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Second Amendment Related

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  • Second Amendment Related

    Here is a copy of an email that was forwarded to me via other multiple forwards so I can not vouch personally for the enlisted man that supposedly initiated it. If true, it strengthens the concern that some form of national gun registration is inevitable. There may be an interesting Supreme Court battle in our future due to the Second Amenedment (right to bear arms) and Tenth Amendment (State rights) implications.

    Very interesting......
    Subject: FW: and so it begins....

    FYI - Be aware of what is coming.

    HEADS UP!!
    I am an 11B (infantry) currently assigned at Fort Campbell. I live off post, with my firearms(which I don't bring on post for any reason).
    A very frightening thing happened at work yesterday. I was ordered to fill out a list containing my firearm information. This included make, model, caliber, and serial number of all firearms I currently possess. In addition, I was also required to list registration information, location of all weapons individually, and information regarding any CCW permits I possess.
    If you are like me, then the people you work with know you have firearms, so I had to list at least some . I tried to talk to my 1sgt. (who is normally approachable through proper channels) to find out what this is for, and I was basically told, "I don't give a !&@% , just put your info on the form."
    I don't know how high this goes, but I am hearing that this is going on in other units at Fort Campbell as well. It just seems a little coincidental to me that within 90 days: the most anti-firearm President in history is inaugurated, some of the nastiest anti-firearm laws are put on the table in Washington, and then the Army comes around wanting what amounts to a registration on all firearms, even if they are off post, without providing any reason or purpose as to why.
    I fear something really nasty is blowing in the wind here.
    I have been in almost 8 years, and never have any of my units asked for this information. If any of you out there have any info as to what all this crap is about please chime in. Otherwise consider yourself warned.
    I have already posted this on every other firearm forum I am a member of to get the word out.
    "...the western financial system has already failed. The failure has just not yet been realized, while the system remains confident that it is still alive." Jesse

  • #2
    Re: Second Amendment Related

    Originally posted by rjwjr View Post
    Here is a copy of an email that was forwarded to me via other multiple forwards so I can not vouch personally for the enlisted man that supposedly initiated it. If true, it strengthens the concern that some form of national gun registration is inevitable. There may be an interesting Supreme Court battle in our future due to the Second Amenedment (right to bear arms) and Tenth Amendment (State rights) implications.

    Very interesting......
    Subject: FW: and so it begins....

    FYI - Be aware of what is coming.

    HEADS UP!!
    I am an 11B (infantry) currently assigned at Fort Campbell. I live off post, with my firearms(which I don't bring on post for any reason).
    A very frightening thing happened at work yesterday. I was ordered to fill out a list containing my firearm information. This included make, model, caliber, and serial number of all firearms I currently possess. In addition, I was also required to list registration information, location of all weapons individually, and information regarding any CCW permits I possess.
    If you are like me, then the people you work with know you have firearms, so I had to list at least some . I tried to talk to my 1sgt. (who is normally approachable through proper channels) to find out what this is for, and I was basically told, "I don't give a !&@% , just put your info on the form."
    I don't know how high this goes, but I am hearing that this is going on in other units at Fort Campbell as well. It just seems a little coincidental to me that within 90 days: the most anti-firearm President in history is inaugurated, some of the nastiest anti-firearm laws are put on the table in Washington, and then the Army comes around wanting what amounts to a registration on all firearms, even if they are off post, without providing any reason or purpose as to why.
    I fear something really nasty is blowing in the wind here.
    I have been in almost 8 years, and never have any of my units asked for this information. If any of you out there have any info as to what all this crap is about please chime in. Otherwise consider yourself warned.
    I have already posted this on every other firearm forum I am a member of to get the word out.
    Like all republican scare-monger e-mails, it takes a kernel of truth and wraps it in a deliciously thick layer of bullshit.

    Always use

    Snopes does not enable copy-and-paste, so you'll have to click the link and read the info. The memo was sent out because of a number of tragic accidents by servicemen who weren't properly trained on their personal firearms. The memo was written by a single commander, was quickly rescinded, and the Deputy Commanding General issued a "cease and desist" order to any commanders who may have been contemplating similar memos.



    • #3
      Re: Second Amendment Related

      I find the fact that US military personnel are accidentally discharging firearms so often that its a problem to be the most troubling part of all this. What's that say about the firearms training they are getting? I know these are probably not all combat troops, but I learned this stuff by the time I was 11 years old.

      Any why would the officer who wrote the memo need serial numbers, etc? What would having that in advance accomplish? Something still smells fishy about that story.

      My first thought after reading the original post was to consult Snopes also. Sounded unbelievable.


      • #4
        Re: Second Amendment Related

        Originally posted by jimmygu3 View Post
        Like all republican scare-monger e-mails, it takes a kernel of truth and wraps it in a deliciously thick layer of bullshit.

        Always use

        Snopes does not enable copy-and-paste, so you'll have to click the link and read the info. The memo was sent out because of a number of tragic accidents by servicemen who weren't properly trained on their personal firearms. The memo was written by a single commander, was quickly rescinded, and the Deputy Commanding General issued a "cease and desist" order to any commanders who may have been contemplating similar memos.

        All due respect, Jimmy, but the reason it was sent-out was due to "servicemen who weren't properly trained on their personal firearms"??!! You don't need to be conservative or liberal to smell something fishy in that statement.

        These are professional soldiers for Christ's sake. Killing machines. Weapons experts. Well trained fighting men and women. The explanation you reference doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

        Remove your "I-hate-republicans" goggles and take another look at the BS you choose to believe here. At least I noted that the post I was making may be BS, and posted it in rumors. You, on the other hand, take an obviously BS statement and treat it as fact...typical liberal (yes, I too have a pair of goggles although they are a different color than yours).
        "...the western financial system has already failed. The failure has just not yet been realized, while the system remains confident that it is still alive." Jesse


        • #5
          Re: Second Amendment Related

          Originally posted by rjwjr View Post
          All due respect, Jimmy, but the reason it was sent-out was due to "servicemen who weren't properly trained on their personal firearms"??!! You don't need to be conservative or liberal to smell something fishy in that statement.

          These are professional soldiers for Christ's sake. Killing machines. Weapons experts. Well trained fighting men and women. The explanation you reference doesn't make any sense whatsoever.

          Remove your "I-hate-republicans" goggles and take another look at the BS you choose to believe here. At least I noted that the post I was making may be BS, and posted it in rumors. You, on the other hand, take an obviously BS statement and treat it as fact...typical liberal (yes, I too have a pair of goggles although they are a different color than yours).
          Did you read the Snopes article? Perhaps I paraphrased it incorrectly and got your cackles up. Are you implying that I should cast the same doubt on a well-researched snopes article as you do on a chain e-mail? The difference is not liberal vs conservative, it is truth vs lies.

          Your logic: All US service members are "killing machines" and "weapons experts", therefore the notion that a tragic accident occurred because at least one service member was using a weapon without proper training is a "BS statement". The Camp Pendelton Public Affairs Director must be lying.

          Why is it so hard to understand that a commander stepped over the line, demanding personal firearm information, and that request was found to be in violation of the soldeirs' constitutional rights? The system worked. The second amendment is alive and well. But add a few anti-Obama lines and it makes a really great red-meat e-mail forward anyway.

          I get forwarded about 10 times as many libelous republican e-mails as libelous liberal ones. Don't you? And yes, I even check out the ones I agree with. The authors bank on the readers' lack of skepticism when presented with a story that fits their beliefs. Liberals, for better or worse, tend to not see the world as black-and-white, and are generally more interested in digging deeper to divine the facts. See John Kerry answering a "yes or no" question for evidence why this trait is not always an asset.

          We all have to fight our "goggles". I appreciate your initial skepticism about this story and hope you read the snopes article.

          Last edited by jimmygu3; May 11, 2009, 11:30 AM.

