Re: PaNu - The paleolithic nutrition argument clinic
Well...what does turd research suggests? Sorry, forgot the scientific name for human leftovers found in the 'outhouses' in old caves. Did these folks consume a large diet of wild grains and/or wildlife? Are there any conclusions that can be reached about their health based on diet? Or...are there too few DNA dead bones and ancient turds around to come to a conclusion. On the other hand, we have a number of these on wall street we could do that should suffice for some comparative research.
Well...what does turd research suggests? Sorry, forgot the scientific name for human leftovers found in the 'outhouses' in old caves. Did these folks consume a large diet of wild grains and/or wildlife? Are there any conclusions that can be reached about their health based on diet? Or...are there too few DNA dead bones and ancient turds around to come to a conclusion. On the other hand, we have a number of these on wall street we could do that should suffice for some comparative research.