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Baby who died from the flu in Texas was from Mexico

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  • Baby who died from the flu in Texas was from Mexico

    The baby who died in Texas from the flu, and who was proclaimed as the first victim of the flu in the US, had actually traveled from Mexico for treatment -- so no real US deaths yet, in spite of the press hype.

    Nearly a week after the threat emerged in Mexico, where up to 159 people have died, a U.S. official said on Wednesday a 23-month-old had died in the state bordering Mexico. A health official said the baby was Mexican and was in the United States for medical treatment.
    Last edited by Sharky; April 29, 2009, 09:58 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Baby who died from the flu in Texas was from Mexico

    Yup it's clearly a scare pumping campaign. This is the New York Time coverage:

    First U.S. Death From Swine Flu Is Confirmed

    President Obama confirmed the first death outside of Mexico from swine flu on Wednesday, and recommended that schools with confirmed or suspected cases of the disease “strongly consider temporarily closing.”
    Dr. Richard Besser, acting director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said Wednesday in an interview with CNN that the first American death of the disease was a 23-month-old child in Texas. He gave no other details about the child. President Obama said his “thoughts and prayers” were with the child’s family.
    Cheesus! We are all going to die!!! OMG!!! Aporkalipse Now!

    Actually the story is a little bit different:

    HOUSTON — Texas' health officials say the first confirmed death in the U.S. from swine flu was a toddler from Mexico City who died in Houston.
    The Texas Department of State Health Services said the boy had underlying health problems when he traveled to Texas on April 4 to visit relatives in Brownsville, which is on the border with Mexico. He developed a fever and other flu symptoms on April 8 and was admitted to a Brownsville hospital a few days later.
    He was later transferred to a hospital in Houston, where local officials said he died Monday night.
    Todler from Mexico with underlying health problems + flu symptoms + falling ill in an American border town= first death in the US

    We should all start running scared.


    • #3
      Re: Baby who died from the flu in Texas was from Mexico

      I posted this on another thread, but I think it bears mentioning here also

      A member of the World Health Organisation (WHO) has dismissed claims that more than 150 people have died from swine flu, saying it has officially recorded only seven deaths around the world.
      I really hope this whole thing is not being blown out of proportion for ulterior motives.


      • #4
        Re: Baby who died from the flu in Texas was from Mexico

        Originally posted by flintlock View Post

        I really hope this whole thing is not being blown out of proportion for ulterior motives.
        You mean like turn the declining trend of newspaper sales?

        Here's the way I see it: if it actually does get bad little people like me won't have any chance of getting help. Might as well not worry about it unless you have a habbit of licking public door knobs or something.


        • #5
          Re: Baby who died from the flu in Texas was from Mexico

          I don't know about licking doorknobs, but definitely somebody is licking Saddam's aluminium tubes .

          I'm curious what is this pandemic smoke screen for.... That is the interesting question. It has to be a cover for some sort of a scam and while we are all distracted and yelling "OMG!!!" the swine behind this pandemic scare will make a move. I'm thinking at several options:
          - Stealth pushing of carbon tax legislation
          - Stealth introduction of another form of bailout (or other fraudulent dispensing of taxpayer money)

          I don't know. Anybody has other ideas?


          • #6
            Re: Baby who died from the flu in Texas was from Mexico

            Originally posted by $#* View Post
            I don't know. Anybody has other ideas?
            Or it is simply media fear mongering for the sheer virtue of profit.


            • #7
              Re: Baby who died from the flu in Texas was from Mexico

              Originally posted by BadJuju View Post
              Or it is simply media fear mongering for the sheer virtue of profit.
              I don't know BadJuju, when the maistream media is in lockstep dispensing the same BS as the official government line... we end up being scamed one way or the other. This doesn't seem to be OJ'ing for profit, it looks to me more like media yellowcacking .


              • #8
                Re: Baby who died from the flu in Texas was from Mexico

                Yeah, CDC just bumped it up another level to 5 out of 6, so if its just media hype, the government is playing along with it. I think it may be a case of the government sensing the media hype, being afraid to understate things. Nobody likes to be second guessed and worst case they can claim they acted cautiously. But unless something new is up, we have about 7 confirmed deaths from this and less than 1000 cases, so hardly a pandemic it makes. Yet. No doubt it has the potential, but something just doesn't seem right about the way this has been covered. Like stories about airline passengers just turning out to be drunk. Come on, they can't tell the difference between flu and drunk? :rolleyes:


                • #9
                  Re: Baby who died from the flu in Texas was from Mexico

                  Originally posted by flintlock View Post
                  Come on, they can't tell the difference between flu and drunk? :rolleyes:
                  Yes, now I can get away with all the drinking and driving I want! If I get pulled over by a cop, I will simply say, "I got swine flu, man, save yourself!"


                  • #10
                    Re: Baby who died from the flu in Texas was from Mexico

                    Ha, good one.


                    • #11
                      Re: Baby who died from the flu in Texas was from Mexico

                      Perhaps another way to look at this would br to pray for the family of the child.

                      You think?


                      • #12
                        Re: Baby who died from the flu in Texas was from Mexico

                        To get a good overview and understanding of the situation here is a good article by Dr. Mercola:



                        • #13
                          Re: Baby who died from the flu in Texas was from Mexico

                          Originally posted by cindykimlisa View Post
                          Perhaps another way to look at this would br to pray for the family of the child.

                          You think?
                          You are absolutely right. Thanks for the reminder.


                          • #14
                            Re: Baby who died from the flu in Texas was from Mexico

                            Applause for you! Lets morn the boy. I have a son here who is extreemly suseptible to the flu. Last time he got one he needed hospitalization. I'm very nervous.

                            why are all the deaths in mexico? first guess they did not have access to health care? now we have someone who was sick and had health care and did not make it. Was he too far gone? Is this the same strain in mexico as else where or a more virulent one?

                            I looked at the bbc world map, and i think there are less than 200 cases world wide. Whats the panic?


                            • #15
                              Re: Baby who died from the flu in Texas was from Mexico

                              Originally posted by charliebrown View Post
                              Applause for you! Lets morn the boy. I have a son here who is extreemly suseptible to the flu. Last time he got one he needed hospitalization. I'm very nervous.
                              I hope your son handles this well! I am sure he will, though.

