forward will describe another parabolic bull run in the US stock indexes.
          Agreed, the nominal bottom will likely be in soon (1-2y). I think in real terms though stocks in general stink and will for years.

          H) I've suggested per David Bensimon, that the oil price would collapse in 2008 then soar well past $100 going into 2010, then collapse again, only to rise very sharply to over $300 by the mid teens of this next decade. Please bear with me on this one, I have not checked the old posts and need to re-check those numbers and the calendar periods marked.
          See my thread here.
          I think stocks will follow as prices are mostly driven by liquidity at the moment.

          I like the nice, clear predicitons you gave above. I would really like to hear the detailed reasoning behind the view. Personally I don't care who the idea comes from, EJ, Birini, whoever, I just look at the reasoning. If it holds water, it's in. Else, bin it.

          It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.


          • #80
            Re: Laszlo Birinyi calls it - new bull market running 3+ years - Jeez, I suggested it 6 months ago!

            Originally posted by Lukester View Post
            Metalman - it is actually your rather wooden, and constant caricaturing which is pernicious, and ultimately "useless". You have done more damage to my expressed views via endless other examples of the below caricaturing than the entire rest of this community.
            Well, you have a point, Lukester, Metalman's caricature of you is a mere shadow of the real thing.

            Chill, man. Treat others as you would they treat you.
            Most folks are good; a few aren't.


            • #81
              Re: Laszlo Birinyi calls it - new bull market running 3+ years - Jeez, I suggested it 6 months ago!

              Originally posted by Lukester View Post
              This thread suggested that ITULIP MAY GET THE BEAR MARKET CONTINUATION CALL WRONG. It is TOO EARLY for you to pass any judgment on the merit of this call. You HAVE TO WAIT until the end of 2009, and trying to suffocate this thread with calls for it's outright erasure meanwhile, are OUT OF LINE.


              • #82
                Re: Laszlo Birinyi calls it - new bull market running 3+ years - Jeez, I suggested it 6 months ago!

                Thanks for laying it all bare.

                Originally posted by Lukester View Post
                So I already have a portfolio all "tuned out" and ready to redeploy into when I'm ready to hit the go button seriously. I think I had / have two opportunities to deploy early into this market if it's going to materialise as a new bull. First opportunity was March / April, without a doubt an extremely low risk point for this reader. Second opportunity may be this summer or going into the fall. We have to re-test the March lows in a large move before a final bottom is confirmed. So a conservative strategy would be to sit tight and look really carefully at the next serious market swoon - then take a bead from that back to the past march 2009, to see what it spells out for the next few years.

                If the next low is clearly above the just passed one, as far as I'm concerned we have just navigated through the sixty year cycle low, as this market collapse was easily big enough to be the "echo" of 1948-1949. I think it's going to be headed up in a notable way, and due to the extent of that rise spanning several years, a quite small amount of cash today can buy you a substantial piece of the game two to three years out.
                The allocation is more or less the same as mine, as is the strategy of wait until the bottom has been confirmed. I hold a different opinion about whether we had the bottom though. The reflation cavalry will benefit energy co.s potentially, for instance. The rhetoric though is quite different.

                In fact, it's even closer to EJ's suggested strategy than mine is. Leaving me confused about your so-called contra-contrarianism?

                By their actions they shall be judged etc.
                It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.


                • #83
                  Re: Laszlo Birinyi calls it - new bull market running 3+ years - Jeez, I suggested it 6 months ago!

                  The contra-contrarianism was a joke, pointed at those people here who think contrarianism is worth a damn. Cotrarianism is meaningless. Only independent thinking is worthwhile, which is nothing to do with being reflexively contrarian. My 0.2c.


                  • #84
                    Re: Laszlo Birinyi calls it - new bull market running 3+ years - Jeez, I suggested it 6 months ago!

                    Originally posted by *T* View Post
                    I like the nice, clear predicitons you gave above. I would really like to hear the detailed reasoning behind the view. Personally I don't care who the idea comes from, EJ, Birini, whoever, I just look at the reasoning. If it holds water, it's in. Else, bin it.
                    T, I agree completely.


                    • #85
                      Re: Laszlo Birinyi calls it - new bull market running 3+ years - Jeez, I suggested it 6 months ago!

                      I'm at work. What are you guys doing? The arguments are mostly not mine (of course) - they are a selected cross section of the work of four analysts, who don't use the economic analysis EJ uses to arrive at his conclusions. They use "other techniques", which according to iTulip's best and brightest are "all crap anyway". Meanwhile, two of these analysts have subscription fees for their full services that are over $2500.00 apiece per annum - which is not to say they are superb, but they are able to get away with charging that kind of money. Use your own judgment to conclude if they are on a par with the likes of Mish or Ackerman.

                      I think what might be alternatively quite constructive is this - lets give this all another six months to play out. Nobody is positioned for my hypotheses except me, so I can be the lab rat for this experiment. Obviously things are in a rapid state of flux, so we will have some very revealing indicators in six months as to where this is going. If it looks like some of my main points are coming into effect, I will raise this "where was the data from?" topic and we'll go over it with a fine tooth comb.

                      I've just finished one semester back at University, and am going straight into summer session here in a week. I must have posted two dozen posts into this one thread, and there are a few people here who have seriously worn out my own patience today, as they are "reloaders" after my having previously asked them to desist. I had checked into the ER a couple of weeks ago with a BP of 179/110, due to Rick Bishop advising me to "shoot myself" with his gun, over some comment of such irrelevance I've forgotten what it was. Now on this thread I have a pack of baying chihuahua's gnawing at my legs, and I'm sick and tired of their yapping.

                      I'm well, exercising a lot and taking a lot of ginseng to deal with the stress of a fulltime job, and university while sitting exams weekly against a bunch of 25 year olds. I'm 53 years old, so you could say I was really pushing my limits taking this all on. I wish to take a step back from all this crap right now, so if you don't mind *T*, let's consider this list of projections as "luke - speculative" and see how many of them materialise. All of the tiny "gold will do this next week" and "the price of oil will fall sharply next month" stuff does not mean much. What counts are the broad line projections.

                      As far as I'm concerned, I ***already*** have one large projection, which was made over six months ago, under my belt. That was item # F, and that call will become progressivelly crystal clear as validated I think in just the next 7 months. We made the definitive *nominal* low this past March, and that will become very clear in a year's time. As for all the "but in inflation adjusted terms it means nothing" palaver - I regard this sort of talk as a wonderfully pliable way to make the data later on say anything one wants it to. Of course it will be inflation adjusted.

                      That is a mechanical, dogmatic, axiomatic comment which does not clarify much of anything about the relationship between inflation ramping and a stock market rising or falling. To suggest they are even remotely linear is just plain stupid. Therefore deductively, that means the markets can **do anything** provisionally, absolutely regardless of inflation rising. Their relationship is *not linear*.

                      Let's see meanwhile how that projection # F firms up, and the others firm up over the remaining 7 months of this year.

                      Let the chips fall. My suggestions are crystal clear. I will be evaluated by these events quite well within 8-12 months time, and I'll still be on these pages (presumably - unless I go berserker from listening to yapping chihuahua's).
                      Last edited by Contemptuous; May 22, 2009, 05:12 PM.


                      • #86
                        Re: Laszlo Birinyi calls it - new bull market running 3+ years - Jeez, I suggested it 6 months ago!

                        Originally posted by Lukester View Post
                        The contra-contrarianism was a joke, pointed at those people here who think contrarianism is worth a damn. Cotrarianism is meaningless. Only independent thinking is worthwhile, which is nothing to do with being reflexively contrarian. My 0.2c.
                        geez, once again, missing the point. what happened to the old lukester who used to 'get' itulip? did you forget what you used to know or did someone replace you?

                        in economics/finance, contrarian = independent of wall street sales & marketing... stocks and houses, stocks and houses, stocks and houses...

                        do NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES sit in GOLD and TREASURIES for 7 years to make 302%... NO! buy and hold stocks and make 9% over the same period... or... better yet... trade, trade, trade, trade, trade, churn, churn, churn, trade, churn, trade, churn, trade, churn, trade, churn... fees, fees, fees, fees, fees, taxes, fees, taxes, fees, taxes, fees...

                        itulip is anti-trading. against it. that's as contrarian as you can get. a pro-trading stance is not independent... it's 100% wall street/cnbc think, wall street/cnbc mindset, buying into to bullshit.

                        you know how you'll know this bear market is officially over? when all of the traders are gone and no one... not even you... will touch stocks because they're radioactive... guaranteed to lose your money.


                        • #87
                          Re: Laszlo Birinyi calls it - new bull market running 3+ years - Jeez, I suggested it 6 months ago!

                          I'm getting tired of you this week buddy. You need to go talk to somebody else right now. All the reiteration of nostrums and hoary iTulip insights from the libraries. Somebody else.


                          • #88
                            Re: Laszlo Birinyi calls it - new bull market running 3+ years - Jeez, I suggested it 6 months ago!

                            Lukester, you're a funny guy.

                            You post a schoolyard level taunt complete with name dropping aimed at EJ, the Freds and 90-97% of the regular posters. There is nothing by the way of NEW analysis or reasoning to back up the prediction in the post, just a re-hash of prior recent predictions.

                            What kind of response were you expecting?

                            Cue up the righteous indignation, the victim card and the world's tiniest violin!


                            • #89
                              Re: Laszlo Birinyi calls it - new bull market running 3+ years - Jeez, I suggested it 6 months ago!

                              Lukester, Metalman, PLEASE put each other on your ignore list.
                              It's Economics vs Thermodynamics. Thermodynamics wins.


                              • #90
                                Re: Laszlo Birinyi calls it - new bull market running 3+ years - Jeez, I suggested it 6 months ago!

                                Originally posted by Lukester View Post
                                I'm getting tired of you this week buddy. You need to go talk to somebody else right now. All the reiteration of nostrums and hoary iTulip insights from the libraries. Somebody else.
                                reiterated for the forgetful, for those distracted by reading and listening to soothsayers and magicians. if i didn't like you i'd not bother. good luck.

